Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources

Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans

            Stranger Safety

Very Quick Readers
     The Strange Plate of Cheese (Very Quick Reader; Grade 2-4 Readability)

Short Readers
     Strange Facts About Butterflies (Short Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)
     Strange (Founding Fathers) Bedfellows (Short Reader; Grade 6-8 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     Say "Uncle!" � The Strange End of the War of 1812 (Grades 7-9)
     The Strange T.V. Show (Grade 10)

Reluctant Reader Books
     Strange But True: Wacky World Records About the Human Body (Grade 2-3)
     Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Laws (Grade 2-3)
     Strange but True: Crazy Facts about Food (Grade 3-4)
     Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Sports (Grade 3-4)
     Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Stunts (Grade 3-4)

Finish the Story
     A Strange Egg! (Grade 1-3)

Literature Book Units
     Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger (Grades 3-5)
     The Strange Case of Origami Yoda (Grades 3-7)
     The Stranger (Grades 9-12)

Read and Color Books
            Solphie Goes to School in America
            Spring on the Jones Farm
            Billy the Bully
            Pajama Day? (April 17)
            Snowflakes and Wedding Cakes
            Lee and Lena

Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 6-8)
     Blaise Pascal
     Chris Van Allsburg - He Does It All
     Edgar Allan Poe
     Edward Elgar
     Farley Mowat
     P. T. Barnum
     Phillis Wheatley
     Teenage Queen, Part 1 - Marie Antoinette
     Teenage Queen, Pt.1-Marie Antoinette

Daily Themes
(Grades 3-5)
     Patter's Eggs
(Grades 6-8)
     Impact--Just Because!

(Grades 1-2)
     The Calli Cat
     What is a Bad Drug?
     Why Bears Have Short Tails
(Grades 3-5)
     A Hairy Invader
     A Visit to a Ghost Town
     Ada Blackjack: Heroine of the Arctic
     All by Myself!
     An Aquarium from the Age of Fishes
     Answering the Phone
     Blackfoot Raiders, Part 1
     Can Children Live in the White House?
     Can Children Live in the White House?
     Carnivorous Plants?
     Crandall Farm Hay Rides, Part 1
     Disappearing Act - The Anasazi, Part 1
     Disappearing Act - The Anasazi, Part 3
     Disappearing Act - The Anasazi, Part 4
     Dominique Needs a Job
     Edgar's Adventure
     First a Scrape, Then a Scab
     Fish of the Reef
     Fruitcake -- A Sweet Christmas Treat
     Gary the Goat?
     Giving Back to Your Neighborhood
     Gran's New Year
     Grandma's Magic Liquid
     Greenland Sharks
     How Do 3D Glasses Work?
     It's a Mystery!
     Jake and Jackie Learn about Gardening, Part 1
     Keith Interviews Miguel, the Brown Spider Monkey
     Lester Learns to Listen
     Lots of Boxes!
     Lumpy Rug Day
     Mystery of the Letter
     National Night Out
     Naughty Nancy
     Paratrooper, Part 1 - First Jump
     Paratrooper, Part 2 - Behind Enemy Lines
     Plantation Mystery, Part 1
     Plantation Mystery, Part 3
     Rachel Interviews Bruno the Rhinoceros Beetle
     Rachel Interviews Sylvia the Stick Bug
     Rainforest at Night
     Saida Goes to School in Afghanistan
     Scully the Guide Dog Helps Scott
     Secretary Birds
     Shining Sea, Come Back
     Simon Says, Part 2
     Stories in Our Head
     Stories in Our Head
     The Hares and the Frogs
     The Mystery of the Big Balloon
     The Mystery of the Bone that Grew
     The Mystery of the Bone that Grew
     The Mystery of the Missing Puppy
     The Mystery of the Wild Thing in the Kitchen
     The Night the Sky Cracked
     The Old Woman and Her Wish
     The Scary Sleepover
     The Space Ghost, Part 1
     The Space Ghost, Part 3
     The Stomach
     Warpaint Emerald Dragonflies
     Welcome to Inuit, Part 3
     What Are Emotions?
     What's a Map?
     When the Skin's Too Small It's Time To Shed It All!
     Where's Robbie?, Chapter 2
     Why Am I so Tired?
     Why Do Wolves Howl?
     Would You Fly If You Could?
     ~NAME1~ Learns About Courage
(Grades 6-8)
     A Brief History of Hygiene
     A One-Ton Guinea Pig in a Box!
     A Screeeech in the Night!
     A Sport that Sounds Fun - Ping Pong!
     A Taste for Gold, Part 3
     Acid Rain, Go Away!
     Bell's Palsy
     Beware of the Coastal Invaders!
     Bird Woman and the Great Fish
     Black Blizzards and the Dust Bowl
     Cherokee Legend of Blowing Rock
     Children on the Mayflower
     Digging into the Past, Part 2
     Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?
     Drought in Zambia
     Extreme Fashions
     Father's Day Fishing, Part 1
     General William Howe
     Greg Mortenson: International Peacemaker and Humanitarian, Part 1
     H. G. Wells
     Hammerhead Sharks
     How Does a Venus Flytrap Trap Flies?
     How Vaccines Work
     Ice Age Mammals: The Woolly Rhino
     Jake and Jackie Learn about Etiquette, Part 1
     John Christopher
     Let Freedom Ring: The Liberty Bell
     Lewis Carroll
     Llama Love
     Lunar Apples
     Mood or Tone
     Neptune Is Neat (and a bit Mysterious!)
     Pitohuis and Ifritas
     Porcupine Fish
     Preserving the Shining Sea from Ocean Pollution
     Renaissance Guilds
     Robin Hood
     Roger Lancelyn Green
     Sea Fireflies
     Sedna, Goddess of the Sea
     Sherman Alexie, Jr.
     Simon Fraser: Canadian Adventurer
     Skeet Shooting
     The "Witches" of Salem, Massachusetts: Part 1
     The Ant and the Chrysalis
     The Badlands
     The Best Dog
     The Freshman 15
     The Great Exhibition
     The Hubble Space Telescope
     The Mysterious Fever
     The Mystery of the Hidden Photograph, Part Two
     The Mystery of the Man in the Dark
     The Nervous System
     The Reign of Terror
     The Water Cycle
     The Winner of the Best Dressed Award
     Tom Thomson: Canada's First Great Expressionist
     Underground Railroad
     Vitamins from Food or Supplements
     Votes for Women, Part 1 - Esther and the Cowboy State Lead the Way
     What Is Christian Science?
     What Is Spiritism?
     What We See
     When Friends Gossip
     William Kurelek
     Writing on the Wall
(Grades 9-12)
     Greek and Roman Copycats
     International Year of Sanitation: Saliha's Story
     Irene Hunt
     Rails across America - "Done!" The Last Spike
     Samuel Beckett
     Terrible Lizards
     The Know Nothing Party
     The Know Nothing Party

