Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources

Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans

Read and Color
            The Big Wheel: G.W. Ferris, Jr. and the Ferris wheel
            A Hotel on Wheels

Writing a Fairy-tale Activity Center
            Our Fairy-tale Ferris Wheel

Very Quick Readers
     The Wheels on the Bus Need a Driver! (Very Quick Reader; Grade 2-4 Readability)
     Simple Machines: The Wheel and Axle (Very Quick Reader; Grade 3-4 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     A Colorful Donut - The Color Wheel (Grades 2-4)
     A Cycle without Wheels (Grades 3-4)
     Lever, Wheel and Axle, and Pulley (Grades 5-7)
     Inventors of the Wheel (Grades 6-7)
     Rails across America - UP Deals with Grasshoppers and Hell on Wheels (Grades 7-9)

Finish the Story
     The Big Wheel Is in a Wheelchair (Grade 3-6)
     Wheels of His Own (Grade 6-8)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     Feet and Hooves and Wheels and Wings (Grades 1-3)

Read and Color Books
            Matt's Red, White, and Blue Ribbon
            Steve's Perfect Ride (February 16)
            Fruity Secrets

Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 6-8)
     Abebe Bikila
     Ferdinand Porsche
     Teenage Queen, Part 2 - Marie Antoinette

Daily Themes
(Grades 3-5)
     Around and Around
     Blocks for All Ages
     I Love Trains
     Papa Russo
     Rolling Along
     Seeds of Love
(Grades 6-8)
     Don't Dessert Me!
     Our Daily Bread

(no assigned grade level)
     Driven To Dream
     Inventions to Overcome Disabilities
(Grades 1-2)
     The Shape of Things
     Waldo Worm's Watercolor
(Grades 3-5)
     "Shikata Ga Nai" - That's Just the Way It Is, Part 1
     A Fairy Treat (National Cotton Candy Day)
     A House with Growing Pains � The Story of the White House, Part 2
     A Very Special Christmas Gift
     Amanda's Special Salad
     Arches and Concrete in Ancient Rome
     Bicycles: Riding Out In The Open
     Birthday Present
     Catch Some ZZZZ's
     Chugga, Chugga, Choo, Choo! All About Trains
     Dealing with High Pressure to Achieve
     Do You Have the Map?
     Forces Around Us
     Freddy and the Freight Train
     Fun and Games in Ancient Egypt
     Going to a Party
     Going West
     How Machines Affect Our Lives
     How the Colonists Traveled
     Humor - The Power of Humor
     Industrial Revolution
     Jake and Jackie Go Shopping
     Lost Treasures
     Mesopotamia 101
     Oil for the Temple, Part 2
     River Bank Mystery (Part 1/3)
     Roads, Canals, and Railways
     Seeing Stars � The Battle of Fort McHenry, Part 2
     Simple Machines: The Pulley
     Snow and the Number Six
     Soap and Popsicle Stick Art
     Social Classes in Colonial America
     Taylor Finds Her Smile
     The Dreams of Heroes (part 3)
     The Girl in the Wheelchair
     The Oregon Trail
     The Smile That Traveled Around the World
     Throwing a Pot!
     Traditional Pots
     Wagon Trains
     Water Power
     Welcome to Inuit, Part 1
     Welcome to Inuit, Part 3
     Why Save the Rainforests?
     You Like Him Best!, Part 1
     ~NAME0s~ Story: An Attitude of Gratitude
(Grades 6-8)
     "Lucky Lindy" Takes the Prize, Part 3
     "Meet Me at the Fair"
     A Not So Smooth Run
     A Train without a Ticket?
     African Praise Poetry
     Air Navigation, Part 2
     Along Came the Engine (Part 1)
     Backpack Safety
     Beep! Beep! Here Comes the Jeep!
     Ben Franklin: Founding Father and Inventor
     Coal Mining
     Colonial Woodworkers
     Color Mixing
     Complex Machines
     Cool Your Engines?
     Cultural Casualties of War
     Denali National Park
     Draft Law and Riots
     Driving Back Through History
     Eleanor Roosevelt - From Wallflower to Activist
     Emergency? Call 911!
     Even Leonardo Made Mistakes
     Hazardous Duty - Bombers of WWII and their Crews
     How a Bicycle Works
     How Do Airbags Work?
     How Does a Cable Car Work?
     How Does a Zamboni Work?
     How Does an Escalator Work?
     How Does Paint Work?
     Immigrant Children at Work
     Isle Royale National Park
     It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a Sugar Glider!
     Jet Reaction, Part 1
     Jim Crow Laws
     Kangaroo Rats
     Leonardo da Vinci - Military Engineer
     Leonardo da Vinci - Music Maker
     Leonardo da Vinci's Drawings
     Leonardo da Vinci's Robots
     Life on the Unemployment Line - Riding the Rails
     Life with a Hamster
     Life with a Hedgehog
     Living on a Reservation: Shawn's Story
     Machines for the Industrial Revolution
     MarkTwain "Roughing It"
     Metal Birds, Part 1
     Mission - Automatic Transmission
     Mission - Manual Transmission
     Mountain Biking and Unicycling
     Moving the Wounded
     Native American Pottery
     River Patterns
     Robert Newton Peck
     Rugged Roman Architecture
     Samuel Slater and the Spinning Machine
     Science and Technology in Ancient India
     Shawn's Story: Living on a Reservation
     Sidewalk Surfing
     Simple Machines
     Snow and the Number Six
     Steam Power
     Symmetry in Animals
     Telling Time in the Renaissance
     The Campaign for the 2008 Presidential Election
     The Greeks: Masters of Invention, Part 1
     The iPhone Arrives
     The New War Horse - Tanks in WWII
     The Piston Push
     The Prairie Schooner, AKA the Covered Wagon
     The Pumpkinfest at Thompson's Farm
     The RV Project
     The Secret of the Code Breakers, Part 1
     The Spelling Bee
     The Truck That Did Everything But Bake a Cake
     Unicellular Organisms
     Weapons of Siege
     What Are Simple Machines?
     What Is Buddhism?
     What Is Color Theory?
     What Is Fauvism?
     What Is Pottery?
     What Is Sculpture?
     What Is Tibetan Buddhism?
     What Makes a Plane Fly?
     What's That Part?
     Wild, Wild Dress - Men
     Women's Life on the Great Plains
     Working in the Lowell Mills
     Yaw Turn!
(Grades 9-12)
     "Aye, Captain!" � Old Ironsides' Captain William Bainbridge
     Civilian Families in the South
     Cyrus McCormick
     Fighting For Their Livelihoods � Labor Wars of the 1890s
     Fighting For Their Livelihoods-Labor Wars of the 1890s
     Jeb-Rails West
     Just When Math Got Organized, Chaos Popped Up!
     Leaders in Crisis - Franklin D. Roosevelt
     Lord Dunmore's War
     Money and Measurement - Babylonian Mathematics
     William "Boss" Tweed - Adventures in Justice

