Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources

Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans


Read and Color
            The Food Pyramid

Food Pyramid Activity Book
            Food Puzzles

Very Quick Readers
     Chew and Chomp: Energy from the Food Chain (Very Quick Reader; Grade 2-4 Readability)
     A Forest Is a Food Factory (Very Quick Reader; Grade 4-6 Readability)
     Parts of the Food Chain: Consumers (Very Quick Reader; Grade 5-7 Readability)

Short Readers
     Every Thing Needs Food (Short Reader; Grade 1-3 Readability)
     A Backyard Food Chain (Short Reader; Grade 2-4 Readability)
     Plants Make Food (Short Reader; Grade 2-4 Readability)
     We're All in This Together: The Fabulous Food Chain (Short Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)
     Food As Fuel (Short Reader; Grade 4-6 Readability)
     Parts of the Food Chain: Scavengers and Decomposers (Short Reader; Grade 4-6 Readability)
     Parts of the Food Chain: Producers (Short Reader; Grade 4-6 Readability)
     Food Energy Pyramid (Short Reader; Grade 5-6 Readability)
     Plants Are Food Factories (Short Reader; Grade 5-6 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     Making Healthy Food Choices (Grades 4-6)
     Reading a Food Label
     Your Food Factory (Grade 1)
     Growers of Food (Grades 1-2)
     Rebecca's Family Visits the Food Bank (Grades 1-3)
     Food Is Not Green (Grades 1-3)
     The Food Guide Pyramid (Grades 1-3)
     Michael Helps Ben at the Food Bank (Grades 2-4)
     What Happens to the Food You Eat? (Grades 3-4) (Grades 3-4)
     Food Preparation (Grades 3-4)
     Food & Dining (Grades 3-5)
     What are They Doing to My Food? (Grades 3-5)
     Food Webs (Grades 3-5)
     You and the Food Chain (Grades 3-5)
     Food Safety While Hiking or Camping (Grades 3-5)
     Food Labels (Grades 4-5)
     Recalled Food (Grades 4-5)
     Thawing Food Safely (Grades 4-5)
     Takeout Foods (Grades 4-5)
     Who Thought Up This Food? (Grades 4-6)
     An American Family Visits the Food Bank (Grades 4-6)
     Brain Foods (Grades 4-6)
     Food Poisoning (Grades 4-6)
     Vitamins from Food or Supplements (Grades 4-6)
     Food Chain vs. Food Web (Grades 4-8)
     The Food Chain Loop (Grades 5-6)
     What Goes Into Real Mexican Food? (Grades 5-7)
     Gross But Edible Foods (Grades 5-7)
     More Gross but Edible Foods (Grades 5-7)
     Protect Yourself from the Food Bugs (Grades 5-7)
     Food Scientist (Grades 6-8)
     Indian Food and a Short History of Spices (Grades 6-8)
     Thomas Ponders Genetically Engineered Food (Grades 6-8)
     Food Chains and Food Webs (Grades 6-8)
     Food Chains and Food Webs (Grades 6-8)
     Digestion -- The Foods We Eat (Grades 7-8)
     Junk Food Pyramid (Grade 9)

Reluctant Reader Books
     Munchable Mysteries: Busting Food Myths (Grade 2-3)
     Strange but True: Crazy Facts about Food (Grade 3-4)
     Rex's Delectable Food Phrases (Grade 4-6)
     Let's Eat: Unusual Foods! (Grade 5-8)

What Would You Do?
     Favorite Friend, Not So Favorite Food (Grade 2-4)
     The Food Fight (Grade 3-6)

Literature Book Units
     Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (Paperback) (Grades 9-12)

Read and Color Books
            Coming To America
            Cinco de Mayo
            One Hundred Days of School
            Treasure Your Teeth (PDF file)
            Sylvia Squirrel's Rainy Day
            A Grasshopper Grows
            Jack the Javelina
            Frog in a Pond
            Robin and Rodney Red Breast
            A Message from Your Vegetable Garden (June 17)
            A Well-Dressed Guest (January 15)
            Dotty the Dragon Gets a Job (January 16)
            Labor Day (September 4)
            Butterscotch Pudding in Space (September 19)
            Puppies Need a Lot! (September 25)
            What Kind of Nut Are You? (October 22)
            Different Kinds of Smoke
            A Long Hike
            How's the Weather Up There?
            Groundhog Day Read and Color
            Clyde of the Desert
            Evan the Emu
            Gray Wolf's Guide to the Grasslands
            Harry the Harlequin
            Lee and Lena
            Ancient India Read and Color (PDF File)

Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 3-5)
     A Llama in Pajamas and Other Silly Songs

Daily Themes
(Grades 1-2)
     A Big Mistake
     A Day on the Wild Side
     A Day to be Free
     A Winter Surprise
     An Underground Festival
     Bobby and the Buzzy Bees
     Chocolate People
     Don't Wait! Manage Weight!--Healthy Habits for Kids
     Eating Bugs
     Fawn Meets Winter
     Fawn�s First Summer
     Grandpa Nils
     Happy Birthday, Garfield
     Have a Bad Day!
     I Didn't Know That!
     I HaveANT Got Brown Shoes!
     I Wish I Was a Polar Bear
     Icky and Sticky
     John's Mom
     Lisa's Picnic
     Mark Is Too Busy
     Michael�s Monkeys
     Miss B
     My Best Friend
     No Cleaning Today!
     Picky Michael
     Sal's Salami
     Talking Hands
     The Ants' Picnic
     The Best Dog in the World
     The Bugs' Plan
     The Family Reunion
     The Shamu Show
     The Taffy Pull
     Three Trees
     What Can I Do?
     What Do They Build?
     Will's Waffles
(Grades 3-5)
     A Cat Named Yoda
     A Hamburger Dilemma
     A Little Boy�s Garden
     A Surprise for Mom
     An Egg-cellent Lunch
     Anne's Voice
     Around the World
     At Last, a Corn Dog
     Blocks for All Ages
     Changing Season
     Chicken and Eggs
     Cookies in the Kitchen
     Cool Beans!
     Do Not Pass Go
     Doing Teshuvah
     Every Kernel Pops
     Gordon's Friends
     Happy Birthday!
     Happy Bologna Day!
     Happy Holiday Ethiopia!
     Happy New Year Japan!
     Happy Spring Japan!
     History of Honey
     Home Sweet Home
     How Sweet It Is
     Instant Energy
     James Oglethorpe
     Jamie Gets a Puppy
     Karen and Marybeth Learn About Manners
     Living on a Volcano
     Marielle's Dollar
     McKayla 1, Weeds 1
     Melinda Lou's Hamburgers
     Mr. McDonald's
     Mr. Wal-Mart
     Music on a Platter
     Never-ending Ideas
     Pass the Ketchup
     Pet Rabbits
     Pink Ribbons
     Poking a Cake
     Pop! Pop! Pop!
     Queen of Light
     Robbie's Paws
     Rock Candy Day
     Salt or Herbs?
     Snap,Crackle, Pop and More
     The Biggest Hamburger You Can Buy
     The Dragon Stone
     The Five B's for School Success
     The Goose Feather Bed
     The Tale of the Pied Piper
     The World's Best Fruit
     The World's Greatest Pie
     Tick, Tock! Eddie Gets a Clock
     To Be Like Columbus
     We Knead Bread
     What in the World?
     Word Wizard

(Grades 1-2)
     A Chick Named Chico
     A Gingerbread House
     A Snack
     An Apple Grows in Washington
     Apples to Eat
     Bad Bart
     Bad Breath
     Baker, Baker, Donut Maker
     Chuckles the Chimp and Charlie
     Fawn Finds Fall
     Fifteen Days of the Chinese New Year
     Go Away Germs!
     How the Rattlesnake Got Its Poison
     I Breathe
     I Can
     My Blood
     My Muscles
     Pete's Pool Party
     The After School Snack
     The Bee Sting
     The Quite Quiet Queen of Quito
     Timmy Turtle
     Two by Two
     Wash Your Hands!
(Grades 3-5)
     A New Life
     A Visit to the Dentist
     Are You a Scientist?
     Christmas at the Shelter
     Comparing Plants and Animals
     Duckling Summer
     Eat Healthy, Grow Strong
     How Machines Affect Our Lives
     I Want to Be a Zoo Worker
     July the 4th
     Little Loon Learns a Lesson
     Martina the Praying Mantis
     Michael Meets the So-wi-bam
     Needs for Life
     Percy the Pterosaur's First Flight
     Pick a Perfect Pet
     Pictures in Rocks
     Potato Latkes
     Puppy in the Road
     Sengbe and the Amistad - "Give Us Free!"
     Simba and the Mouse
     Storm Safety
     Taking Care of a Pet
     Tammy's Sunshine
     Tawa and the Spider Woman (A Hopi Legend)
     The Animals' Purpose (A Creek Legend)
     The Lost Salmon
     The Navajo
     The Nez Perce
     The Owl and the Mouse
     The Pueblo
     The Tooth Jar
     The Travels of the Hat, Part 3: Off the Pier
     The Ute
     Timmy the Tractor
     Tommy Learns about Trustworthiness on a Train
     Twelve by Twelve with Eggs
     Ways to Keep Your Digestive System Working
     What Do Germs Do?
     What Would We Eat Without Plants?
     Woodlands Indians

