Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources

Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans

Read and Color
            Airplane Travel

Short Readers
     Traveling - Make Your Travel Plans (Short Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     The Travels of the Hat, Part 2 � Hurricane Season (Grades 2-3)
     The Travels of the Hat, Part 3: Off the Pier (Grades 2-3)
     The Travels of the Hat, Part 6 � Back to Charleston (Grades 2-3)
     Travel in Space (Grades 3-4)
     Travel in the Sky (Grades 3-4)
     The Travels of the Hat, Part 5 � Charleston Bound! (Grades 3-4)
     Traveling with Your Pet (Grades 4-6)
     Internet Travel (Grade 5)
     Ocean Travel (Grades 5-7)
     Presidential Travel (Grades 6-8)

Literature Book Units
     You Wouldn't Want to Travel with Captain Cook (Grades 1-3)
     The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Grades 7-12)
     Gulliver's Travels (Grades 10-12)

Read and Color Books
            Going Up? The Invention of the Elevator
            Coming To America
            The Golden Door: Ellis Island
            A Tale of Two Brothers
            Yancy Yak from Yakima
            How's the Weather Up There?
            Lee and Lena
            Who Will Win Today? (PDF file)

Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 3-5)
     Written Story-Telling

Daily Themes
(Grades 1-2)
     The Shamu Show
(Grades 3-5)
     Amazing Halley
     Blasted Off Twice
     Challenger Heroes
     Chief Scout
     Famous for Fairy Tales
     Glacier National Park
     I Love Trains
     Iron Lung
     Just a Child
     Land of Ice
     Laura Lane Welch Bush
     More Than a Wrinkle
     More than Just a Hole
     Out of This World Field Trip
     Quick Feet
     Swimming Star
     The "Hammer"
     The Arctic Traveler
     The Big Ditch
     The Challenge
     The Greatest Show
     The Red Sweater
     The Travels of the Hat, Part 1: Lost in Charleston
     The Wonder Tunnel
     Underground Freedom Fighter

(Grades 1-2)
     Canada's Prairie Farmers
     Slow and Steady--The Sloth
     The Mysterious Thing-a-ma-jig
     War Beneath the Waves - Wolfpacks, Hunters, and Hedgehogs
(Grades 3-5)
     A New Life
     An E-Mail from Blair the Blizzard
     An E-mail from Dharma the Dust Storm
     An E-mail from Randy Raindrop
     An E-mail from Sandy Snow
     An E-mail from Tommy the Tornado
     Animals on the Arctic Tundra
     Beauty in Stillness
     Boom! Crash! What's That Noise?
     Do Stars Really Fall?
     Do You Have the Map?
     Do You Hear What I Hear?
     Earth Day Begins
     Finding Canada
     Flippers and Whiskers
     Freddy and the Freight Train
     Gary for President
     Going to South America
     Henry Hardy's Rampaging Pumpkin
     How Are Ocean Waves Made?
     Keith Interviews His Dog's Cousin
     Keith Interviews Mei, the Giant Panda
     Let There Be Light
     Nordic Combined
     Nuwa Fixed The Sky
     Paula Danziger
     Paulo's Forest
     Pine Cone Fun
     Rachel Interviews Aaron the Desert Locust
     Rachel Interviews Mandy
     Rachel Interviews Wendy the Water Strider
     Run, Jump, and Throw
     Shooting Skeets!
     Soaring Through Our Solar System
     Staying Close to Home for Vacation
     Staying Close to Home for Vacation
     The Addax
     The Body's Highway System
     The Nose Knows
     The Sense of Smell: Get a Whiff of This!
     The Sioux
     To the Stars
     Tommy Tortoise Goes on a Trip
     Too Many Puppies and Kittens!
     Using a Map
     Visiting Katie
     Wendy's World- Night and Day
     Westward Ho
     Whales and Dolphins
     What Are Earthquakes?
     Zook: A Polar Bear's Tale of Global Warming

