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Steven purchased a jacket with the biathlon emblem on it. The original price was $196.91. He received a 15% discount. How much did he pay for the jacket?
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The top five finishers in the Women's Mass Start competition had times of 39:18, 39:36, 43:05, 44:31, and 51:39. What was the average time of the top five finishers?
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Mr. Martinez purchased tickets for the last two biathlon finals. The prices quoted were 120� and 140�. The current rate of exchange is 1 � = $1.1908. What was the total cost of the two tickets in US dollars?
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Temperatures lower than -11 C are not uncommon in the Torino region. Some of the coaches are concerned about their athletes having to wait for transportation in such low temperatures. What would that temperature be on the Fahrenheit scale? Hint: F = (9/5)C + 32
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