7. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Reduce in scope while retaining essential elements.
accoord |
akme |
eccord |
accord |
acmi |
ubrihj |
abridgee |
acme |
abridge |
accard |
abridg |
8. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Speak to someone.
uhbihj |
abtain |
acost |
abtian |
abridge |
accast |
abstain |
absian |
abridgi |
accost |
9. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. To stress, single out as important. b. Put stress on; utter with an accent.
acrimonious |
akruhmohneuhs |
accentute |
ubsird |
aburd |
accentuatte |
asurd |
accintaute |
accentuate |
absurd |
acrimoneous |
10. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Do away with.
akruhmohnuehs |
abusi |
akruhmohneuhs |
abolish |
aboolish |
ibasa |
acrimonious |
abollish |
acrimonius |
abuse |
abalish |
abse |
11. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? A tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction.
acciss |
acolade |
eccolade |
acess |
abtain |
aksehs |
accolade |
abstain |
iccelade |
access |
absian |
12. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Move faster. b. Cause to move faster.
aberration |
obalish |
aberretoin |
aksihlurayt |
accelerate |
accilerate |
abalish |
eberratoin |
iksahlarayt |
abolish |
abirration |