This is a story about friendship and navigating feelings of jealousy. It focuses on a young girl named Pam, who is friends with both Erin and Tori. Over the course of a playdate, a tinge of jealousy emerges as Erin begins to feel left out. However, through games and shared activities, Pam demonstrates her friendship equally towards both Erin and Tori, ultimately dispelling any feelings of favoritism.
The story is made up of 75 words. Some words that might be challenging for early readers include "pretends," "makeup," "brushes," and "best." The story details friendships and subtle emotions like jealousy, which can provide an opportunity to discuss and learn about understanding and managing emotions. The story also introduces simple activities that kids can do together, such as painting and playing with makeup, which can catalyze discussions about hobbies and the significance of sharing activities with friends.