Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
American Government

Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans

American Government
             American Government

Read and Color
            The First Ten: The Bill of Rights
            A Brief History of Our Right to Vote

Very Quick Readers
     Eating Healthy - Eat Right, Feel Good! (Very Quick Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)

Short Readers
     The Right Way to Wash Your Hands (Short Reader; Grade 1-3 Readability)
     The Right Way to Wash Your Hands (Short Reader; Grade 1-3 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     Which Medium Is Just Right? (Grades 2-4)
     All Animals Need to Eat Right (Grades 3-4)
     You Have Rights (Grades 3-5)
     Picking the Right Pet (Grades 4-5)
     Right Brain, Left Brain (Grades 4 to 6) (Grades 4-6)
     Picking the Right Pet (Grades 4-6)
     Jean Learns About Rights and Responsibilities of Citizens (Grades 4-6)
     The Equal Rights Amendment (Grades 5-7)
     Women Win the Right to Vote (Grades 5-7)
     The First U.S. Women's Rights Movement (1800's) (Grades 5-7)
     The Constitution and the Bill of Rights (Grades 6-8)
     Introduction to Civil Rights - The 50's (Grades 6-8)
     Civil Rights - An Introduction (Grades 6-8)
     You Have the Right... (Grades 6-8)
     Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Grades 7-9)
     The Bill of Rights (Grades 9-12)
     From the Far Out to the Right On - Science and Fiction in the Fifties (Grades 9-12)

Reluctant Reader Books
     Just Right for Dad (Grade 3-4)

Finish the Story
     Right to Be Free (Grade 5-8)

What Would You Do?
     What if There Were No Bill of Rights? (Grade 3-6)
     Women's Right To Vote-What If It Hadn't Happened? (Grade 4-7)

Read and Color Books
            Independence Day
            I'd Like to Be a Judge
            Matt's Red, White, and Blue Ribbon
            My Daddy Is a Fireman
            Is it a Violin or Fiddle?
            What is a Good Citizen?
            Snow Day
            A Stocking for My Sister
            A Grasshopper Grows
            The Little Insect
            Luke's First Ride on the School Bus
            The Cheerful Chicken
            Where is White?
            Farmer Jim
            Larry Loses a Tooth
            Poetic Penelope Writes a Quatrain
            Sockless Stan's Sweet Feet (May 8)
            Poetic Penelope Writes a Couplet
            The Book Sleuth (April 21)
            Up, Up, and Away! (April 12)
            In a Minute, Mom (February 23)
            Sandy the Sunflower Reaches the Sky
            Mailman Martha Makes the Rounds (February 4)
            Steve's Perfect Ride (February 16)
            Which Horse is Just Right? (December 9)
            Dotty the Dragon Gets a Job (January 16)
            Mr. Smith's Ties
            What Kind of Nut Are You? (October 22)
            Jumping Jackrabbits (PDF file)
            Snowflakes and Wedding Cakes
            How's the Weather Up There?
            Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Read and Color
            Six Silly Sheep
            Introduction to January
            Opening Day of the Winter Olympic Games for Animals (PDF file)
            Hal's Happy Hippos
            The Three Paths
            The Right to Vote
            Women Who Led the Way
            A Gift for Dad

Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
Daily Themes
(Grades 1-2)
     9-11 Search Dogs
     A Big Mistake
     A Lesson Learned about Fire Safety
     A New Coach
     A Nose for America
     A Poem by a Dog Biscuit
     A Trip Down Under
     Angels with Dirty Faces
     Apple Heads
     Big Plans
     Cookies for the Neighbors
     Ellis Island Family History Day
     Grandpa Nils
     Guys or Gals?
     Happy Birthday, Garfield
     Have a Bad Day!
     How Chili Got Its Name
     I Don't Want To Play
     I Hate Socks!
     I'm Not Sick!
     It's Election Day
     Just Right
     Kate's Veteran's Day Poster
     Lucy's Lesson
     Mom's Rules
     My Favorite Teacher
     My New Friend Sandy
     Nan Makes Up Her Mind
     New Moon Night
     Not Even a Blizzard
     Oliver's Wish
     On Pins and Needles
     Picky Michael
     Pop! Pop! Pop!
     Prince Tuesday's Gift
     Rob is a bully
     Sal's Salami
     Skates for Stacie
     Super Salad Sunday
     Talking Hands
     The Best Milkshake
     The King
     The New Girl
     The Patchwork Doll
     The Pin Contest
     The Queen and I
     The Reason Flag
     The Runaway Snake
     The Sweetest House
     Three Trees
     Two Happy Mushrooms
     What Can I Do?
     When Can We Eat Beans?
(Grades 3-5)
     "Yabba Dabba Doo!"
     A Family with No Lips
     A Hamburger Dilemma
     A Prickly Angel
     A River of Bubbles!
     A Special Kind of Day
     A Trip to the Dairy Farm
     Aim for Fame
     Alita Becomes a Citizen
     An Extra Special Valentine
     And It Is Free!
     Around and Around
     At Last, a Corn Dog
     Baby Queen
     Best Friends
     Camping Trip Cancelled
     Captain Tom Saves the Day
     Celebrate Leap Day!
     Changing Season
     Chicken and Eggs
     Chockit Cupcakes
     Choosing Names
     Dancing Like a Chicken
     Derek�s Quiet Day
     Doing Teshuvah
     Electronic Puzzle
     Enthusiasm and Teamwork
     First Lady Librarian
     Girl Power!
     Gordon's Friends
     Grandpa's in the Doghouse
     Happy Bologna Day!
     Happy New Year Japan!
     Hot! Hot! Hot!
     I Don't Want to Go!
     I Wonder Why the Sky is Blue
     In 72 Days
     Jo and the Yo-Yo
     Laura Lane Welch Bush
     Let's Pick Blueberries!
     Marching to Glory
     Marika's New Puppy
     May the Force Be With You
     My Favorite Teacher
     Naming a Hamster
     Only Timmy!
     Oscar the Grouch
     Pass the Ketchup
     Patter's Eggs
     Pepper at the Park
     Pet Rabbits
     Poking a Cake
     Princess Pru's Party
     Ramon = Nomar
     Seeing Things Differently
     Stop, Drop, and Roll
     The Clown Who Couldn�t Juggle
     The Golden Rule
     The Legend of the Popcorn Ball
     The Little Red Schoolhouse
     The Writing Club
     Tick, Tock! Eddie Gets a Clock
     Time with Danny
     Tired of Giving In
     To Be Like Columbus
     Trading Buckets
     Underground Freedom Fighter
     Waiting for Fairies
     What a Face!
     What Is Special Education?
     What on Earth?
     Wild Thing
     Working Together for Children
     Your Name Is What?

(Grades 1-2)
     A Mosquito Bite
     A Snack
     Carrie Learns About Caring in a Car
     Dinosaur Hunters - Ankylosaurus
     Eleven by Eleven with Soccer
     I Breathe
     I Can
     Lisa the Lizard
     Magic Egg
     Ouch! My Head Hurts!
     Pete's Pool Party
     Post Office Workers
     Safe Crossings
     Seven by Seven with Ladybugs
     The Walrus and the Whale
     Walter Learns about Work on a Walk
     Wash Your Hands!
     What is a Bad Drug?
     Whose Valentine?
(Grades 3-5)
     A Visit to the Dentist
     Beach Day for Ashley
     Christmas at the Shelter
     Dolley Madison Saves President Washington
     First Day at a New School
     Hector Learns About Helpfulness on a Horse
     Jake and Jackie Teach How to Tie a Shoe
     Michael Meets the So-wi-bam
     More Than Up and Down
     Pictures in Rocks
     Run, Jump, and Throw
     Sengbe and the Amistad - "Give Us Free!"
     Simba and the Mouse
     The Dinosaur Bully
     The Drop Drill
     The Horrid Three-Horned Face
     The Travels of the Hat, Part 2 � Hurricane Season
     Tommy Learns about Trustworthiness on a Train
     Who Will Help Me?

(Grades 1-2)
     Art For Sale
     Arthur's Dreams
     Brownies for Mr. Green
     Max's Birthday Surprise
     Snoogles, Froogles, and Goodle Bars
     The Ghost in Grandfather's Barn
     The Winter Spring Garden

(Grades 3-5)

(Grades 3-5)
     Devil's Lake Fishing
     Emergency! 9-1-1
     Finland - Geography
     Florida Fishing
     Jamie's week at Camp Habitat
     New Jersey
     Springtime Trail Ride
     Statue of Liberty
     The Space Needle
     Turkey - Geography
     Vietnam - Geography
     Wings of Oshkosh
     Yellowstone National Park

