Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Grow worse.  
b. Show unwillingness towards.  

declinne resrict restrict
declini ducline dihtihruerayt
restict decline deteriorate
detiriorate deteriorati
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Become worse or disintegrate.  
b. Grow worse.  

decline deteriorate frivoluos
frihvuhluh declie frivvoluos
deteriorete dicline doclene
deteroirate detiriorate frivolous
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
steady, uniform, level, orderly
joobuhlea lubarote liberate
mithodical liberete methodical
methodiccal liberrate methodicl
jubilee jbilee
4.   Which word is the opposite of improve, strengthen, ameliorate?
deteriorete deteriorate gaale
diteroirate deteriorat methodical
gale gele mithodical
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
A strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale.  
resrict deteriorete gale
restrict retrict deteroirate
gele galle gilu
deteroirae deteriorate
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
Place limits on (extent or access).  
restrict retrict liberati
restict deteriorete deteroirate
deteriorate liberate dihtihreurayt
libirate liberrate resrict
7.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
switch, convert, modify, foster, elevate, renew, alter, change, naturalize
methodicel trnsform trasform
transform resrict methodical
retrict methadical restrict
transorm mithodical
8.   Which word is the opposite of serious, earnest, important, grave?
lihurayt dilicate deelicate
frivolous lihburat dihluhkuht
liberate frivoluos frivvoluos
lihburay delicate


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Find each of the following words.

Use the following definitions to figure out which vocabulary words to find.
1. Exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; susceptible to injury.     2. Grow worse.     
3. A strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale.    4. Grant freedom to.     
5. Not serious in content or attitude or behavior.     6. Characterized by method and orderliness.     



Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Write a sentence using the word gale.

2.   Write a sentence using the word decline.

3.   Write a sentence using the word restrict.

4.   Write a paragraph or short story using the words transform, jubilee, deteriorate, liberate, and frivolous.


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to gale?
1  incline, ignore, go, subside, fail, faint, sink, fade, set, lessen, decrease, disintegrate, languish, diminish, reject
2  wind, spasm, tempest, windstorm, storm, scream, blast, squall, tempest
3  lot, moderate, discipline, fate, bound, set, cramp, check, limit
2.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to liberate?
1  appropriate, unstick, ransom, steal
2  fade, diminish, decrease, sink, descend, descend, go, lessen, reject, set, go, flag, collapse, deteriorate, subside
3  exquisite, decorous, subtle, elegant, decrepit, rare, flimsy, fastidious, select, flat, attentive, nice, feeble, direct
3.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to delicate?
1  fade, degenerate, flag, fade, languish, vary, enlarge, slacken, retrograde, worsen
2  routine, deliberate, in hand, systematic
3  gusty, exquisite, fastidious, frail, superior, select, fastidious, delicious, rare, delectable, nice, effeminate, easy, subtle
4.   Which group of words is opposite of decline?
1  improve, strengthen, ameliorate
2  accept, consent, increase, improve, ascend
3  subjugate, capture, confine
5.   gale
1  a. Change in outward structure or looks.  
b. Change from one form or medium into another.  
2  a. Exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; susceptible to injury.  
b. Difficult to handle; requiring great tact.  
3  A strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale.  
6.   decline
1  a. Grant freedom to; free from confinement.  
b. Grant freedom to.  
2  a. Change toward something smaller or lower.  
b. A gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current.  
3  a. Become worse or disintegrate.  
b. Grow worse.  
7.   restrict
1  Place limits on (extent or access).  
2  a. Change in outward structure or looks.  
b. Change from one form or medium into another.  
3  A strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale.  
8.   delicate
1  a. Grant freedom to; free from confinement.  
b. Grant freedom to.  
2  Not serious in content or attitude or behavior.  
3  a. Marked by great skill especially in meticulous technique.  
b. Difficult to handle; requiring great tact.  


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Complete each sentence using the correct word.

1.   The tiny sailboat overturned in the (deteriorate, gale, methodical).


2.   More than 300 different frogs will take center stage during the (delicate, gale, jubilee).


3.   We took care of the injured bird until we could (decline, jubilee, liberate) it.


4.   The company reported a steep (decline, frivolous, gale) in first-quarter profits on lower sales.


5.   Defense teams have often been accused of filing (deteriorate, frivolous, liberate) motions that cause delays.


6.   At 86, she can expect her health to (decline, deteriorate, transform).


7.   I'm a (delicate, deteriorate, methodical) thinker, sometimes to a fault.


8.   John is very (decline, frivolous, methodical) when he does math problems.


9.   The butterfly's (delicate, gale, liberate) wings were pale green.


10.   A new hairstyle will (frivolous, gale, transform) your looks.


11.   He presented himself as the candidate to (liberate, methodical, transform) the country from corruption.


12.   Poor handling can cause the image quality of photos to (decline, delicate, deteriorate).


13.   The cruise ship (Decline, Deteriorate, Jubilee) will sail to Alaska's Northern Passage in July.


14.   Those allegations are false, and his lawsuit is (frivolous, jubilee, transform).



Answer Key
Page 1
1. decline
2. deteriorate
3. methodical
4. deteriorate
5. gale
6. restrict
7. transform
8. frivolous

Page 4
1. 2.
2. 1.
3. 3.
4. 2.
5. 3.
6. 2.
7. 1.
8. 3.

Page 5
1. gale
2. jubilee
3. liberate
4. decline
5. frivolous
6. deteriorate
7. methodical
8. methodical
9. delicate
10. transform
11. liberate
12. deteriorate
13. Jubilee
14. frivolous


Answer Key
Word Search Answer:
 JUBILEE           L 
 E                A  
 T              TC S 
 A             RI  U 
 R            AD   O 
 E           NO    L 
 B          SH     O 
 I         FT      V 
 L        OE       I 
        M          F