(Grades 3-5)
     Acting Like Angels
     Another Neighborhood
     Ms. Moyer, Tour Guide
     Rolando's Daring Adventure

(no assigned grade level)
     The Concord Coach
(Grades 3-5)
     Angola - Geography
     Argentina - Geography
     Chile - Geography
     Fiji - Geography
     Iceland - Geography
     India - Traditions
     Jordan - Geography
     Malaysia - Geography
     Mongolia - Geography
     Nicaragua - Geography
     Nothing Like Family
     Peru - Geography
     Turkey - Geography
     Ukraine - Geography
(Grades 6-8)
     Indonesia - Culture
     Lithuania - Culture
     Poland - Culture (Nicolaus Copernicus)
     Turkey - Culture
     Uruguay - Culture: Horacio Quiroga

Finish the Story
     New Kid in the Math Class (Grade 2)
     The Great Pumpkin Caper (Grade 2-3)
     Zero, Where Are You? (Grade 2-3)
     Down on the Farm (Grade 2-3)
     My First Thanksgiving Dinner (Grade 2-3)
     The End of the Rainbow (Grade 2-4)
     An "EGG-straordinary" Easter (Grade 2-4)
     A Froggy Surprise (Grade 2-4)
     Stuck in a Snow Globe! (Grade 2-4)
     Two Feathers' Scare (Grade 3-4)
     Super Grandparents (Grade 3-4)
     Raiders on Lambay (Grade 3-4)
     Living in the Wild, Wild West (Grade 3-5)
     A Voyage to Remember (Grade 3-5)
     A Surprise from Your Teacher (Grade 3-5)
     Here, Kitty, Kitty (Grade 3-5)
     Terence the Turkey Has a Plan (Grade 3-6)
     Stella Gets an Odd Makeover (Grade 3-6)
     Gingerbread in Space (Grade 4-5)
     Asteroid Drummer (Grade 4-5)
     Martha Manatee Hears a Roar! (Grade 4-6)
     A Valuable Visit to the Art Museum (Grade 4-6)
     The Disappearance of Fuzzy Frank (Grade 4-6)
     Inspector Butterfly (Grade 5-6)
     Virtual Thanksgiving (Grade 6-8)
     Love Is in a Balloon? (Grade 6-8)

