Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources

Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans


Read and Color
            Sounds of the Farm
            A Visit to Uncle Jimmy's Farm
            On the Farm
            Machines on the Farm

Activity Pages
            Farm Animals Activity Book

Ponder the Picture Comprehension Puzzle
            Ponder the Farm
            Ponder the Picture: Farm Animals

Finish the Stories with Graphics
            Farmer Frank's Freaky Farm

            Farm Folding

Hidden and Ponder the Picture for June
            June Ponder: Flag Day on the Farm

Reading Comprehensions
     A Day on the Farm (Grades 1-2)
     A New Kind of Farm (Grades 1-2)
     Wendy's World- A Visit to the Farm (Grades 2-3)
     Grandpa's Farm (Grades 3-4)
     A Farmer Without A Farm (Grades 3-4)
     Pablo's Farming Trouble: Drug Trafficking in Colombia (Grades 3-5)
     Grandpa's Christmas Tree Farm (Grades 3-6)
     The Heritage Farm (Grades 4-5)
     Crandall Farm Hay Rides, Part 1 (Grades 4-5)
     Crandall Farm Hay Rides, Part 2 (Grades 4-5)
     The Pumpkinfest at Thompson's Farm (Grades 4-6)
     Changes in Farming (Grades 4-6)
     Cookie Cutter Farms (Grades 5-6)
     Bonnie Dunbar: From Farm Girl to Astronaut (Grades 5-6)
     Really Down on the Farm - "Sockless Jerry" and the Populist Party (Grades 5-6)
     Wind Farms (Grades 5-8)
     Where Are the Farm Animals Going? (Grades 6-8)
     Breakfast on the Farm � The Invasion of Baltimore, Part 1 (Grades 9-12)

Finish the Story
     Buying a Farm (Grade 2-3)
     Down on the Farm (Grade 2-3)
     Another Day on the Farm (Grade 3-6)
     Grandma and Grandpa's Farm (Grade 6-8)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     A Trip to the Farm (Grades 1-3)
     At the Farm (Grades 2-3)
     Trouble on the Farm -- A Readers' Theater (Grades 2-3)

Literature Book Units
     Animal Farm (Grades 9-12)

Read and Color Books
            Coming To America
            Spring on the Jones Farm
            Farmer Fuller's Fig Farm
            A Surprising Playmate (August 7)
            A Tale of Tails (October 2)
            It's Time for Spring!

Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 1-2)
     Garter Snakes
(Grades 3-5)
     An E-mail from Dharma the Dust Storm
     Annabelle from Uganda Fights HIV
     Beverly Cleary
     Beverly Cleary
     Big, Black Blizzards!
     Celine's Story: Gender Disparity in Togo
     Dinosaur Eggs
     Every Pet Needs a Vet
     Gary Paulsen
     Gary the Goat?
     Gertrude the Goose Gets a Surprise
     Grandma's Magic Liquid
     I Know a Kid...
     Ingrid and the Minimum Wage Battle in Germany
     Keith Interviews Miguel, the Brown Spider Monkey
     Liang in a Chinese Cancer Village
     Mikhail's Story: Change in Armenia
     Moving Carla
     Olympic Food: Feeding the Athletes
     Paulo's Forest
     Saida Goes to School in Afghanistan
     Shooting Skeets!
     Special Goslings
     The Bat Man
     The Gentle Manatee
     The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey
     The Milkmaid and Her Pail
     Venture Smith
     Westward Ho!
     What are They Doing to My Food?
     What Is Geography?
     Why Do We Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving?
(Grades 6-8)
     A Brief History of Hygiene
     A Day Without Immigrants
     A Girl from Uganda Fights HIV
     A Little Mountain Escape
     A Story of Anti-Personnel Mines: Maria's Story
     A Tale of Deforestation
     A Tibetan Monk Says a Prayer
     A Trip to the Outback
     Ally Carter
     Bengal Tigers
     Bird Flu
     Black Blizzards and the Dust Bowl
     Building a Better Mousetrap, Part 1
     Busy as a Beekeeper
     Civil War Ambulance Corps
     Comforting, Cozy Quilts
     Conflict Over the Three Gorges Dam
     Cyanide Polluted Danube River
     Destruction - The Dirty Thirties
     Don't Litter: Fix Your Pets!
     Doris Gates
     Drought in Zambia
     Elisha Otis: Elevator Safety Brake
     Emma Hart Willard
     Endangered Animals!
     Extreme Fashions
     Gender Disparity in Togo: Celine's Story
     George Washington
     Gretchen the Goose Girl
     High Gas Prices
     Hillary Clinton Elected Senator
     How Do Ants Build Colonies?
     How Do Windmills Produce Energy?
     How Windmills Work
     Indian Territory Becomes the State of Oklahoma
     Industrial Revolution
     Ingenuity: A Windmill for a Village
     Jack Hays, Texas Ranger
     Jimmy Carter
     John Quincy Adams
     Kathleen Karr
     Landmines: Watch Your Step!
     Leaded Gasoline Becomes a Thing of the Past
     Li Bing and Dujianyan
     Life in the English Countryside
     Lincoln Home National Historic Site
     Making Maple Syrup
     Mamie Eisenhower
     Mary Lyon
     Mexico's Rainforest
     North America
     Pablo's Problem: Drug Trafficking in Colombia
     Pompey the Great
     Preserving the Shining Sea from Ocean Pollution
     President Carter's Mission of Peace
     Reform in Armenia: Mikhail's Story
     Robert Newton Peck
     Sacred River, Dirty River
     Sanitary Fairs: Civil War Fundraisers
     Savannah, Georgia: A City of Firsts
     Secretary of Agriculture
     Sherman's Neckties
     Skeet Shooting
     Tasmanian Devils
     The Art and Sport of Dressage Horseback Riding
     The Corn Laws
     The Great Exhibition
     The Loss of the Honeybees
     The Magic Present
     The Mystery of the Hidden Photograph, Part One
     The Mystery of the Hidden Photograph, Part Two
     The Mystery of the Strand of Pearls, Part 2
     The Prairie Schooner, AKA the Covered Wagon
     The President's Cabinet
     The Wolf
     Thomas Ponders Genetically Engineered Food
     Warrior's Heart, Part 1 - Ira Hayes
     Water, Water Everywhere: Furious Floods
     What Is Knitting?
     Where Have the Honeybees Gone?
     Wilson Rawls
     Words from the Past, Part 2
(Grades 9-12)
     Ambrose Bierce
     Ambrose Bierce
     Ambrose Bierce
     Arthur Miller
     Autumn Across America
     Edna Ferber
     Flannery O'Connor
     Fort Snelling, Minnesota
     History of the Empire State Building
     Olive Ann Burns
     Seamus Heaney
     Sharon Creech
     The Long Island Express: The New England Hurricane of 1938
     The Loss of Domestic Animals: A World Problem

