This narrative is a simple, playful tale about four friends - Kevin, Gavin, Anna, and Emma - having a meal together. Kevin enjoys his jello, Gavin munches on pretzels, and Anna relishes her apple. However, Emma forgets her lunch, forcing Miss Kay to share her goldfish, leading Emma and Kevin to put their goldfish into water and jello. The tale concludes with Gavin generously sharing his pretzels as they set off on a fishing expedition.
The story contains a total of 73 words. This story is suitable for early readers at a kindergarten or 1st-grade reading level. The syntax is simple, and the vocabulary is limited, making it easy for young readers to understand. Some potentially challenging words for early readers could be "Gavin," "pretzels," "forgot," and "goldfish." The story also introduces children to the concept of sharing, as shown by Gavin sharing his pretzels. The story demonstrates the use and understanding of verbs such as 'sits,' 'eats,' 'gives,' 'puts,' and 'shares.'