The story follows a young girl named Pam, who is determined to outplay her tall father in their yearly birthday basketball game. Encouraged by her friend, Jenna, and a pair of strange glasses worn by their friend, Justin, Pam formulates an imaginative plan to outsmart her father and win the game. The unexpected help from an eight-foot-tall robot furthers her victory. The story concludes with Pam and Justin attending a dance, humorously reflecting on the unusual glasses that both kickstarted Pam's ingenious plan and facilitated their burgeoning relationship.
This story has a total of 952 words. It contains some harder words that early readers might struggle with, including "annual," "convince," "jealous," "upcoming," "sudden," "rebound," "versus," and "reasons." The story introduces concepts of friendly competition, making assumptions, foresight, and creativity, which may need to be explained to children. Also, teachers could discuss sportsmanship, the value of practice, and using strategy to achieve goals.