Finish the Story
     Rainforest Wishes (Grade 2-3)
     How Shall I Get There? (Grade 2-3)
     Follow That Squirrel (Grade 2-3)
     Maggie's Museum Mystery (Grade 2-3)
     Cowabunga Divers (Grade 2-3)
     A Better Grandpa (Grade 2-3)
     St. Pat's Parade (Grade 2-3)
     A World without Trees (Grade 2-3)
     Labor on Labor Day (Grade 2-3)
     Down on the Farm (Grade 2-3)
     Dippers Full of Stars (Grandpa Story part 1) (Grade 2-3)
     Orion and His Dogs (Grandpa Story part 3) (Grade 2-3)
     Fall Shots (Grade 2-3)
     Wishing Seeds (Grade 2-3)
     Wishing Under the Canopy (Grade 2-3)
     An Unusual Thanksgiving Dinner (Grade 2-4)
     Finding Pete (Grade 2-4)
     Gingerbread Men, Unite! (Grade 2-4)
     An "EGG-straordinary" Easter (Grade 2-4)
     Where's Molly? (Grade 2-4)
     Space Talk (Grade 2-4)
     The Wrong Ingredient! (Grade 2-4)
     The Goose that Laid the Unusual Egg (Grade 2-4)
     Trouble in the Lab (Grade 2-4)
     100 Days and Counting (Grade 3)
     Camping, or Not Camping (Grade 3)
     A Special Halloween (Grade 3)
     Trick or Treating or Not? (Grade 3-4)
     A Super Year for Superheroes (Grade 3-4)
     Can Fire Strike Twice? (Grade 3-4)
     Hats Off to You (Grade 3-4)
     The Turkey Hunt (Grade 3-4)
     Operation Christmas Fairy (Grade 3-4)
     A Lump of Soapstone (Grade 3-4)
     An Olympic Dream (Grade 3-4)
     Great-Grandma Betts (Grade 3-4)
     A Letter from the Klondike (Grade 3-4)
     Not in My Mouth! (Grade 3-4)
     Nature's Changes (Grade 3-4)
     Surviving Summer Camp (Grade 3-5)
     A Dark and Stormy Night (Grade 3-5)
     Adventure in the Clouds (Grade 3-5)
     Tales of Tom Turkey (Grade 3-5)
     A Surprise from Your Teacher (Grade 3-5)
     The Wet Flag (Grade 3-5)
     The Hidden Locket (Grade 3-5)
     The Ants' Picnic (Grade 3-5)
     A Big Foot (Grade 3-5)
     Flakey Starts to Melt! (Grade 3-5)
     Jacqueline and the Cornstalk (Grade 3-5)
     Andrew the Stargazer (Grade 3-5)
     Got (Chocolate) Milk? (Grade 3-5)
     The Frogs and the Fish (Grade 3-5)
     The Crow and the Fox (Grade 3-5)
     A Spectacular Summer Surprise (Grade 3-6)
     Terence the Turkey Has a Plan (Grade 3-6)
     The White Fence (Grade 3-6)
     The Most Fantastic Pizzas! (Grade 3-6)
     Robbie's Invention (Grade 3-6)
     Stop that Bus! (Grade 3-6)
     The Big Wheel Is in a Wheelchair (Grade 3-6)
     Tongue Twister Day! (Grade 3-6)
     Where Would I Move? (Grade 3-6)
     Zorro the Zookeeper's Surprise (Grade 3-6)
     Into the Storm! (Grade 3-6)
     Journey into the Human Body (Grade 3-6)
     The Day the Dinosaur Egg Cracked! (Grade 3-6)
     A Bucket Full of Trouble (Grade 3-6)
     The Flying Penguin (Grade 3-6)
     Hannah's History Surprise (Grade 3-6)
     The Mystery of the Old House (Grade 3-6)
     The Missing Earring (Grade 3-6)
     The Invisible Girl (Grade 3-6)
     The Bus Stop Dilemma (Grade 3-6)
     Don't Sit There! (Grade 3-6)
     The Shoemaker (Grade 3-6)
     A Pumpkin's Fate (Grade 3-7)
     The Pocket Door (Grade 3-7)
     Springtime! (Grade 4)
     Falling for School (Grade 4)
     Summer's Over (Grade 4)
     Snowflake Magic (Grade 4-5)
     Brother Edward's Dilemma (Grade 4-5)
     Inside the Haunted House (Grade 4-5)
     The Mountain Adventure (Grade 4-5)
     Cross Country Trail (Grade 4-5)
     The Cliffhanger (Grade 4-5)
     Asteroid Drummer (Grade 4-5)
     Plans Can Change (Grade 4-6)
     I Am Thankful For... (Grade 4-6)
     Floating on the Ocean (Grade 4-6)
     Zip and Zing Take a Vacation (Grade 4-6)
     A Smokeless World (Grade 4-6)
     And the Winner Is... (Grade 4-6)
     I Have a Dream (Grade 4-6)
     Martha Manatee Hears a Roar! (Grade 4-6)
     A Trip to the Rainforest (Grade 4-6)
     A New Nation, a New Flag (Grade 4-6)
     Groundhog Day? (Grade 4-6)
     Dad, There's a Bird in the House! (Grade 4-6)
     Mystery of the Forgotten Face (Grade 4-6)
     Thrillsville (Grade 4-6)
     Grouchy Grindall Gives Thanks (Grade 4-6)
     Derek and the Turkey (Grade 4-6)
     A Special Gift for Mom (Grade 5)
     A New Thanksgiving (Grade 5-6)
     Rhyme or Reason (Grade 5-6)
     The Most Fantastical Mardi Gras Float (Grade 5-6)
     Inspector Butterfly (Grade 5-6)
     The Digits of Pi (Grade 5-7)
     Planning a Convention (Grade 5-7)
     A Musical Problem (Grade 5-8)
     Valentine Stress (Grade 6)
     Keep an Eye on That Leprechaun (Grade 6-8)
     The Dump (Grade 6-8)
     The Young Poet (Grade 6-8)
     Flag Day (Grade 6-8)
     The Perfect Summer Job (Grade 6-8)
     Grandma and Grandpa's Farm (Grade 6-8)
     Virtual Thanksgiving (Grade 6-8)
     The Great American Smokeout (Grade 6-8)
     Let's Find Out (Grade 6-8)
     Showdown at Dusty Gulch (Grade 6-8)
     It's Not My Cigarette! (Grade 6-8)
     Valentine's Day (Grade 6-8)
     Oral History Project (Grade 6-8)
     Crisis in the Snow (Grade 6-8)
     Dr. King (Grade 6-8)
     The Rescue Squad (Grade 6-8)

