The story "A Dozen Famous Mothers" explores various kinds of mothers, highlighting both legendary and historical figures who have earned recognition for their unique contributions to society. It begins with exploring different types of mothers in general. Then it discusses Mother Goose, known for her nursery rhymes, and Old Mother Hubbard from nursery lore. The narrative discusses symbolic figures such as Mother Earth and significant religious figures, including the Blessed Virgin Mary and Ayesha, mother of Muhammad. It also features Eve and Mother Theresa and figures from British history, such as the Queen Mother and Princess Diana. The story concludes with Anna Marie Reeves Jarvis, who played a pivotal role in establishing Mother's Day, celebrating maternal influence universally. Students will learn about influential women like Mother Teresa, who is known for her charitable work, and the Queen Mother of Great Britain. The story introduces them to cultural and religious contexts, as seen with Ayesha and Eve, and provides insights into significant historical impacts, such as the creation of Mother's Day by Anna Jarvis. Overall, the story offers a blend of history, art, and culture to help students appreciate the varied contributions and depictions of mothers across different contexts.