The story follows two elementary school friends, Ben and Cam, along with their classmate Jack. They embark on a school field trip to Sea Life Land. Jack dresses as a clownfish. After numerous educational exhibits filled with note-taking and laughter, Jack finds himself in trouble when he jumps into the clownfish aquarium to swim with the fish and quickly realizes he can't swim. An employee promptly rescues him. The day ends with his friends agreeing to teach him to swim so he can safely satisfy his adventurous spirit next time.
The story contains 1992 words. The story is suitable for children in the elementary school range of 3rd to 5th grade. The simple sentence structures and familiarity of the school trip setting make it easy for this age group to comprehend, while the information on sea animals introduces some educational elements. Vocabulary that may be challenging for early readers includes "absolutely," "settled," "booming," "surprised," "striped," "sewn," "clownfish," "journal," "mammals," "reptiles," "species," "dolphin," "bottlenose," "exclaimed," "tremendous," "orca," "exhibit," "manta rays," "gills," "cousins," "tropical," "aquarium," "teased," "confirmed," "rescue," "panicking," and "drowned rat."