Teaching young kids to write an opinion paragraph involves helping them express their thoughts clearly and reasonably on a specific topic. This worksheet describes the elements of a good opinion paragraph and then includes a writing prompt for kids to write it. They need to learn to start by writing a clear statement that communicates their opinion. This is followed by sentences that provide reasons or evidence to support their opinion. They should also be taught to conclude their paragraph in a way that restates their opinion and summarizes their supporting reasons. Additionally, it's essential to explain the need for polite language, even when expressing a differing opinion.

To write a good opinion paragraph, you start by clearly stating your opinion or what you think about a topic in one sentence, like "I believe dogs are the best pets." This is called the topic sentence. Next, add three or more reasons or examples that explain why you feel this way, like "Dogs are really friendly, they can help keep you active by going on walks, and they make you feel happy when you are sad." These are your supporting sentences. Finally, finish with a sentence that wraps everything up, maybe by restating your opinion in a new way, like "That's why I think dogs are awesome pets." By using these parts-topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence-you can share your ideas clearly and make your opinion paragraph strong!