Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Make Puzzles

Make Word Search Puzzles

This advanced word search worksheet maker gives you full control to all the options of your word search printable!
Make Free Word Search Puzzles

Make a Word Search Puzzle (PDF file created)

Enter Title:  

Directions (Optional)

Enter your theme description as if you were searching for information on your theme in a Google search.
This theme name is only used by edHelper to give you word considerations. The theme name will not be printed on the materials you print.

An example of a theme name is solar system.

Another example is Mexico and geography.

Enter theme description: 

Word List
Enter your words (you can click Enter to go from one word to the next):

Click here to add more words
  (space to add up to 50 words will be shown here; your existing data above will remain)

Number of Keys (make more keys to have different versions to give out!)
Select the number of different printables:

Hide each word more than once
"how many times did you find the word?" option
Hide words more than once    
Include page for student to write
how many times they found each word

Word Search Options

Difficulty level selected
Please review the various options and then click the button to make your word search!

Select the difficulty of your word search.
After you have selected the difficulty, you will be able to see all of the word search options!
Change your current difficulty setting.
If you change the difficulty setting, the options for the word search will change below to the level you select.
That includes any changes to settings you made.
Select difficulty:

Missing Letters - Mi?sin? ?e??ers

A missing letters word search puzzle will not give all of the letters in the word list.
Make a missing letters word search puzzle

Options for Mi??ing Le??ers
Include page for student to write the list of words

Number of letters to hide:  

Word Suggestions
Give word suggestions

How many times to find each word
If a word is placed more than once in the puzzle, edHelper will tell the student how many times they must find the word.
Number of times:

How to Hide Words
Backward Words (sdroW drawkcaB):

Letters in Puzzle
Select how to CaPiTaLiZe the letters in the puzzle:
For 2 or more words to be found at once:

Include misspellings in the puzzle (the correct spelling will also be in the puzzle)
Do NOT include any misspellings

Page Layout



Font Size
Select the font size:

Font Style
Font Style:  
Bold Italic

Font color:

Size of the word search
Select the number of letters across:
Select the number of letters down:

Grid Lines (a border around each letter)

Word List
How to show the word list:

Word List Font Size
Select the font size for the word list:

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Leave your suggestions or comments about edHelper!