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Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans
Short Readers
Humor - The Power of Humor (Short Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)
Earth Hour Power (Short Reader; Grade 4-5 Readability)
Nancy Pelosi, Lady of Power (Short Reader; Grade 6-8 Readability)
Reading Comprehensions
Living Near a Nuclear Power Plant (Grades 1-3)
Water Power (Grades 2-3)
The Power of Music (Grades 2-3)
Battery Power (Grade 3)
Neighbors Living Near a Nuclear Power Plant (Grades 4-6)
Brain Power (Grades 5-7)
The Powers of the Judicial Branch (Grades 6-8)
The Powers of the Legislative Branch (Grades 6-8)
Steam Power (Grades 6-8)
How Do Geothermal Power Plants Make Electricity? (Grades 6-8)
The Power of Sound (Grades 6-8)
Volcanoes and the Power of Three (Grades 7-8)
The Power of the President (Grades 9-12)
The Powers of Congress (Grades 9-12)
Literature Book Units
The Higher Power of Lucky (Grades 4-7)
Read and Color Books
Going Up? The Invention of the Elevator
The Golden Door: Ellis Island
Harry the Harlequin
Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 1-2)
Twinkle, Twinkle
(Grades 3-5)
A Teddy Bear's Wish
Alvaro's Kidnapping: A Crime in Colombia
Andrew Jackson
Anne Frank's Diary
Being Safe in a Thunderstorm
Bicycles: Riding Out In The Open
Chemistry by the Numbers: Acids and Bases
Disappearing Act - The Anasazi, Part 4
Goodness Gracious, Great Bolts of Lightning!
Let There Be Light
Liz Overcomes Homelessness in America
Marco Splashes in Acid Rain
Mikhail's Story: Change in Armenia
Pretending - Oh, the Places We Go
Ready, Set, Skate! Olympic Speed Skating
Saida Goes to School in Afghanistan
The Gentle Manatee
The Great Pyramid
The Thunderbird
The Wonderful Wind
What Makes Wind?
(Grades 6-8)
2002 Winter Olympics
2008 Election Issues
A Dream Job
A One-Ton Guinea Pig in a Box!
Acid Rain, Go Away!
Alternative Energy Sources
An Afghan Girl Goes to School
An Afghan Girl Goes to School
Beginning of the Darfur Conflict
Bill Cosby Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom
Biopower - the Answer to the Oil Shortage?
Can You Eat a Rainbow?
Children of Japanese Relocation Camps
Chilling Out with Ice Sculptures
Coal Mining
Conflict Over the Three Gorges Dam
Council of Economic Advisers
Cultural Casualties of War
Eructation-What is a Burp?
Feel Full on Fewer Calories
G8 Summit 2001
Geothermal Energy
Going to Work in the 1800s
Home Inventions
Homelessness in America
How a Bicycle Works
How Do Batteries Work?
How Do Electric Eels Produce Electricity?
How Do Hydroelectric Dams Work?
How Do Jellyfish Move?
How Do Light Bulbs Work?
How Do Pacemakers Work?
How Do People Protect Plants and Animals?
How Do Solar Cells Work?
How Do Submarines Work?
How Do Twisty Light Bulbs Work?
How Do Windmills Produce Energy?
How Does a Cable Car Work?
How Does a Canoe Work?
How Does a Cell Phone Work?
How Does a Kite Work?
How Does a Nor'easter Work?
How Does a Parasail Work?
How Does a Submarine Work?
How Does an Escalator Work?
How to Play Checkers
How Windmills Work
Hybrid Cars Update
Hybrid Cars
Ingenuity: A Windmill for a Village
Jean Studies for his Citizenship Test, Part 1
Jean Studies for his Citizenship Test, Part 3
Kid Inventors
Leader of the Free World
Live Earth Concert 2007
Machines for the Industrial Revolution
Military Air Forces
My New Red Shoes
Natural Disasters: Disasters or Blessings?
New Horizons Mission to Pluto
Niagara Falls
Nuclear Testing in North Korea
Olympic Cycling
Perspective - From A Bird's Eye View
Polar Bears and Global Warming
Pompey the Great
Poverty in America
Presidential Travel
Reform in Armenia: Mikhail's Story
Ryan Says, "Clean Water for All!"
Savannah, Georgia: A City of Firsts
Secretary of Energy
Sharon Draper
Sinclair Lewis
Social Sciences
Soft Money
Stardust Mission
Storm Chasers
The "Witches" of Salem, Massachusetts: Part 1
The 1993 Storm of the Century
The Chartist Movement
The Cree
The Fast and Fearless Life of a Jockey
The Golden Touch of Goldsmithing
The Grand Old Party
The Grand Ole Opry of Nashville, Tennessee
The Greeks: Masters of Invention, Part 2
The London Underground
The Magic Present
The Mystery of the Fifth Window, Part One
The Nutrition of a "Picky-Eater" Toddler
The Reign of Terror
The War of Spanish Succession
Tidal Energy
Tippecanoe and Tyler, Too
Train Bombing in Madrid
Using Technology to Study Lightning
War in Afghanistan
Water Skis
Whaling Controversy
What Are Hurricanes?
