The book tells a story about picture day at school orchestrated by an unusually talented robot, Pic. Known for his photography, Pic surprises with unexpected hairdressing and manicuring skills as he navigates the needs of the students. Among the myriad personalities, Justin keeps spirits up with his jovial antics, and Pam provides a touch of drama with her hair-related distress. Finally, after capturing cohesive class pictures, Pic garners the spotlight when he steps in front of the lens, thus closing a memorable day full of laughter.
This story is 114 words long, with words that may be challenging for early readers, including 'pictures,' 'robot,' 'Justin', and 'nails.' There are a few character names in the story (Pic, Justin, Pam, Erin, Robot) that kids need to keep track of, and it follows a sequential order with the advancement of events from individual pictures to a class picture. The story also includes emotion-related words such as 'funny' and 'happy,' which could be a good discussion point to elaborate on feeling words, as well as action words like 'fix,' 'draw,' and 'color,' which can be associated with motor skills. It has a repetitive structure that can predict and anticipate the story's development.