This story follows Dan, a lovable monster who is going through a typical day. He begins at home in his room, dashing off to school. However, his day takes a sharp turn when he realizes he's forgotten his bag at home. Once he's got his bag, he hurries once more towards school, but on his way, he falls on a rock. This story showcases Dan's ability to bounce back and find joy in minor mishaps.
The story has a total of 45 words. The words in the story are primarily simple and familiar, making it suitable for early readers. Slightly difficult words for beginner readers might include "monster," "forgot," "falls," and "show and tell." In contrast, words like "rock" and "bag" could offer opportunities to introduce words with different spelling patterns. The actions that Dan, the monster, performs during the story (running, forgetting, falling) could be used to teach verb use and the concept of actions.