Sample Vocabulary Lesson 1 Worksheet
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Word List


  bane   (bn) noun    A cause of misery or death.   "the bane of my life"

  cadence   (kdns) noun   
1.  A recurrent rhythmical series.
2.  A rising and falling sound; modulation.

  careen   (k�rn) noun,verb   
1.  Pitching dangerously to one side.
2.  Walk as if unable to control one's movements.
3.  Move sideways or in an unsteady way, as of a ship or a vehicle out of control.

  circumvent   (s�rkmvnt) verb   
1.  Surround so as to force to give up.
2.  Beat through cleverness and wit.
3.  Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues).

  criterion   (krtrn) noun   
1.  A basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated.
2.  The ideal in terms of which something can be judged.

  subdue   (sbd) verb   
1.  Put down by force, intimidation, or authority.
2.  Hold within limits and control.   "subdue one's appetites"
3.  To gain control over; deal with successfully.
4.  Make subordinate, dependent, or subservient.
5.  Correct by punishment or discipline.

  toxic   (tksk) adjective    Of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison.   "suffering from exposure to toxic substances"

  transcend   (trnsnd) verb    Go beyond or rise above the limits of.

  vanquish   (vngkwsh) verb   
1.  To conquer, defeat, or overcome in battle or conflict.
2.  To subdue or put an end to.

  wheedle    verb    Influence or urge with gentle wording, caressing, or flattering.