This worksheet allows students to learn how to change singular nouns to plural nouns. At the end of this page, we have some unusual words that end with 'o.' We provide guidelines on how to convert these words into their plural forms.

When you want to make a noun into a plural, which means talking about more than one of something, you usually add an "s" to the end of the word, like "cat" becomes "cats." But if the word ends in "s," "sh," "ch," "x," or "z," you add "es" instead to make it easier to say, like "bus" becomes "buses" and "box" becomes "boxes." So, look at the last letter or letters of the word, and if it ends in one of those unique sounds, add "es"; otherwise, add "s."

When you want to make a noun that ends in "o" plural, like "volcano," "tomato," or "potato," you usually add "es" at the end. So "volcano" becomes "volcanoes," "tomato" becomes "tomatoes," and "potato" turns into "potatoes." However, for some words like "photo" and "piano," you just add an "s" to make them plural, turning "photo" into "photos" and "piano" into "pianos."