The story revolves around a class teacher named Ms. Bell who, dressed in colors of the American flag, initiates a lesson on the iconic figure of Betsy Ross. The narrative takes a turn when Ms. Bell and her student Brian travel to a magical place, Gnomeville, after eating magic gnomeberries. In Gnomeville, Ms. Bell learns about the gnome version of Betsy Ross - Gnomesy Moss - and her contribution to her own society. After returning from her enchanting Gnomeville trip, Ms. Bell directs her students to create flags for an imaginary country inhabited by gnomes, blending the day's lesson into a creative assignment.
This story has approximately 1099 words. Difficult words for early readers may include exclaims, supposedly, relatives, mysteries, excitement, seamstress, disturbed, understanding, upholstery, gnomish, and gnomeistory. The story contains references to American history (the creation of the American flag by Betsy Ross) and introduces concepts like symbols and the importance of historical figures.