Be expressive! Look at the four pictures on page 1. Can you write an algebraic expression to match each one? At the boutique shop on page 2, write an algebraic expression for each picture and calculate the total of each shopping bag. Don't forget to match the price tag with each item. Lastly, on page 3, read the clues and write your answers as algebraic expressions.

A 6th grader should understand that algebraic expressions are like mathematical phrases that can include numbers, variables (which are symbols like x or y that represent unknown values), and operation signs such as plus (+), minus (-), multiplication (x), and division (÷). They should know how to combine like terms with the same variable raised to the same power and simplify expressions. For example, in the expression 3x + 4 + 2x, they should be able to combine 3x and 2x to get 5x + 4. Additionally, they need to understand the concept of evaluating expressions by replacing the variables with given numbers and performing the operations to find the value. An example would be evaluating 2x + 3 when x = 5, which means substituting 5 for x and calculating 2(5) + 3 to get 13.