(Grades 1-2)
     A Dog For Jennie
     Arthur's Dreams
     Pet Day
(Grades 3-5)
     Another Neighborhood
(Grades 6-8)
     Field Trip!

(Grades 6-8)
     Gigantic Guinea Pigs!

(no assigned grade level)
     Ancient Egypt - Arts
(Grades 3-5)
     1893 � The Year of the Fair
     Let's Build a Maryland Community
     The Space Needle
(Grades 6-8)
     Additional Project - "A Giant Conestoga Wagon" or "The Wagon Stops Here!"
     Smoky Mountains
     Statehood through the Eyes of Native Animals

Finish the Story
     Tidal Cave (Grade 2-3)
     Mousetrap (Grade 4-6)
     Keep an Eye on That Leprechaun (Grade 6-8)

What Would You Do?
     If You Traveled West in a Prairie Schooner (Grade 3-6)
     Should You Take This Deal? (Grade 9-12)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     Thumbling: The Tale of a Tiny Boy (Grades 3-4)

Reluctant Reader Books
     Oh Man, Stan! (Grade 2-3)
     Crazy Cars: Wild and Wacky Rides (Grade 3-4)
     Life on a Tour Bus (Grade 3-4)
     Spiders (Grade 3-4)
     All-Terrain Vehicles (Grade 3-5)
     How a Bicycle Works (Grade 3-5)
     Shaun White: Action Sport Superstar (Grade 4-5)
     The Crazy Crashes of NASCAR (Grade 4-5)
     Tony Stewart (Grade 4-5)
     Dog Mushing (Grade 4-6)
     KS is for Kansas (Grade 4-6)
     MN is for Minnesota (Grade 4-6)
     Monster Trucks (Grade 4-6)
     Motorcycles (Grade 4-6)
     SC is for South Carolina (Grade 4-6)
     Types of Video Games (Grade 4-6)
     WY is for Wyoming (Grade 4-6)
     El Camino de la Muerte: The Road of Death (Grade 5-8)
     The World of Skateboarding (Grade 5-8)

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts

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