The story revolves around a third-grade student named Brian who, with the help of a gnome called Burt, experiences an extraordinary journey through history. Brian's teacher, Ms. Libby Bell, introduces the story of George Washington crossing the Delaware River with a plan to build boats and recreate the event. When Brian introduces Burt to Ms. Bell, a new dimension to history unfolds as Burt uses his magic mushroom tool to vividly portray the event on the boats the class previously constructed. The visual representation stirs more interest in history, sparking new teaching ideas for Ms. Bell revolving around the Revolutionary War.
This story is quite long, and it includes 1553 words. This story is suitable for students at a 3rd or 4th-grade reading level. It introduces historical context in a fun, imaginative way while using vocabulary and writing structures appropriate for elementary school students. Some words that might be challenging for early readers are "Revolutionary War," "surprised," "turning point," "freedom," "imagining," "mushroom," "gnomeberries," "scene," "comments," "stream," "exclaims," "dramatic," "appreciate," "thoughtfully," "safely," "appreciate," and "soldiers," among others.