This adventurous children's story revolves around a classroom setting where Ms. Bell, the teacher, introduces her canine, Bob, to the pupils. The narrative then quickly spirals into a lesson about the K-9 Corps, dogs trained during war times. One boy named Brian is transported to a magical place, Gnomeville, where he learns about the parallel gnome version of the K-9, the ways these dogs helped during wars, and the high regard in which they are held.
The story is about 1,900 words long and features some difficult words and phrases for early readers such as "Dachshund," "bulldog," "K-9 Corps," "biscuit," "canine," "Gnoman Shepherd," "Eskignome," "Belgnome Sheepdogs," "Dobergnome Pinschers," "Siberignome Huskies," "Distinguished Service Cross," "Silver Star," "Purple Heart," and "obedience training." The story also involves more advanced concepts, such as the role of dogs in military history (e.g., the K-9 corps in World War II), making it a potential tool to introduce young readers to these topics. Teachers may need to explain the war history, the concept of different dog breeds, and some dog training terminologies beforehand.