The narrative unfolds in a classroom setting where the students are learning about Veteran's Day. The story primarily revolves around Brian and Burt, a gnome. Burt uses a magical device to share an image of his grandpa, a gnome war veteran from the Wiley Woozle War. Through this conversion, Brian can compare the concept of veterans in human's world to those in the gnome realm - courageous individuals who have bravely fought in wars for their nations. The story ends on a positive note where Brian and Burt, having shared their respective veterans' stories, develop a mutual understanding and respect for each other's veterans, fostering empathy and open-mindedness.
This story is 1302 words long. Words that may be difficult for early readers include: "veteran," "armed forces," "drawings," "Afghanistan," "invisible," "recess," "surprise," "uniform," "medals," "wheelchair," "Gnomeville," "mushroom," "magnificence," "Woozle," "fierce," "thistles." The story has a mixture of dialogue and narrative and includes descriptive language. Teachers can use this story to facilitate discussions about Veterans Day, veterans in their families or communities, and being brave.