This math chapter workbook on "Adding and Subtracting Decimals" includes practice on the place value system, emphasizing the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places to reinforce students' understanding of how decimals relate to whole numbers. To help complete this workbook, teachers should remind kids to align decimals by the decimal point when performing addition and subtraction and reinforce the importance of maintaining proper place value alignment. Students practice adding and subtracting decimals through various exercises, including word problems, to help them relate the concept to real-world scenarios.

Students might encounter problems such as adding 3.45 and 2.67, where they need to align the decimal points vertically before adding each column starting from the right, carrying over if necessary, to get 6.12. Another example could be subtracting 5.2 from 9.75 by aligning the decimal points, borrowing as needed, to find the difference, which is 4.55.

Students also solve word problems like, "If Sarah bought a notebook for $3.45 and a pen for $1.87, how much did she spend in total?" They must add the decimals $3.45 and $1.87 to get $5.32. A challenge question could ask, "If a rope is 7.8 meters long and you cut off 2.35 meters, how much rope is left?" prompting students to subtract 2.35 from 7.8, arriving at 5.45 meters remaining.