What Would You Do?
     A Bad Day to Strike Out! (Grade 1-3)
     Favorite Friend, Not So Favorite Food (Grade 2-4)
     Wildberries: Made for Munching or Make You Sick? (Grade 2-4)
     Sneak a Peek (Grade 3-5)
     Doggy Duty (Grade 3-5)
     Party Pleaser (Grade 3-5)
     School Shopping Blues (Grade 3-5)
     Spilled Milk (Grade 3-5)
     My Forgotten Day (Grade 3-5)
     Mom, Can We Keep Him? (Grade 3-6)
     There's No Place like Home (Grade 3-6)
     Susan's Secret (Grade 3-6)
     Be a Sport! (Grade 3-6)
     Help With Homework (Grade 3-6)
     What Happened to Hanna's Hat? (Grade 3-6)
     The Christmas Present (Grade 3-6)
     What Does the American Flag Mean to You? (Grade 3-6)
     Martin's Dream (Grade 3-6)
     Sally's Sandcastles (Grade 3-6)
     The Spooky Koops House (Grade 3-6)
     Thank You, I Really (Don't) Love It! (Grade 3-6)
     The Hungry Lawnmower (Grade 4-6)
     Dangerous Diet (Grade 4-6)
     Dance Practice Interrupted (Grade 4-6)
     An Awkward Ride (Grade 4-6)
     If I Were First Lady (Grade 4-6)
     Is this Gift Good Enough? (Grade 4-6)
     Is This Dog Sick? (Grade 4-6)
     Too Much Change (Grade 4-6)
     A Shoulder to Cry On (Grade 4-6)
     Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be (Grade 4-6)
     Are You a Man or a Mouse? (Grade 4-8)
     Halloween Dilemma (Grade 5-8)
     It's Not Safe to Walk Home Alone! (Grade 6-8)
     A Game of Gossip (Grade 6-8)
     How Could She? (Grade 6-8)
     Breaking Up (Grade 6-8)
     What's a Good Neighbor For? (Grade 6-8)
     From Your Nigerian Benefactor (Grade 6-8)
     Free Money (Grade 6-8)
     Let Me See That (Grade 6-8)
     Confidential Information (Grade 6-8)
     BB Gun (Grade 6-8)
     I'm Scared. (Grade 6-8)
     What Do I Do Now? (Grade 6-8)
     No Time for Homework (Grade 6-8)
     Boycott the Olympics? (Grade 6-9)
     Joining a Gang (Grade 7-9)
     You Are the Witness (Grade 7-9)
     A Friend Wants to Go Off Meds (Grade 9-12)
     Would You Take this Promotion? (Grade 9-12)
     Should You Take This Deal? (Grade 9-12)
     The Minivan Is Not Cool! (Grade 10-12)
     College Dorm or Stay at Home? (Grade 11-12)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     A Letter to Grandma (Grades 1-2)
     A Talking Bear Learns about Manners (Grades 1-2)
     All Kinds of Farmers (Grades 1-2)
     All the Colors of the Rainbow (Grades 1-2)
     At the Aquarium (Grades 1-2)
     At the Park (Grades 1-2)
     I Don't Want to Put My Money in the Bank (Grades 1-2)
     I Need to Get Ready, Too! (Grades 1-2)
     I Need to Know the Time! (Grades 1-2)
     I Want to Play the Drums! (Grades 1-2)
     Let's Make a Fruit Salad (Grades 1-2)
     Let's Play "I Spy" in Our Classroom (Grades 1-2)
     Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the Morning (Grades 1-2)
     Offshore Friends (Grades 1-2)
     Oh, No! It's Saturday? (Grades 1-2)
     Pumpkins All Around (Grades 1-2)
     Puzzling for Puzzles (Grades 1-2)
     Tact at Layton's House (Grades 1-2)
     The Perfect Place (Grades 1-2)
     There's Good Money in the Laundry (Grades 1-2)
     Time to Set the Table (Grades 1-2)
     Waiting for a Flight (Grades 1-2)
     We're Picking Up Gramma (Grades 1-2)
     What Would We Do Without Them? (Grades 1-2)
     What's a Family Tree? (Grades 1-2)
     What's for Lunch? (Grades 1-2)
     A Typical Day (Grades 1-3)
