1. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation.
disseminati |
konshuhsnus |
consciousness |
rational |
dissemenate |
ratinal |
dihsihmuhnayt |
cansciousness |
retional |
ratoinal |
disseminate |
consciuosness |
2. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. An ability to understand a broad range of topics. b. The extent of something from side to side.
megalopalis |
megalapolis |
breadth |
braeth |
migelepolas |
disseminate |
disehmuhnayt |
braedt |
dissemenate |
megalopolis |
3. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Cause to become widely known.
dihsehmuhayt |
ehkuhlayt |
escalete |
disseminate |
escalate |
consciousness |
konshuhsnnuhs |
consciusness |
escalatte |
disseminte |
conssciousness |
disseminaate |
4. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy. b. Inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy.
camaraderi |
braedth |
camaradere |
lethagy |
camaraderie |
kameroduree |
breadt |
lethargy |
letharggy |
breadth |
5. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? A very large urban complex (usually involving several cities and towns).
dihsihmuhnayt |
camaraderie |
megalopalis |
camaraderei |
disseminate |
megalopollis |
mihguhlopuhluhs |
megalopolis |
dissemenate |
komurodurea |
camaradirie |
6. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Maintain or assert. b. Require as useful, just, or proper.
megalopollis |
breadh |
postulati |
megelopolis |
megalopoli |
braedt |
postulate |
postuate |
megalopolis |
pestulita |
breadth |
breadt |