(Grades 1-2)
     A Dog For Jennie
     An East Coast Thanksgiving
     Art For Sale
     Mama Hog - The Mother of the Three Little Pigs
     Milk and Broccoli
     School Picture Day!
     Teamwork for Lunch
     The Camping Trip
     The Fishing Trip
     The Pet Shop
     Three Kind Mice
     Winning Tastes

(Grades 3-5)
     Prevost's Squirrels

(Grades 3-5)
     Andrew Johnson - 17th President
     Arrowhead Found!
     Delaware and the Underground Railroad
     Nepal - Geography
     The Northern Utes
     The Roaring Rapids
     The Space Needle
     Ukraine - Geography

Finish the Story
     A Strange Egg! (Grade 1-3)
     A Better Grandpa (Grade 2-3)
     Running Deer Sees a White Man (Grade 2-3)
     The End of the Rainbow (Grade 2-4)
     A Hat of Many Colors (Grade 2-4)
     Bring Your Pet to School Day (Grade 2-4)
     Come Fly Away (Grade 2-4)
     Message in a Bottle (Grade 2-4)
     A Fat Cat (Grade 2-4)
     Too Hungry to Help? (Grade 2-4)
     The Great Escape (Grade 3-4)
     Rushing into Trouble (Grade 3-4)
     Good Luck or Bad? (Grade 3-4)
     Runaway to Freedom (Grade 3-4)
     Save the Music (Grade 3-4)
     Pizza Project (Grade 3-4)
     The Mischievous Spider Monkey (Grade 3-5)
     The Ants' Picnic (Grade 3-5)
     A Growing Goldfish! (Grade 3-5)
     The Frogs and the Fish (Grade 3-5)
     A Spectacular Summer Surprise (Grade 3-6)
     Juan the Artist (Grade 3-6)
     Persuasion Is Better Than Force (Grade 3-6)
     A Bucket Full of Trouble (Grade 3-6)
     A New Land (Grade 3-6)
     The Frozen Turkey Dilemma (Grade 3-6)
     A Pi�ata for Cinco de Mayo (Grade 3-6)
     A Teddy Bear Picnic (Grade 4-5)
     I Am Thankful For... (Grade 4-6)
     Martha Manatee Hears a Roar! (Grade 4-6)
     Where Are the Fireworks? (Grade 4-6)
     Crossing the Ocean to America (Grade 4-6)
     Are You In? (Grade 4-6)
     Groundhog Day? (Grade 4-6)
     Who Ate All My Cereal? (Grade 4-6)
     Project New Year (Grade 4-7)
     A New Thanksgiving (Grade 5-6)
     The Legend (Grade 5-6)
     Seize the Day (Grade 6-8)
     Grandma and Grandpa's Farm (Grade 6-8)
     Sailing the High Seas (Grade 6-8)
     Domingo's Voyage (Grade 6-8)
     Virtual Thanksgiving (Grade 6-8)
     Let's Find Out (Grade 6-8)
     Wheels of His Own (Grade 6-8)
     Chinese New Year (Grade 6-8)