(Grades 1-2)
     Rain Forests

(Grades 3-5)
     Brazil - Geography
     Delaware and the Underground Railroad
     Florida Fishing
     France - Geography
     India - Geography
     Jamie's week at Camp Habitat
     Madagascar - Geography
     Norway - Geography
     The Space Needle

Finish the Story
     How Shall I Get There? (Grade 2-3)
     My Story: Growing Up as a Seed (Grade 2-3)
     Advertising Mom (Grade 2-4)
     Autumn Outlooks (Grade 3)
     Excuse Me, Mr. Dinosaur (Grade 3-4)
     A World of Bikes (Grade 3-4)
     Counting Penguins (Grade 3-4)
     Expert Teacher (Grade 3-4)
     Wishful Thinking (Grade 3-4)
     The Race to the Other Side (Grade 3-5)
     Where Would I Move? (Grade 3-6)
     An Adventure in Time (Grade 3-6)
     A New Land (Grade 3-6)
     The Secret of Gingerbread (Grade 4-5)
     Cinco de Mayo Mistake (Grade 4-5)
     Road Trip (Grade 4-5)
     Zip and Zing Take a Vacation (Grade 4-6)
     Europe or Summer School? (Grade 5-7)
     Trying Out (Grade 6-8)
     Seize the Day (Grade 6-8)
     The Best Field Trip Ever (Grade 7-9)

What Would You Do?
     There's No Place like Home (Grade 3-6)
     The Sleepover (Grade 3-6)
     If You Traveled West in a Prairie Schooner (Grade 3-6)
     A Broken Spring Break (Grade 3-6)
     Zoo or No Zoo? (Grade 4-8)
     "Hola" or "Bonjour?" (Grade 5-8)
     Transport Yourself Into the Future (Grade 7-9)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     Checking in at the Airport (Grade 2)
     Don't Forget Your Vitamins and Minerals! (Grades 2-3)
     The Wonderful World of Whales (Grades 2-3)
     Antarctica: Life in a Frozen Land (Grades 2-4)
     Big Turtle: A Native American Story (Grades 2-4)
     The Pear Tree (Grades 2-4)
     Raven and the Very Foolish Man (Grades 2-5)
     Party Preparation (Grade 3)
     Living in the Sahara Desert (Grades 3-4)
     Maui Tames the Sun: A Hawaiian Legend (Grades 3-4)
     The Frog Who Went to the Sky: A Tale from Angola (Grades 3-4)
     The Hedgehog's Race: A Story from Scotland (Grades 3-4)
     Life in the African Savanna (Grades 3-5)
     The North Wind and the Sun Compete (Grades 3-5)
     The Hearty Animals of the Polar Region (Grades 3-6)
     Warm, Wet, and Lush: Life in the Rain Forest (Grades 3-6)
     Discover the Truth: The Legend of El Dorado (Grade 4)
     Gold for the Clever Man: A Tale from India (Grades 4-5)

