This workbook features three more pages, each with words that end in "y." Kids need to figure out how to make the plural of the singular noun and write the plural form in the boxes.

When you have a word that ends in "y," and you want to make it mean more than one, you have to look closely at the letter right before the "y." Here's what you do:

1. **If the letter before the "y" is a vowel (like a, e, i, o, u)**:

- You add an "s" at the end.

- **Example**:

- "Toy" ends with "o" (a vowel) before the "y," so the plural is "toys."

- "Key" ends with "e" (a vowel) before the "y," so the plural is "keys."

2. **If the letter before the "y" is a consonant (a letter that's not a vowel)**:

- You change the "y" to "i" and then add "es."

- **Example**:

- "Baby" ends with "b" (a consonant) before the "y," so the plural is "babies."

- "City" ends with "t" (a consonant) before the "y," so the plural is "cities."

So, just check the letter that comes right before the "y" in the word. If it's a vowel, simply add "s." If it's a consonant, change the "y" to "i" and add "es."