1. |
No one liked the (despicable, malign, vignette), evil man.
2. |
Our family's (grimace, indulge, matriarch) is known for passing down her recipes to all of her daughters and granddaughters.
3. |
Michael's (despicable, felony, malign) nature caused him to have a lonely life with very few friends.
4. |
The judge ordered Alexander to be imprisoned for 8 years for the (felony, indelible, matriarch) he had committed.
5. |
You should never buy (grimace, indelible, indulge) markers for young children.
6. |
Jessica committed a (felony, grimace, malign) when she robbed the store owner while pointing her gun at him.
7. |
Why don't you (indulge, malign, vignette) yourself and have a piece of chocolate cake?
8. |
His (grimace, indulge, matriarch) as the doctor set his broken bone let us know he was in terrible pain.
9. |
Kylie signs her autograph with a (grimace, indelible, vignette) under her name to give it some flair.
10. |
Experts advise parents not to (indulge, malign, matriarch) a child's every whim.
11. |
The (despicable, felony, matriarch) of our family is going to be 100 years old in August.
12. |
If you (felony, grimace, vignette) while you work, we'll know you're working hard.
13. |
Murder is a (despicable, malign, matriarch) crime.
14. |
Jacob made an (despicable, indelible, vignette) mark on the counter that had to be washed off with alcohol.