Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Free Graphic Organizers Worksheets
Graphic organizers are an essential tool for teachers to use in the classroom especially for reading, writing, and understanding concepts. Kids love being able to visualize new materials. The topic organizers (ranging from 3-8 topics) can be used for brainstorming and organizing everything from creative writing, to essays, to character development for stories. Pyramid charts and tree diagrams are best for demonstrating hierarchical relationships or for breaking down topics into their less important component parts. If you are looking for KWL charts, or variations thereof, this is the place to find them. Interesting, and perhaps unexpected, finds on this page include organizers drawn as a mouth with six teeth (that can be used as a topic organizer), a hand with (obviously) five fingers, and, for a fun change, a coat of arms that can be used for a wide array of exercises! The KWL/KWHL printables aid with lesson comprehension and information acquisition. Enjoy!