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Explorers Theme Unit

Make a Explorers Word Wall!
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Word List
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Bartolomeu Dias
Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand Magellan
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado
George Vancouver
Giovanni Da Verrazzano
Henry Hudson

Hernando de Soto
Jacques Cartier
Jacques Marquette
James Cook
John Cabot
Juan Ponce de Leon
Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo

Marco Polo
Pedro Alvares Cabral
Rene-Robert de LaSalle
Samuel de Champlain
Sebastion Cabot
Sir Francis Drake
Sir Martin Frobisher

Sir Walter Raleigh
Vasco da Gama
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Vitus Bering

Optional: Enter additional words to include:

Font Size
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Highlight Text (anywhere in a word)
Type any letter combination that you would like highlighted. Use commas if you'd like to highlight more than one combination.
Example: u = student or universe
Typing m,sh,ng would highlight the letter m, the combination sh, and also the combination ng anywhere in a word.
Type letters to highlight:

Highlight: Letters at start of a word
Type the letters to highlight at the start of a word.
Example: sh = show or shoe
Type letters to highlight:

Highlight: Letters at the end of a word
Type the letters to highlight at the start of a word.
Example: ing = running
Type letters to highlight:


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Font color:
Color of border:
Font color of highlighted letters:

Include pictures
Do not include pictures