What Would You Do?
     Snooping Sister (Grade 3-4)
     Beachcombing: Finders Keepers? (Grade 3-6)
     Fire in the Kitchen (Grade 4-6)
     Zoo or No Zoo? (Grade 4-8)
     Gift Clothes (Grade 6-8)
     I'm Scared. (Grade 6-8)
     Old Friend, Outworn Interests (Grade 6-8)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     Off to the Pet Shop (Grade 1)
     At the Aquarium (Grades 1-2)
     Packing (Grades 1-2)
     Feet and Hooves and Wheels and Wings (Grades 1-3)
     Netiquette Nelly Saves the Day (Grades 1-3)
     Penny Penguin Finds a Home (Grades 1-3)
     The Perfect Pumpkin (Grades 1-3)
     Half-Chick: A Tale from Spain (Grades 2-3)
     How the Kangaroo Got Her Pouch: An Australian Aboriginal Legend (Grades 2-4)
     The Magic Bowl (Grades 3-4)
     Thumbling: The Tale of a Tiny Boy (Grades 3-4)
     Ant and Chrysalis (Grades 3-5)
     Tactful Tori (Grades 3-5)
     The Great Rain: A Native American Legend (Grades 3-5)
     The Miser's Gold (Grades 3-5)
     The Naughty Dog (Grades 3-5)
     The Talking Salmon (Grades 3-5)
     The Donkey's Tale (Grades 3-6)
     He Sailed the Ocean Blue (Grade 4)
     The Poor Man and the Snake (Grades 4-5)
     Picking on the New Kid (Grades 4-12)

Reluctant Reader Books
     A Message from Rover (Grade 2-3)
     Dear Diary, What a Year! (Grade 2-3)
     Doggie Lingo (Grade 2-6)
     My Movie Moment (Grade 3)
     Dream a Little Dream...What Does it Mean? (Grade 3-4)
     Emma's Valentine's Day Mystery (Grade 3-4)
     Room 127: Jack Jumps (Story #3) (Grade 3-4)
     Types of Auto Racing (Grade 3-5)
     A Shooting Star over the Shoe Store (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Has a Garage Sale (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Has Pet Problems (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Visits Earth (Grade 3-6)
     Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 3-6)
     The Ghost at Cave-in-Rock (Grade 4)
     Aliens: Fact or Fiction? (Grade 4-5)
     Mike and the Legend of St. Valentine (Grade 4-5)
     Stop the Car! Wild and Wacky Road Trip Sites (Grade 4-5)
     The Magic in Room 127: Isabella's Story (Grade 4-5)
     The Myth of the Man-eating Monster (Grade 4-5)
     Underground Treasure: The New York Gold Vault (Grade 4-5)
     Unlikely Animal Friends (Grade 4-5)
     A New Game Show on Planet Pearth! (Grade 4-6)
     Escape from the Vampire (Grade 4-6)
     MN is for Minnesota (Grade 4-6)
     More Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 4-6)
     Rent-a-Genie, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     Rent-a-Genie, Book Two (Grade 4-6)
     The Magic Shower Stall, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     The Magic Shower Stall, Book Three (Grade 4-6)
     Under the Big Top: Circus Performers (Grade 4-6)
     Underwater Adventure, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     Unicorns (Grade 4-6)
     A Mythic Order Adventure (Grade 5)
     Zephyr's Choice, Book 1 (Grade 5)
     Alien Encounter? The Betty and Barney Hill Story (Grade 5-6)
     Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King! (Grade 5-6)
     CSI: DNA Evidence (Grade 5-7)
     Extreme Sports: Going to Extremes (Grade 5-7)
     Fossils From Bone Cabin Quarry, 1898 (Grade 5-7)
     Nessie and Friends: Famous Lake Monsters (Grade 5-8)
     Stories from the Bermuda Triangle: Flight 19 (Grade 6-7)
     Famous Cemeteries in the U.S. (Grade 6-8)
     The Bermuda Triangle (Grade 6-8)

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts

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