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Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans
Activity Pages
Farmers Market Activities
Reading Comprehensions
To Market, To Market (Grades 4-6)
Characteristics of a Market Economy (Grades 6-12)
Market Incentives, Substitutes, and Complements (Grades 6-12)
Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
Buying Fruits at the Farmers' Market (Grades 1-3)
Buying Vegetables at the Farmers' Market (Grades 2-4)
Read and Color Books
Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 6-8)
"Mr. Sam"
Adam Smith
Clarence Birdseye
Eli Whitney
Garret A. Morgan, Inventor of Safety Devices
Hattie McDaniel
Josiah Henson
Phillis Wheatley
(Grades 9-12)
Andy Warhol, the Prince of Pop
Biography of Calvin Klein
Caroline Herschel
Dr. Mae Jemison: A True Explorer
Henry Ford
Johannes Brahms
Daily Themes
(Grades 3-5)
Farmers' Market
Herb Garden
Onions, Onions, Onions
Warm and Cozy
(Grades 6-8)
A Bad Trick
Charles Elmer Hires - Inventor of Root Beer
Cowboy Poetry
Flooding of the Nile Day
Flying Disc Fun
The Benefits of Board Games
The Tale of Patricius: Voyage, Part 1
The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra
(no assigned grade level)
Hybrid Cars
It�s Convention Time!
Working Cattle on the Lucky Seven Ranch
(Grades 1-2)
Growers of Food
(Grades 3-5)
A New Land
Apple Pie
Apples, the Perfect Snack
Changing Communities
Handmade African Instruments
Hardscrabble Christmas I
Initiative: Trash or Treasure?
Joshua Lionel Cowen: Inventor of Lionel Trains
Mrs. Badger's Honey Cake
Nunavut and Confederation
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Roads, Canals, and Railways
The Cattle Industry Grows
The Compromise of 1850
The Fox and the Crow
The Great Depression
The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey
The Milkmaid and Her Pail
The Pilgrims� First Feast
The Real McCoy: The Life of Elijah McCoy, Inventor
(Grades 6-8)
You Tube
A Day Without Immigrants
A Letter from Your Nervous Thanksgiving Turkey
A Shattered Fairy Tale: The South after the Civil War
A Sport That Bowled 'Em Over
Accidental Discoveries that Changed the World: Super Glue
Accidental Discoveries: Saccharin
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alphabet Soup II - Roosevelt's New Deal
Alyssa's Giant Pumpkin
An Exciting Discovery: The Nag Hammadi Library
Anna Marie Jarvis: The Mother of Mother's Day
Banking in the Renaissance
Building a Better Mousetrap, Part 1
Building a Better Mousetrap, Part 2
Business Booms During the Renaissance!
Butter vs. Margarine
Cattle Drives
Civil War Photography
Cold Warriors, Part 2 - U.S.
Dietitians and Nutritionists
Doing Business in the Middle Ages
Effects of Genetic Engineering
EWWW -- Gross Art: The Pike Place Gum Wall
For Every Object, A Group
For Every Object, A Group
Foreign Service Officers
Get Your Pictures Instantly
Going to Work in the 1800s
Herbert Hoover
History of the Midwest Region, Part 2
Honeycrisp Apples- The "New Kid on the Block"
How Do Zippers Work?
How Does a Savings Account Work?
Hula Hooping
Hybrid Cars Update
Is There Really a Rubik Who Invented a Cube?
Isolation vs. Expansion - Background of America's War with Spain
John and Sebastian Cabot
Justin Timberlake - From Mouseketeer to Pop Star
Landmines: Watch Your Step!