What Would You Do?
     Wildberries: Made for Munching or Make You Sick? (Grade 2-4)
     That's What Friends Are For (Grade 3-5)
     Spilled Milk (Grade 3-5)
     Mom, Can We Keep Him? (Grade 3-6)
     Jade Has A Dream (Grade 3-6)
     If You Traveled West in a Prairie Schooner (Grade 3-6)
     The Spooky Koops House (Grade 3-6)
     R.S.V.P.? (Grade 3-6)
     If I Were First Lady (Grade 4-6)
     Homework Horror (Grade 4-8)
     Campfire Safety (Grade 5-7)
     Peppered Fingers (Grade 5-9)
     Which Job Will You Choose? (Grade 6-8)
     Everyone Else Has a Computer (Grade 6-8)
     Olympic Dream or Reality (Grade 6-9)
     Would You Take this Promotion? (Grade 9-12)
     College Dorm or Stay at Home? (Grade 11-12)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     Can You Guess the Job? (Grades 1-2)
     What Would We Do Without Them? (Grades 1-2)
     A Typical Day (Grades 1-3)
     Birds of a Feather (Grades 1-3)
     Shopping at the Supermarket (Grades 1-3)
     Sneaky Smoke (Grades 1-3)
     Yippee! School's Out! (Grades 1-3)
     Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Zoo? (Grades 1-4)
     Seaside Trip (Grade 2)
     Won't You Like Us? (Grade 2)
     Don't Forget Your Vitamins and Minerals! (Grades 2-3)
     Four Seasons Potluck (Grades 2-3)
     Job Challenges (Grades 2-3)
     Merry Meerkats: Life in the Meerkat Colony (Grades 2-3)
     Mr. Bear and His Grapes: An African-American Tale (Grades 2-3)
     Out to Dinner (Grades 2-3)
     Owls (Grades 2-3)
     Penguins of Antarctica: All About Adelies (Grades 2-3)
     The Four Dragons (Grades 2-3)
     The Ram and the Pig (Grades 2-3)
     The Wonderful World of Whales (Grades 2-3)
     To Zoo or Not to Zoo (Grades 2-3)
     Why Tortoise's Shell Is Not Smooth (Grades 2-3)
     Antarctica: Life in a Frozen Land (Grades 2-4)
     Busy Bees: Life in a Honeybee Hive (Grades 2-4)
     Imagine Hispanic Heritage! (Grades 2-4)
     Raven and the Very Foolish Man (Grades 2-5)
     Cooking Together (Grade 3)
     Formally Needed (Grade 3)
     Cheng and Jian: The Story of Two Chinese Brothers (Grades 3-4)
     Community Helpers (Grades 3-4)
     How the Dog Came to Live With Man (Grades 3-4)
     Living in the Sahara Desert (Grades 3-4)
     Round Magic: A Japanese Tale (Grades 3-4)
     The Badger and the Rattlesnake (Grades 3-4)
     The Magic Bowl (Grades 3-4)
     The Story of the Stone Lion (Grades 3-4)
     The Tale of Tafari: How Spiders Learned to Weave (Grades 3-4)
     Two Kinds of Manners (Grades 3-4)
     Why Bats Fly at Night: A Story from Laos (Grades 3-4)
     Why the Carabao Moves So Slowly: A Filipino Tale (Grades 3-4)
     Amazing Ants: Life in the Colony (Grades 3-5)
     Ant and Chrysalis (Grades 3-5)
     First-Time Flyer (Grades 3-5)
     Life in the African Savanna (Grades 3-5)
     Life in the Amazing and Unique Everglades (Grades 3-5)
     The Importance of Being Responsible (Grades 3-5)
     The Old Woman and Her Bear (Grades 3-5)
     The Talking Salmon (Grades 3-5)
     Todd and the Apple Tree (Grades 3-5)
     The Hearty Animals of the Polar Region (Grades 3-6)
     Warm, Wet, and Lush: Life in the Rain Forest (Grades 3-6)
     The Man Who Became a Caribou (Grades 3-8)
     Gold for the Clever Man: A Tale from India (Grades 4-5)
     Manners Mayhem at the Movie Theater (Grades 4-5)
     The Poor Man and the Snake (Grades 4-5)
     Grady Grasshopper and Archie Ant (Grades 4-6)
     School Employees Appreciation Day (Grades 4-6)
     How to Handle a Bully (Grades 4-8)
     Picking on the New Kid (Grades 4-12)
     Kids in a Cabin - a Lesson in Responsibility (Grades 6-8)