     An Instrumental Wish (Grades 1-3)
     Dinosaur Survival School (Grades 1-3)
     Feet and Hooves and Wheels and Wings (Grades 1-3)
     Getting More Exercise (Grades 1-3)
     Grandpa Learns a New Game (Grades 1-3)
     Is It Spring Yet? (Grades 1-3)
     Let's Go Shopping! (Grades 1-3)
     Painting the House (Grades 1-3)
     Setting the Clock (Grades 1-3)
     Shopping at the Supermarket (Grades 1-3)
     The Perfect Pumpkin (Grades 1-3)
     What Not To Do (Grades 1-3)
     Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Zoo? (Grades 1-4)
     Home Work (Grade 2)
     I Want To Be a Real Boy! (Grade 2)
     Making Music (Grade 2)
     Playing Outside (Grade 2)
     What Will We Be for Halloween? (Grade 2)
     All About Calendars (Grades 2-3)
     Animal Names (Grades 2-3)
     At the Farm (Grades 2-3)
     Chalkboard and Paintbrush (Grades 2-3)
     Colorful People (Grades 2-3)
     Don't Forget Your Vitamins and Minerals! (Grades 2-3)
     Four Seasons Potluck (Grades 2-3)
     Girls in the Kitchen (Grades 2-3)
     Half-Chick: A Tale from Spain (Grades 2-3)
     How Rocks Were Born: A Story of the Far North (Grades 2-3)
     Jake Opens a Bank Account (Grades 2-3)
     Job Challenges (Grades 2-3)
     Mending the Sky: A Story from China (Grades 2-3)
     Merry Meerkats: Life in the Meerkat Colony (Grades 2-3)
     Mr. Bear and His Grapes: An African-American Tale (Grades 2-3)
     Out to Dinner (Grades 2-3)
     Penguins of Antarctica: All About Adelies (Grades 2-3)
     Pretty Inside (Grades 2-3)
     Puppies for Adoptions (Grades 2-3)
     Shape Up! (Grades 2-3)
     Silliness (Grades 2-3)
     The Big, Wide-Mouthed Toad-Frog (Grades 2-3)
     The Brave Pot-Maker: A Tale from India (Grades 2-3)
     The Ram and the Pig (Grades 2-3)
     The Ungrateful Wolf: A Tale from the Pacific Northwest (Grades 2-3)
     The Wonderful World of Whales (Grades 2-3)
     The Yellow Dragon: Why Some Animals Look the Way They Do (Grades 2-3)
     Which Sport for Me? (Grades 2-3)
     Why Tortoise's Shell Is Not Smooth (Grades 2-3)
     A New House (Grades 2-4)
     Amare and the Game Board: An Ethiopian Tale (Grades 2-4)
     Antarctica: Life in a Frozen Land (Grades 2-4)
     At the Post Office (Grades 2-4)
     Big Turtle: A Native American Story (Grades 2-4)
     Buying Vegetables at the Farmers' Market (Grades 2-4)
     Handling the Phone (Grades 2-4)
     How Bear Lost His Tail: An Iroquois Legend (Grades 2-4)
     How Raven Got the Sun: A Native American Legend (Grades 2-4)
     How the Brave Pot-Maker Helped the Rajah: A Tale from India (Grades 2-4)
     How the Kangaroo Got Her Pouch: An Australian Aboriginal Legend (Grades 2-4)
     Leo the Lion and Tiny Mouse (Grades 2-4)
     Let's Bake a Cake (Grades 2-4)
     Manners Matter (Grades 2-4)
     Mr. Fox and Miss Crow (Grades 2-4)
     Mr. Sparrow and His Big Mouth (Grades 2-4)
     Sour Grapes - A Monologue (Grades 2-4)
     T.J. Tortoise and Howie Hare (Grades 2-4)
     The Classroom Mystery (Grades 2-4)
     The Doctor's Appointment (Grades 2-4)
     The Hares and the Frogs (Grades 2-4)
     The Old Wild Goose Tries to Keep Winter from Coming (Grades 2-4)
     A New Home for Sloth (Grade 3)
     Here's Your Sign (Grade 3)
     How About Hat? (Grade 3)
     Ocean Animals (Grade 3)
     Party Preparation (Grade 3)
     Planning Our Days (Grade 3)
     Stirring the Pot (Grade 3)
