Are you ready to tackle some algebraic equations? This worksheet has 11 equations for you to solve using inverse operations. Your mission is to master the use of division, followed by addition or subtraction, to isolate and solve for the variable.

For example, you can use inverse operations to solve for p in the first problem: 4(p - 12) = 16. First, you want to eliminate the 4 outside the parentheses to simplify things. Since the 4 is multiplying everything inside the parentheses, you'll do the opposite and divide both sides of the equation by 4. So, you divide 16 by 4 and get 4. Now your problem looks like this: p - 12 = 4. Next, you want to find out what p is, but it's been subtracted by 12. To get rid of the -12, you do the opposite operation, which is to add 12 to both sides of the equation. When you add 12 to both sides, you get p = 16. So, the secret number is 16!