The story revolves around Brian, a curious schoolboy, and a gnome named Burt. The tale begins with a class announcement regarding studying the Bill of Rights, a subject Brian has already started exploring with the gnome's assistance. The duo visits 'Gnomeville' using a magic slide where the core of their exploration takes place. Brian learns about the significance of the "Gnomes' Bill of Rights."
The story's 1,935-word length introduces complex words and phrases like 'federal government,' 'amendments,' 'Constitution,' 'press,' 'trial by jury,' and 'court case.' It also presents a variety of concepts that may be new to young readers, such as different aspects of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, meaningful conversations about individual freedoms and governmental powers. This story encourages students to draw parallels between the story's fictional gnome society and their real-world society, enhancing their understanding of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.