Leader of the Free World
Lenora Learns About Italy's Art Issue
Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machines
Life as an Immigrant
Life as an Immigrant
Life in the English Countryside
Man Imitates Birds
Matt, the Entrepreneur
Mexican Moles
Money and Prices
Mood Description
Nutrition Bars
Our Economy and the U.S. Constitution
Pac-Man Meets Game Boy
Quebec Established
Really Down on the Farm - "Sockless Jerry" and the Populist Party
Red Summer - A Season of Fear
Reform in Armenia: Mikhail's Story
Roads, Canals, and Railways
Secretary of Education
Slave Economy
Slave Life
Sugar Substitutes
Supply and Demand at the Lemonade Stand
Tallest of the Tall
The Birth of a Nation
The Christmas Tree Ship Disaster
The Collapse of Communism
The Color of Fear - America's "Red Scare"
The Department of State is Created
The Executive Branch
The Great Depression - What Crashed and Why?
The Great Depression
The iPhone Arrives
The Legacy of the Snowman
The Marshall Plan
The Mysterious Renoir Thief
The Navigator's Tools
The Oreo Is Here to Stay
The Peace Corps
The Road to Publication
The Slave Trade
The Unbelievable Sport of Toe Wrestling
Thomas Ponders Genetically Engineered Food
Tinker Bell Takes a Flight
Trade Restrictions
Trouble in the Nursery � A Baby Nation Goes to War
Understanding Point of View
Victoria Woodhull
Walking with the Walkman
What Goes Into a Political Poll?
What Is a Foreclosure?
What Is Inflation?
What Is Knitting?
Why Do People Immigrate?
You, the Consumer
(Grades 9-12)
Bootleggers, Rumrunners, and Moonshine - The Business of Prohibition
Duck! Life on the Sidelines of a War
Forming Opinions
Gadgets, Gizmos, and the Great Unknown
Immigration and the United States Economy
Just When Math Got Organized, Chaos Popped Up!
Latin American Freedom Fighters, Part 1 - The Roots of War
Leaders in Crisis - Franklin D. Roosevelt
Leaders in Crisis - Herbert C. Hoover
Lenora Tries to Help with Italy's Art Problems
Looking for Happy Endings � America in the 1890s
On The Road With Alice Ramsey
Prescription Drug Question
Rations, Salvage, and Victory Gardens
Saree and a Short History of Indian Textiles
Seamus Heaney
Sean Stewart
Teens can Dress for Success
The "Japanese Problem" of WWII - A Struggle of Fear and Freedom
The 1920s - How They Roared
The Great American Newspaper War, Part 1 - Rise of the Giants
The History of Zoroastrianism
The Last Man - Waiting Out the Dust Bowl
The Natural Wonders of Virginia
The North after the Civil War
The Phoenicians' Purple Passion
Thomas Fitzpatrick, AKA Broken Hand, Part 2
Tsunami Miracle
Unbirthday Parties and Other Celebrations from Children's Books
Up, Up, and Away with Magazines and Comic Books
Where's the Party? - Prohibition and the Mood of the Roaring Twenties
(Grades 3-5)
Welcome to Crescent City
(no assigned grade level)
Mexican Culture
Modern Egypt - Traditions and Daily Life
(Grades 3-5)
Let's Build a Maryland Community
Poland - Geography
(Grades 6-8)
The Maine State Museum
The Prairie Land
Walt Disney � The Great Animator
(Grades 9-12)
Puerto Rico - History
Russia - History
Finish the Story
Cattle Drive (Grade 3-4)
What Would You Do?
New Neighbor Blues (Grade 3-6)
How will You Spend Your Money? (Grade 6-8)
Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
The Brave Pot-Maker: A Tale from India (Grades 2-3)
Running Errands (Grades 2-4)
The Mouse Deer: A Tale From Indonesia (Grades 2-4)
The Pear Tree (Grades 2-4)
Cheng and Jian: The Story of Two Chinese Brothers (Grades 3-4)
Why the Carabao Moves So Slowly: A Filipino Tale (Grades 3-4)
Spilled Milk (Grades 3-5)
The Naughty Dog (Grades 3-5)
Reluctant Reader Books
How Do You Make a Video Game? (Grade 3-5)
How We Play Recorded Music (Grade 4-6)
MA is for Massachusetts (Grade 4-6)
Level Up: The Making of a Video Game (Grade 5-7)
Frisbees (Grade 5-8)
More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets
Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States
Monthly Themes
Place Value
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles
Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts
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