Get ready for some fishy and slimy activities on percentages and fractions! At Ariel's Exotic Fish Shop and Sheldon's Reptile Rescue, you'll be tasked with calculating various types of animals, dispensing shell patch resin to injured tortoises, and finding homes for python snakes. Read the clues and solve the problems. Are you up for the challenge?

Imagine having a delicious chocolate bar you want to share with friends. If you cut it into 4 equal pieces, each piece is one-fourth of the bar, which we can write as the fraction 1/4. When we use decimals, that same piece of chocolate is shown as 0.25. And if you like using percents, 1/4 of the chocolate bar is the same as 25%. So, fractions, decimals, and percents are just different ways to show the same part of the chocolate bar. They help us understand how much we have, no matter how we look at it!