1. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Full of or giving praise.
laudatory |
coogent |
unovitible |
cogent |
cogint |
luadatory |
inevittable |
laudatary |
inevetable |
inevitable |
laudtory |
2. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? A state of dishonor.
ignominy |
infatuatted |
brihtuhl |
ignaminy |
infatuated |
britle |
ignoominy |
brittle |
3. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Having the power to influence or convince. b. Powerfully persuasive.
infatuated |
laudatory |
ludatory |
coggent |
infatuatted |
cogont |
infetuated |
cogent |
infatauted |
laudatary |
cogen |
4. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Plausible but false. b. Intended to deceive.
ignominy |
lauddatory |
igominy |
ignomiy |
luadatory |
lawduhtewree |
spurois |
ignomeny |
spurious |
spuroiuss |
laudatory |
spurios |
5. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. An unavoidable event. b. Incapable of being avoided or prevented.
spurious |
ignomeny |
inevitable |
inevitabli |
enivituble |
ignominy |
spurois |
spuruis |
spurous |
igneminy |
inevetable |
ignaminy |
6. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Distinctive and stylish elegance. b. A feathered plume on a helmet.
luaddatory |
panachi |
spurious |
paneche |
puhnash |
spurois |
lawduhtawre |
spurous |
luadatary |
laudatory |
panache |
7. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Arouse unreasoning love or passion in and cause to behave in an irrational way. b. Marked by foolish or unreasoning fondness.
britte |
brittle |
luadatary |
laudatory |
brituhl |
infatuated |
infatiatad |
infatuatted |
luadatory |
briihtuhl |
8. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another. b. Relinquish possession or control over.
penache |
infatuatted |
infatuated |
cedde |
panache |
unfitiated |
cede |
sead |
paneche |
9. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Based on or having the nature of an illusion.
egniminy |
ihloosurea |
illussory |
infatuatted |
illusory |
ignominy |
infatuated |
ignaminy |
10. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? a. Having little elasticity; hence easily cracked or fractured or snapped. b. Lacking warmth and generosity of spirit.
laudatory |
luadatoy |
infatuated |
infatuatted |
infutuatad |
britle |
brohtihl |
lawduhtawrea |
brittle |
brihtuhl |
laudatary |
11. |
Which word is closest in meaning to this definition? Based on or having the nature of an illusion.
ihloosurea |
ihloosuree |
illusory |
ignominy |
illussory |
spurious |
spuruos |
ignaminy |
spurios |
ignoiny |
spurois |