This narrative revolves around a family named the Sweets who plan to enjoy a show. Tim, one of the main characters, announces when it's time to begin, and off to the gym they go. As they settle in, Miss Little notices a performing clown whose act includes singing and dancing. Enco raging a love for reading, the clown draws in the Sweets. Unexpectedly, Kit, another family member, rises to join the dance, only to realize that she is the only dancer.
The story contains 56 words. Each page comprises a simple sentence ranging from four to eight words. Some words that might be difficult for an early reader include: "Swe ts," "Today," "show," "gym," "little," "look," "clown," "dances," "sings," "tells," "starts," "oops." The story involves mild conflict and humor, which could help spark discussion about emotions and reactions.