     Time for the Show... (Grade 3)
     We're Going Back to School (Grade 3)
     Wedding Days (Grade 3)
     Zoo Friends (Grade 3)
     Calendar Conversation (Grades 3-4)
     Cheng and Jian: The Story of Two Chinese Brothers (Grades 3-4)
     Community Helpers (Grades 3-4)
     Constitutional Cathy Pays a Visit (Grades 3-4)
     Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend (Grades 3-4)
     Friends and Feelings (Grades 3-4)
     Please Forgive Me (Grades 3-4)
     The Badger and the Rattlesnake (Grades 3-4)
     The Cuckoo: A Siberian Story (Grades 3-4)
     The Gecko and the Gray Wolf (Grades 3-4)
     The Magic Bowl (Grades 3-4)
     The Story of the Stone Lion (Grades 3-4)
     The Tale of Tafari: How Spiders Learned to Weave (Grades 3-4)
     The Uninvited Guest (Grades 3-4)
     Thumbling: The Tale of a Tiny Boy (Grades 3-4)
     Tug of War: Which Animal is the Strongest? (Grades 3-4)
     We Are Circus Performers (Grades 3-4)
     We'll Keep You Safe (Grades 3-4)
     Why Bats Fly at Night: A Story from Laos (Grades 3-4)
     Why the Carabao Moves So Slowly: A Filipino Tale (Grades 3-4)
     Amazing Ants: Life in the Colony (Grades 3-5)
     Ant and Chrysalis (Grades 3-5)
     Filling in the Yearly Planner (Grades 3-5)
     Spilled Milk (Grades 3-5)
     Spring and Summer Holidays (Grades 3-5)
     Tactful Tori (Grades 3-5)
     The Class Project (Grades 3-5)
     The Great Rain: A Native American Legend (Grades 3-5)
     The Importance of Being Responsible (Grades 3-5)
     The North Wind and the Sun Compete (Grades 3-5)
     The Talking Salmon (Grades 3-5)
     What Is Your Favorite Winter Holiday? (Grades 3-5)
     K.C.'s Dream (Grades 3-6)
     The Donkey's Tale (Grades 3-6)
     A Fruity Picnic (Grade 4)
     A More Perfect Union (Grade 4)
     Cleaning the Bathroom (Grade 4)
     Family Reunion (Grade 4)
     He Sailed the Ocean Blue (Grade 4)
     Showing Off Our Clothes! (Grade 4)
     Sibling Cleaning Team (Grade 4)
     Camels Can't Dance (Grades 4-5)
     Gold for the Clever Man: A Tale from India (Grades 4-5)
     I Don't Understand Them! (Grades 4-5)
     King Sejong and His Alphabet: A Korean Tale (Grades 4-5)
     Manners Mayhem at the Movie Theater (Grades 4-5)
     Not Just about Us (Grades 4-5)
     The Good Couple and Their Bad Neighbors (Grades 4-5)
     The House on the Hill (Grades 4-5)
     The Poor Man and the Snake (Grades 4-5)
     Autumn Holidays (Grades 4-6)
     Grady Grasshopper and Archie Ant (Grades 4-6)
     Meet My Teachers (Grades 4-6)
     School Employees Appreciation Day (Grades 4-6)
     The Lake of Miracles: An Incan Legend (Grades 4-6)
     Classroom Conduct (Grades 4-7)
     Good Communication (Grades 4-7)
     How to Handle a Theft (Grades 4-7)
     Making Good Choices (Grades 4-7)
     Rising to a Challenge (Grades 4-7)
     Study Skills (Grades 4-7)
     How to Handle a Bully (Grades 4-8)
     Picking on the New Kid (Grades 4-12)
     Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Grade 5)
     Counting Change (Grade 5)
     Question Mark Seeks Answers about Presidential Inaugurations (Grades 5-7)
     The Volcanoes - A Play About Forgiveness (Grades 5-7)
     Accepting Responsibility (Grades 6-7)
     Kids in a Cabin - a Lesson in Responsibility (Grades 6-8)
     Forgiveness Rapped Up (Grades 7-8)
     Sister to Sister [Gangs Theme] (Grades 9-12)

