1. |
a. Unequivocally detestable. b. Exceptionally bad or displeasing.
abominable |
2. |
Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements.
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3. |
a. Inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense. b. Completely devoid of wisdom or good sense.
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4. |
To agree or express agreement.
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5. |
a. To stress, single out as important. b. Put stress on; utter with an accent.
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6. |
a. Harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters. b. Allow to have.
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7. |
a. Very great; limitless. b. So deep as to be unmeasurable; unfathomable.
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8. |
a. Refrain from voting. b. Choose to refrain.
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9. |
a. Cruel or inhumane treatment. b. Improper or excessive use.
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10. |
a. Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges. b. Behave in a certain manner.
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11. |
Marked by strong resentment or cynicism.
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12. |
a. Grant remission of a sin to. b. Let off the hook.
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13. |
a. A tapering point. b. Shrewdness shown by keen insight.
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14. |
A tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction.
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