This verb tense exercise challenges students to categorize verbs as past, present, or future. To do so, students should focus on the tense of the verb, which shows when an action has taken place.

Past Tense: The past tense refers to an action or state that previously occurred. In English, we typically add -ed to regular verbs or change the ending for irregular verbs to express the past tense. Examples include walked (regular verb) and swam (irregular verb).

Present Tense: The present tense denotes a current action or state. For regular verbs in English, the present tense involves no change to the base form for plural subjects and adds -s or-es for singular subjects. Examples include run (plural subjects) or runs (singular subjects).

Future Tense: The future tense indicates an action or state that will happen later. In English, will or shall is used with the base form of the verb to express future tense. For example, will run or shall run.