Reluctant Reader Books
     A Dollar a Day (Grade 1-2)
     Annie's Best Day (Grade 1-2)
     My Dog and Best Friend (Grade 1-2)
     Time to Learn (Grade 1-3)
     Attack on the High Seas (Grade 2-3)
     Clowning Around (Grade 2-3)
     Dear Diary, What a Year! (Grade 2-3)
     Earth Hour Sleepover (Grade 2-3)
     I Love Winter (Grade 2-3)
     Munchable Mysteries: Busting Food Myths (Grade 2-3)
     Oh Man, Stan! (Grade 2-3)
     Please, Louise! (Grade 2-3)
     Spring Has Sprung (Grade 2-3)
     Summer Postcards from Blake and Bill (Grade 2-3)
     The Beyonc� Contest (Grade 2-3)
     Beyond Sit and Stay: Training Tricks for You and Your Dog (Grade 2-4)
     Philly's Dream Come True (Grade 2-4)
     Stu and Sally Stingray (Grade 2-4)
     Weird and Wonderful You! Book #1 (Grade 2-4)
     Doggie Lingo (Grade 2-6)
     Porter's Letters to Griffin (Grade 3)
     A Weekend in the Smokies (Grade 3-4)
     Brave Ruby Bridges (Grade 3-4)
     Bug Off! Bizarre Bugs From Around the World (Grade 3-4)
     Can You Believe it? Wild and Wacky Truths from Around the World (Grade 3-4)
     Crazy Cars: Wild and Wacky Rides (Grade 3-4)
     Emma's Eyes (Grade 3-4)
     Emma's Valentine's Day Mystery (Grade 3-4)
     Good Luck Symbols from Around the Globe (Grade 3-4)
     In the Pit...With the Crew: A NASCAR Pit Crew (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Martin Luther King, Jr. (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Miley (Grade 3-4)
     Oil in the Gulf (Grade 3-4)
     Oops! More Wild and Wacky Sports Injuries (Grade 3-4)
     Pass it Peyton! Peyton Manning (Grade 3-4)
     Peace with Pizza (Grade 3-4)
     Percy the Penguin (Grade 3-4)
     Pump It Up: All About Your Blood (Grade 3-4)
     Room 127: Alex's X-Ray Vision (Grade 3-4)
     Room 127: Freddie Can Fly! (Story #2) (Grade 3-4)
     Room 127: Jack Jumps (Story #3) (Grade 3-4)
     Spiders (Grade 3-4)
     Stormy Weather (Grade 3-4)
     Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Stunts (Grade 3-4)
     The Man Who Followed Favre: Aaron Rodgers (Grade 3-4)
     Watch Out! It's a Wolfsnail! (Grade 3-4)
     Weird and Wonderful You! Book #2 (Grade 3-4)
     Your Cat's Baffling Behavior (Grade 3-4)
     Dylan and Cole Sprouse (Grade 3-5)
     From the Ground Up (Grade 3-5)
     Groundhog Day: The History and the Holiday (Grade 3-5)
     How a Bicycle Works (Grade 3-5)
     How Do You Make a Video Game? (Grade 3-5)
     Reaching for the Goal (Grade 3-5)
     S Is For St. Patrick (Grade 3-5)
     Types of Auto Racing (Grade 3-5)
     A Shooting Star over the Shoe Store (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Goes to a Potluck (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Visits Earth (Grade 3-6)
     RI is for Rhode Island (Grade 3-6)
     Where, Oh Where is Monty the Bear? (Grade 3-6)
     Meet Me in Miami: My Trip to Super Bowl XLIV (Grade 3-12)
     That's How Ron Rolls: a Skateboarding Story (Grade 4)
     A Trip to the International Space Station (Grade 4-5)
     Aliens: Fact or Fiction? (Grade 4-5)
     Bethany Hamilton: Shark Attack Survivor (Grade 4-5)
     Bright Lights in the Deep, Dark Sea (Grade 4-5)