Reluctant Reader Books
     A Message from Fluffy (Grade 2-3)
     A Message from Rover (Grade 2-3)
     Earth Hour Sleepover (Grade 2-3)
     Emperor Penguins (Grade 2-3)
     Giant Pandas (Grade 2-3)
     How to Pamper Your Pooch (Grade 2-3)
     If I Lived at the White House... (Grade 2-3)
     Splash of Color (Grade 2-3)
     The Beyonc� Contest (Grade 2-3)
     Ladybugs! (Grade 2-4)
     Stu and Sally Stingray (Grade 2-4)
     Doggie Lingo (Grade 2-6)
     Chang's Chinese New Year (Grade 3-4)
     Hooray for Halloween! (Grade 3-4)
     John's Gross-out Mealtime Manners (Grade 3-4)
     Just Right for Dad (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Miley (Grade 3-4)
     Oil in the Gulf (Grade 3-4)
     Percy the Penguin (Grade 3-4)
     Sleep Tight. Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite! (Grade 3-4)
     Watch Out! It's a Wolfsnail! (Grade 3-4)
     Weird and Wonderful You! Book #2 (Grade 3-4)
     What Do Animals Do During the Winter? (Grade 3-4)
     Desert Habitat (Grade 3-5)
     From the Ground Up (Grade 3-5)
     HI is for Hawaii (Grade 3-5)
     Ocean Habitat (Grade 3-5)
     Prairie Habitat (Grade 3-5)
     Temperate Forest Habitat (Grade 3-5)
     There Once Was a Creature That Swallowed Another (Grade 3-5)
     H Is for Halloween (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Entertains a Pink Blobulus (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Gets Another Pet (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Goes to a Potluck (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Has Pet Problems (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Visits Washington, D.C. (Grade 3-6)
     RI is for Rhode Island (Grade 3-6)
     Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 3-6)
     Meet Me in Miami: My Trip to Super Bowl XLIV (Grade 3-12)
     Punk'd at the Prom (Grade 4)
     A Trip to the International Space Station (Grade 4-5)
     Amazing Sharks (Grade 4-5)
     Ants (Grade 4-5)
     Bright Lights in the Deep, Dark Sea (Grade 4-5)
     Dry as Dust (Grade 4-5)
     Emperor Penguins (Grade 4-5)
     Eww! Being Stinky to Stay Safe (Grade 4-5)
     Extreme Floods (Grade 4-5)
     How I Survived the Pirate Attack (Grade 4-5)
     My Body Can Do That? (Grade 4-5)
     Out-of-This-World Facts About Astronauts and Life in Outer Space (Grade 4-5)
     Save the Giant Pandas (Grade 4-5)
     Shaquille O'Neal (Grade 4-5)
     Sharks (Grade 4-5)
     Snakes (Grade 4-5)
     Ten Fascinating Facts About Bats (Grade 4-5)
     The Day the Seagulls Attacked (Grade 4-5)
     The Myth of the Man-eating Monster (Grade 4-5)
     Unlikely Animal Friends (Grade 4-5)
     Welcome to Army Ranger School (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Bear Attack (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Lost at Sea (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Shark Attack (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Snakebite (Grade 4-5)
     You and Your Favorite Color (Grade 4-5)
     A New Game Show on Planet Pearth! (Grade 4-6)
     Anne Frank (Grade 4-6)
     C Is For Christmas (Grade 4-6)
     Dog Mushing (Grade 4-6)
     E Is for Easter (Grade 4-6)
     GA is for Georgia (Grade 4-6)
     Gooaalllll! (Grade 4-6)
     H Is for Healthy Habits (Grade 4-6)
     How About a Corn Snake for a Pet? (Grade 4-6)
     It's a Chocolate Thing (Grade 4-6)
     LA is for Louisiana (Grade 4-6)
     Marculus Gets a Job (Grade 4-6)
     MO is for Missouri (Grade 4-6)
     NM is for New Mexico (Grade 4-6)
     NV is for Nevada (Grade 4-6)
     Rent-a-Genie, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     Savannah Banana Loves Yellow (Grade 4-6)
     Scarlet Tiara Loves Red (Grade 4-6)
     So You Want to Find Your Hidden Talent (Grade 4-6)
     T Is for Thanksgiving (Grade 4-6)
     The Iditarod: The Last Great Race on Earth (Grade 4-6)
     The Story of Cupid and Psyche (Grade 4-6)
     Tropical Rainforests (Grade 4-6)
     Unicorns (Grade 4-6)
     Veterinarian (Grade 4-6)
     WI is for Wisconsin (Grade 4-6)
     Pirate Ships and Pirate Crews (Grade 4-8)
     Baboons on the Loose (Grade 5-6)
     Excuse Me! Wacky and Wild Cultural Differences (Grade 5-6)
     Fun Facts about America's First President (Grade 5-6)
     Muskoxen (Grade 5-6)
     Watch Out! I'm Dangerous! (Grade 5-6)
     Welcome Aboard Air Force One (Grade 5-6)
     Snowmobiles (Grade 5-7)
     Alcatraz: The Rock (Grade 5-8)
     Animals on the Arctic Tundra (Grade 5-8)
     Endangered Animals (Grade 5-8)
     Famous Pirates (Grade 5-8)
     Pirates: Fact or Fiction? (Grade 5-8)
     Pizza (Grade 5-8)
     Plants on the Arctic Tundra (Grade 5-8)
     Totem Poles (Grade 5-8)
     Haiti Then and Now (Grade 6-7)
     Castles: Magnificent Palaces (Grade 6-8)


More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts

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