The first page of this workbook introduces kids to the basics of writing a letter, including how to structure greetings and closings properly. It explains that a greeting, also known as a salutation, should be polite and appropriate for the recipient. For example, children might use "Dear [Name]" for a more formal letter or "Hi [Name]" for a letter to a friend. The closing, on the other hand, is the final part of the letter and should convey a sense of respect or affection, depending on the relationship with the recipient. Examples of typical closings include "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours truly" for formal letters, and "Love," "Your friend," or "Cheers" for informal ones. After this explanation, the workbook provides multiple-choice questions to help kids practice selecting the correct greetings and closings, reinforcing their understanding through interactive learning.

On the final page, children will apply what they've learned by rewriting a short letter. They must ensure the letter is in the correct format and uses appropriate commas.