Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Complete each sentence using the correct word.

1.   John is very (delicate, gale, methodical) when he does math problems.


2.   The United States helped (frivolous, jubilee, liberate) the Afghani people from repression.


3.   The butterfly's (delicate, restrict, transform) wings were pale green.


4.   The cruise ship (Jubilee, Restrict, Transform) will sail to Alaska's Northern Passage in July.


5.   If Mark gets in trouble again, his parents will (decline, liberate, restrict) him to his room.


6.   The tiny sailboat overturned in the (frivolous, gale, jubilee).


7.   If Eric gets in trouble again, his parents will (jubilee, restrict, transform) him to his room.


8.   A new hairstyle will (decline, delicate, transform) your looks.


9.   Seth's health began to (decline, methodical, restrict).


10.   In the nineteenth century, pictures in the press were condemned as (frivolous, liberate, restrict) and misleading.


11.   He will (decline, jubilee, transform) the nomination for President.


12.   Those allegations are false, and his lawsuit is (delicate, frivolous, gale).


13.   He presented himself as the candidate to (jubilee, liberate, methodical) the country from corruption.


14.   Thirty-six states (decline, delicate, restrict) late-night driving by teens.