What Can You Do About Global Warming?
What Is a Hearing Aid?
What Is Christian Science?
What Is Electricity?
What Is Embroidery?
What Makes a Plane Fly?
What Makes You a Good Citizen?
Why Do We Have Earth Day?
Wind Farms
(Grades 9-12)
Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce
Ernest J. Gaines
Fighting For Their Livelihoods-Labor Wars of the 1890s
Fort Snelling, Minnesota
How Does a Microwave Oven Work?
Hurricane Katrina, August 2005
Kate Thompson
Olive Ann Burns
On The Road With Alice Ramsey
Pharaoh Ramses II
Robert Lipsyte
Roger Williams: Founder of Providence, Rhode Island
Silent Night: The Christmas Truce of World War I
The Ave Maria Grotto: "The Scenic Shrine of the South"
The Brain
The Brooks and Baxter War
The Romans in Britain: Hadrian's Wall
(no assigned grade level)
Ancient Egypt - History
(Grades 3-5)
Ireland - Geography
Nicaragua - Geography
Norway - Geography
(Grades 6-8)
Armenia - History
Bulgaria - Culture
Delaware - The Early History
France - History
Hungary - History
India - History
Lithuania - History
Mongolia - History
Norway - History
Smoky Mountains
South Africa - History
Spain - History
Turkey - History
Ukraine - History
Vatican - History
Vietnam - Culture
(Grades 9-12)
Ancient Greece - History
Chile - History
Cote d'Ivoire - History
Cuba - History
Germany - History
Guyana - History
Indonesia - History
Panama - History
Paraguay - History
Russia - History
Thailand - History
Finish the Story
Can Fire Strike Twice? (Grade 3-4)
Journey into the Human Body (Grade 3-6)
The Superheroes Clean up the Earth (Grade 4-6)
Zip and Zing Take a Vacation (Grade 4-6)
Mousetrap (Grade 4-6)
What Would You Do?
A Tacky Situation (Grade 3-6)
Transport Yourself Into the Future (Grade 7-9)
Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
All About Mardi Gras (Grades 3-4)
Maui Tames the Sun: A Hawaiian Legend (Grades 3-4)
Life in the African Savanna (Grades 3-5)
Gold for the Clever Man: A Tale from India (Grades 4-5)
The Lake of Miracles: An Incan Legend (Grades 4-6)
How to Handle a Theft (Grades 4-7)
Rising to a Challenge (Grades 4-7)
Reluctant Reader Books
Earth Hour Sleepover (Grade 2-3)
Room 127: Alex's X-Ray Vision (Grade 3-4)
Room 127: Jack Jumps (Story #3) (Grade 3-4)
All-Terrain Vehicles (Grade 3-5)
How a Bicycle Works (Grade 3-5)
Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 3-6)
Awesome Inventions (Grade 4-5)
Military Machines (Grade 4-5)
The Magic in Room 127: Isabella's Story (Grade 4-5)
Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Snakebite (Grade 4-5)
Anne Frank (Grade 4-6)
CT is for Connecticut (Grade 4-6)
Dog Mushing (Grade 4-6)
ID is for Idaho (Grade 4-6)
Motorcycles (Grade 4-6)
NC is for North Carolina (Grade 4-6)
SC is for South Carolina (Grade 4-6)
So You Want to be a Superhero (Grade 4-6)
Storm Chasers: Into the Storm (Grade 4-6)
The Giants of Easter Island (Grade 4-6)
TX is for Texas (Grade 4-6)
Underwater Adventure, Book One (Grade 4-6)
Underwater Adventure, Book Three (Grade 4-6)
Unicorns (Grade 4-6)
WV is for West Virginia (Grade 4-6)
A Mythic Order Adventure (Grade 5)
Zephyr's Choice, Book 1 (Grade 5)
Zephyr's Choice, Book 2: The Escape (Grade 5)
Zephyr's Choice, Book 3: Victory (Grade 5)
Jennifer Hudson (Grade 5-6)
Vampires (Grade 5-6)
Welcome Aboard Air Force One (Grade 5-6)
Snowmobiles (Grade 5-7)
What's Behind the Mask? (Grade 5-7)
Endangered Animals (Grade 5-8)
Frisbees (Grade 5-8)
Gypsies (Grade 5-8)
Let's Go Riding: Snowmobile Fun! (Grade 5-8)
Haiti Then and Now (Grade 6-7)
Stories from the Bermuda Triangle: Flight 19 (Grade 6-7)
The Bermuda Triangle (Grade 6-8)
More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets
Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States
Monthly Themes
Place Value
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles
Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts
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