1. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? A patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments.
kenvuhs |
cenvass |
hypochondiac |
banel |
kanvuhs |
hypochondraic |
hypachondriac |
banal |
canvass |
benal |
buhnal |
hypochondriac |
2. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. An interruption in the intensity or amount of something. b. A missing piece (as a gap in a manuscript).
hitus |
haitus |
hypochondriac |
haituss |
hypocchondriac |
hypochonraic |
laconic |
hiatus |
laconi |
licinoc |
leconic |
hiepuhkondreeak |
3. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Obvious and dull. b. Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse.
lconic |
mawruhbuhn |
lacanic |
moribud |
moribund |
banal |
murubund |
buhno |
laconic |
baanal |
buhnal |
4. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign. b. The mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete.
mribund |
cenvass |
canvass |
moribund |
maribund |
kaanvuhs |
disert |
dihzurt |
kanvus |
desirt |
desert |
5. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? A means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness.
lokanihk |
benediction |
lokoonihk |
benedactian |
binedictoin |
salvatoin |
bennedictoin |
selvation |
salvetion |
leconic |
salvation |
laconic |
6. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. A place that is very dry and hot. You may find a cactus plant growing here! b. An arid region with little or no vegetation.
benedictoen |
mooribund |
desert |
dihzurt |
benedictoin |
deser |
moribbund |
benediction |
moribud |
moribund |
7. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Not growing or changing; without force or vitality. b. On the point of death; breathing your last.
moribun |
lokanihk |
moribund |
falloww |
laconic |
falow |
falloh |
fallow |
likonihk |
mirobind |
morribund |
8. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. The act of praying for divine protection. b. A ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection.
benidiction |
salvatoin |
cenvass |
salvation |
benediction |
canvass |
benidictoin |
benedicteon |
kenvuhs |
salatoin |
salvationn |
kanvuhs |
9. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season. b. Undeveloped but potentially useful.
fallaw |
falooh |
benediction |
fallow |
benedictoin |
lacoonic |
laconic |
lacnic |
benedicteon |
follaw |
leconic |
10. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Brief and to the point; effectively cut short.
salvation |
salvatoin |
sulvatoin |
benediction |
binediction |
lokanihk |
benedicteon |
salvatio |
benedictoin |
laconic |
laconnic |
lacoic |
11. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. The act of praying for divine protection. b. A ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection.
fallow |
moribund |
falloh |
mawruhbund |
morabund |
fulluw |
benedicteon |
moribun |
fallo |
benedictoen |
benedictoin |
benediction |