     Home Sweet Home: Wild and Wacky Houses around the World (Grade 4-5)
     How I Survived the Pirate Attack (Grade 4-5)
     Kelly Pickler: From Small Town Girl to Big Time Star (Grade 4-5)
     Mike and the Legend of St. Valentine (Grade 4-5)
     Military Machines (Grade 4-5)
     Pet Power: Animals to the Rescue (Grade 4-5)
     Play Hard, Stay Safe (Grade 4-5)
     Sandcastles on the Beach (Grade 4-5)
     Sharks (Grade 4-5)
     Showtime for Punxsutawney Phil (Grade 4-5)
     The Titanic: The "Unsinkable Ship" that Sank (Grade 4-5)
     The Crazy Crashes of NASCAR (Grade 4-5)
     The Day the Seagulls Attacked (Grade 4-5)
     The Myth of the Man-eating Monster (Grade 4-5)
     Unlikely Animal Friends (Grade 4-5)
     Want to be an Astronaut? (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Snakebite (Grade 4-5)
     Your Dog's Baffling Behavior (Grade 4-5)
     A New Game Show on Planet Pearth! (Grade 4-6)
     AL is for Alabama (Grade 4-6)
     Anne Frank (Grade 4-6)
     Cameras (Grade 4-6)
     Crime Scene Investigation (Grade 4-6)
     Dog Mushing (Grade 4-6)
     GA is for Georgia (Grade 4-6)
     H Is for Healthy Habits (Grade 4-6)
     Hall of Records at Mount Rushmore (Grade 4-6)
     History of Country Music (Grade 4-6)
     IA is for Iowa (Grade 4-6)
     MA is for Massachusetts (Grade 4-6)
     Many Faces of Rock Music (Grade 4-6)
     Motorcycles (Grade 4-6)
     MS is for Mississippi (Grade 4-6)
     Oh, the Stories He Wrote! The Life of Dr. Seuss (Grade 4-6)
     Rex's Delectable Food Phrases (Grade 4-6)
     Rocky Mountain National Park Adventure (Grade 4-6)
     So You Want to Find Your Hidden Talent (Grade 4-6)
     So You Want to Paint Your Room! (Grade 4-6)
     Soccer History by Mail (Grade 4-6)
     Storm Chasers: Into the Storm (Grade 4-6)
     The Iditarod: The Last Great Race on Earth (Grade 4-6)
     The Magic Shower Stall, Book Three (Grade 4-6)
     Underwater Adventure, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     Underwater Adventure, Book Three (Grade 4-6)
     Underwater Adventure, Book Two (Grade 4-6)
     WY is for Wyoming (Grade 4-6)
     The ABCs of Geometry (Grade 4-7)
     Pirate Ships and Pirate Crews (Grade 4-8)
     Zephyr's Choice, Book 1 (Grade 5)
     Zephyr's Choice, Book 2: The Escape (Grade 5)
     Zephyr's Choice, Book 3: Victory (Grade 5)
     Muskoxen (Grade 5-6)
     My, Oh, My! Mummy Tales From Around the World (Grade 5-6)
     Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King! (Grade 5-6)
     Venomous Snakes (Grade 5-6)
     Madam C.J. Walker (Grade 5-7)
     El Camino de la Muerte: The Road of Death (Grade 5-8)
     Alcatraz: The Rock (Grade 5-8)
     Famous Pirates (Grade 5-8)
     Frisbees (Grade 5-8)
     The World of Skateboarding (Grade 5-8)
     Stories from the Bermuda Triangle: Flight 19 (Grade 6-7)
     From Teenager to Teen Idol: Taylor Swift (Grade 6-8)
     The Bermuda Triangle (Grade 6-8)
     Shaping the Super Bowl (Grade 7-9)

American Government
             American Government

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts

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