The story follows a school day when Justin, a latecomer, stirs curiosity among his friends. Close attention is paid to Justin's actions, including a visit to an art store where he buys yellow paper. This simple act, observed by a friend, Tori, breeds speculation among the girls, especially when Justin asks Jenna about Pam's favorite color. A clumsy stunt in class further fuels the girls' suspicion that he is up to something. Amidst the suspense, Justin gives Pam a yellow enveloped card, asking her to be his valentine during recess.
This story is approximately 231 words long, containing several challenging vocabulary words for early readers, such as "pretends," "stumbles," "recess," "envelope," "Valentine," and "imagines." It includes several characters and their different reactions and emotions. It also involves dialogue, making it helpful material for teaching about conversation in stories.