Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. The highest level or degree attainable.  
b. The highest point (of something).  

accoladde akmue auhlayd
accost akme acmi
accast accolade acme
eccolade acost
2.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges.  
b. Behave in a certain manner.  

acquit accolade eccolade
uhbihzzmuhl acqui abysma
acuit accolede accollade
abysmal uhbihzmuhl
3.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
disdain, scorn, be hostile to, detest, detest, loathe, disdain, scorn
abher akruhmohneuhs abhor
akmea acmi akruhmohnuehs
abhur acme acrimonious
4.   Which word is the opposite of disagree, differ, deny, withhold, misfit, conflict?
accord acqiut acentuate
accentuate acquitt accard
acord acquit accentaute
accintuate acqut occord
5.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
To agree or express agreement.  
uhbizmuhl acquisce aberration
ibysmal aborration acquiesce
aberatoin abysmal abirration
uhbihmuhl acquesce
6.   Which word is closest in meaning to this definition?
a. Treat badly.  
b. Use foul or abusive language towards.  

ablish abolish abusse
accelerate abuuse accelerat
abusi aksehluayt abalish
accelirate abuse
7.   Which word is closest in meaning to this group of synonyms?
bear, discharge, deport, forgive, excuse, absolve, justify, clear, comport, purge, vindicate, deport, exonerate, free
aknolih uhbizmuhl aknalihj
iknolehj acqit abysmmal
acquit ecquut acqiut
acknowledge abysmal
8.   Which word is the opposite of convict, indict, sentence, impeach, charge, accuse, constrain?
absolve absolvi abse
aqiut ibasa acquitt
abusi absalve abuse
acqiut acquit


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Find each of the following words.

Use the following definitions to figure out which vocabulary words to find.
1. Grant remission of a sin to.     2. A tapering point.    
3. An optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image.    4. Very great; limitless.     
5. Harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters.    6. Unequivocally detestable.     
7. Marked by strong resentment or cynicism.     8. Do away with.     
9. Inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense.    



Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Write a sentence using the word acquit.

2.   Write a sentence using the word accost.

3.   Write a sentence using the word accord.

4.   Write a paragraph or short story using the words abolish, abysmal, acquiesce, access, and acumen.


Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Vocabulary Lesson 1

1.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to acme?
1  account for, own, accept, defray, consider, allow, agree, credit, hold, deem, recognize, concede, grant, thank, admit
2  curtail, trim, expurgate, cut, deprive, diminish, retrench, reduce, shorten
3  control, ultimate, summit, rise
2.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to abolish?
1  go faster, dispatch, speed up, quicken, bundle, bombard, cleave
2  exterminate, undo, negate, withdraw, eradicate, extirpate, make void, do away with, cancel, demolish, eliminate, vitiate, extirpate, abrogate
3  harm, misuse, exploit, minimize, mistreat, afflict, hurt, berate, take advantage of, impose, mistreatment, discount, molestation, ravage, decry
3.   Which group of synonyms is closest in meaning to abridge?
1  curtail, retrench, diminish, cut, retrench, shorten, abbreviate, cross out, capsule
2  mounting, entry, spell, admission, penetration, turn, advent, onset, eruption, fit, entrance, explosion, burst
3  exploit, milk, pollute, minimize, hurt, harm, misuse, impose, take advantage of, oppress, mistreatment, discount, profanity, decry, mistreat
4.   Which group of words is opposite of acquiesce?
1  normality, normalcy
2  object, disagree, dissent, resist, rebel, demur
3  disagree, differ, withhold, conflict, misfit, deny
5.   aberration
1  a. An optical phenomenon resulting from the failure of a lens or mirror to produce a good image.  
b. A state or condition markedly different from the norm.  
2  a. Inconsistent with reason or logic or common sense.  
b. Completely devoid of wisdom or good sense.  
3  a. Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges.  
b. Behave in a certain manner.  
6.   accentuate
1  a. To stress, single out as important.  
b. Put stress on; utter with an accent.  
2  Marked by strong resentment or cynicism.  
3  a. Refrain from voting.  
b. Choose to refrain.  
7.   abysmal
1  a. The right to enter.  
b. The right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership).  
2  a. Very great; limitless.  
b. So deep as to be unmeasurable; unfathomable.  
3  a. Move faster.  
b. Cause to move faster.  
8.   accelerate
1  To agree or express agreement.  
2  a. A tapering point.  
b. Shrewdness shown by keen insight.  
3  a. Move faster.  
b. Cause to move faster.  


Answer Key
Page 1
1. acme
2. acquit
3. abhor
4. accord
5. acquiesce
6. abuse
7. acquit
8. acquit

Page 4
1. 3.
2. 2.
3. 1.
4. 2.
5. 1.
6. 1.
7. 2.
8. 3.


Answer Key
Word Search Answer:
               S  A  
              U  B   
             O  O    
  DNUOBA    I  M     
  R N      NT I      
  O I     OR N       
  C A    MO A        
  C T   IB B         
  A S  RA L          
    B C  E           