Reluctant Reader Books
     Earth Hour Sleepover (Grade 2-3)
     If I Lived at the White House... (Grade 2-3)
     Magnificent Mackinac (Grade 2-3)
     Meet Dr. Seuss (Grade 2-3)
     Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Laws (Grade 2-3)
     Can You Believe it? Wild and Wacky Truths from Around the World (Grade 3-4)
     Chang's Chinese New Year (Grade 3-4)
     Good Luck Symbols from Around the Globe (Grade 3-4)
     Life on a Tour Bus (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Miley (Grade 3-4)
     P.U. Plants (Grade 3-4)
     Pump It Up: All About Your Blood (Grade 3-4)
     Sleep Tight. Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite! (Grade 3-4)
     Spiders (Grade 3-4)
     Stormy Weather (Grade 3-4)
     All-Terrain Vehicles (Grade 3-5)
     Auto Racing (Grade 3-5)
     Dylan and Cole Sprouse (Grade 3-5)
     History of Hip Hop (Grade 3-5)
     How a Bicycle Works (Grade 3-5)
     Taylor Swift (Grade 3-5)
     The Hummingbird That Lost Its Hum (Grade 3-5)
     Mapping ABC Style (Grade 3-6)
     A Trip to the International Space Station (Grade 4-5)
     Amazing Sharks (Grade 4-5)
     Ants (Grade 4-5)
     Bethany Hamilton: Shark Attack Survivor (Grade 4-5)
     Dry as Dust (Grade 4-5)
     Emperor Penguins (Grade 4-5)
     Funny Frog Facts (Grade 4-5)
     Glaciers (Grade 4-5)
     Military Machines (Grade 4-5)
     Out-of-This-World Facts About Astronauts and Life in Outer Space (Grade 4-5)
     Sharks (Grade 4-5)
     Shaun White: Action Sport Superstar (Grade 4-5)
     Snakes (Grade 4-5)
     The Titanic: The "Unsinkable Ship" that Sank (Grade 4-5)
     The Myth of the Man-eating Monster (Grade 4-5)
     Underground Treasure: The New York Gold Vault (Grade 4-5)
     Welcome to Army Ranger School (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Snakebite (Grade 4-5)
     Dog Mushing (Grade 4-6)
     History of Country Music (Grade 4-6)
     IN is for Indiana (Grade 4-6)
     KY is for Kentucky (Grade 4-6)
     Landmarks of the United States (Grade 4-6)
     M Is for Map (Grade 4-6)
     Machu Picchu: The City in the Clouds (Grade 4-6)
     Motorcycles (Grade 4-6)
     Oh, the Stories He Wrote! The Life of Dr. Seuss (Grade 4-6)
     Rocky Mountain National Park Adventure (Grade 4-6)
     The Greatest Spectacle in Racing (Grade 4-6)
     The History of Pop Music (Grade 4-6)
     The Iditarod: The Last Great Race on Earth (Grade 4-6)
     Types of Video Games (Grade 4-6)
     Under the Big Top: Circus Performers (Grade 4-6)
     UT is for Utah (Grade 4-6)
     Veterinarian (Grade 4-6)
     WV is for West Virginia (Grade 4-6)
     The ABCs of Geometry (Grade 4-7)
     Pirate Ships and Pirate Crews (Grade 4-8)
     Zephyr's Choice, Book 3: Victory (Grade 5)
     Amazing Spiders (Grade 5-6)
     B Is for Baseball (Grade 5-6)
     Baboons on the Loose (Grade 5-6)
     Excuse Me! Wacky and Wild Cultural Differences (Grade 5-6)
     Muskoxen (Grade 5-6)
     My, Oh, My! Mummy Tales From Around the World (Grade 5-6)
     So You Want to Be a Fashion Model? (Grade 5-6)
     The Life of a Fashion Makeup Artist and Hairstylist (Grade 5-6)
     Venomous Snakes (Grade 5-6)
     Welcome Aboard Air Force One (Grade 5-6)
     Wet and Wild Water Slides (Grade 5-6)
     Snowmobiles (Grade 5-7)
     El Camino de la Muerte: The Road of Death (Grade 5-8)
     Animals on the Arctic Tundra (Grade 5-8)
     Famous Pirates (Grade 5-8)
     Gypsies (Grade 5-8)
     Let's Eat: Unusual Foods! (Grade 5-8)
     Let's Go Riding: Snowmobile Fun! (Grade 5-8)
     Nessie and Friends: Famous Lake Monsters (Grade 5-8)
     Pizza (Grade 5-8)
     Inside The National Baseball Hall of Fame (Grade 5-9)
     Stories from the Bermuda Triangle: Flight 19 (Grade 6-7)
     Castles: Mighty Fortresses (Grade 6-8)
     From Teenager to Teen Idol: Taylor Swift (Grade 6-8)
     Glaciers in Alaska (Grade 6-8)
     The Bermuda Triangle (Grade 6-8)
     The History of the Circus (Grade 6-8)

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts

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