This Groundhog's Day story invites readers into the adventurous life of Little Lucas, who, spurred by a phone call about Tim attending a party, sets off with Molly to find Tim. The search leads them to a Groundhog Day celebration. At the event, the star groundhog goes missing. Lucas takes on his superhero alter-ego, Super Little Lucas, and rescues the groundhog from a passing train. Drawing cheers and claps from the crowd, Lucas successfully restores the groundhog to its home, and everyone anxiously awaits the groundhog's annual prediction.
The story is of short to medium length, at 136 words. The vocabulary is simplistic and appropriate for early-grade readers. The word "groundhog" might be unfamiliar and require some explanation about the creature and its association with Groundhog's Day. Other challenging words could include "missing" and "shadow."