Sample Winter Olympics Worksheet
Winter Olympics Theme Unit

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Alpine Skiing (Winter Olympics)
(Answer ID # 0905113)
Interesting Fact: Cave drawings of men on skis dating back to between 7000 and 5000 B.C. have been found in eastern Russia.

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1.   Improvements at San Sicario Fraiteve, the site of the women's regular, combined downhill and Super-G races, cost approximately $3,000,000. It is estimated that 5,980 spectators will be able to watch the events. What was the cost per spectator for the improvements?

2.   Men's Alpine skis must be a minimum of 155 cm long and at least 60 mm wide at the bindings. What would be a good estimate of the area of the skis?
a) 93 sq. cm
b) 930 sq. cm
c) 4126 sq. cm
d) 76,849 sq. cm

3.   Jennifer purchased a pair of Atomic skis in Italy for 409.18�. When she returned home to Canada, she found the same skis for 547.38 Canadian dollars. How much more did she pay in Italy for the skis than she would have at home? ($1 Canadian = 0.7055�)

4.   In the 1976 Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria, Franz Klammer gave Austria a gold medal in the men's downhill. At times he reached speeds of 80 mph. At this peak speed, how fast was Klammer going in kilometers per hour? (1 mph = 1.61 km/hr)

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