(Grades 3-5)
     Amish Barn-raising

(no assigned grade level)
     A Visit to Roger Williams Park Zoo
     Ancient Egypt - Daily Life
     Ancient Egypt - Gods and Pharaohs
     Ancient Egypt - History
     Zack's Community Service Project
(Grades 3-5)
     "Who's Honking?"
     Argentina - Geography
     Cote d'Ivoire - Geography
     Croatia - Geography
     France - Geography
     Guyana - Geography
     Jamie's week at Camp Habitat
     Lithuania - Geography
     Malaysia - Traditions and Daily life
     Mesa Verde
     Peru - Geography
     The Charter Oak
     The Northern Utes
     Ukraine - Geography
(Grades 6-8)
     Canada - Daily Life
     Delaware - The Early History
     Falkland Islands - Culture
     Georgia - Culture
     Hungary - Culture
     Iceland - Culture
     India - History
     Ireland - Celts
     Kenya - Traditions and Daily Life
     Mongolia - Culture
     New York State
     Peru - History
     Puerto Rico - Culture
     Ramona Quimby's Creator
     South Africa - Geography
     South Africa - History
     South Africa - Traditions and Daily Life
     Spain - History
     Suriname - Culture
     The History of Colorado
(Grades 9-12)
     Chile - History
     Cote d'Ivoire - History
     Cuba - History
     Falkland Islands - History
     Guyana - History
     Madagascar - History
     Nepal - History
     Paraguay - History
     Puerto Rico - History

Finish the Story
     How Shall I Get There? (Grade 2-3)
     Will the Cows Come Home? (Grade 2-3)
     Better than Video (Grade 2-3)
     An Unusual Thanksgiving Dinner (Grade 2-4)
     The Goose that Laid the Unusual Egg (Grade 2-4)
     The Great Escape (Grade 3-4)
     Like the Mountains of Home (Grade 3-4)
     The Okie Camp (Grade 3-4)
     Eastern Escape (Grade 3-4)
     Jumping Jack (Grade 3-4)
     A Letter from the Klondike (Grade 3-4)
     Falling into an Adventure (Grade 3-5)
     Got (Chocolate) Milk? (Grade 3-5)
     Bradley the Brave Country Mouse (Grade 3-6)
     Terence the Turkey Has a Plan (Grade 3-6)
     The White Fence (Grade 3-6)
     A Bucket Full of Trouble (Grade 3-6)
     Cinco de Mayo Mistake (Grade 4-5)
     Zip and Zing Take a Vacation (Grade 4-6)
     Crossing the Ocean to America (Grade 4-6)
     Are You In? (Grade 4-6)
     Derek and the Turkey (Grade 4-6)
     Wheels of His Own (Grade 6-8)
     Saving Jaguars (Grade 6-8)

What Would You Do?
     It's Against the Law (Grade 6-8)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     Off to the Pet Shop (Grade 1)
     All Kinds of Farmers (Grades 1-2)
     Who is Responsible? (Grades 1-2)
     Oink! Neigh! Moo! Cluck! (Grades 1-3)
     The Brave Pot-Maker: A Tale from India (Grades 2-3)
     The Ram and the Pig (Grades 2-3)
     Community Helpers (Grades 3-4)
     Frog and Turtle Conversation (Grades 3-4)
     The Story of the Stone Lion (Grades 3-4)
     The Tale of Tafari: How Spiders Learned to Weave (Grades 3-4)
     Why the Carabao Moves So Slowly: A Filipino Tale (Grades 3-4)
     Spilled Milk (Grades 3-5)
     The Donkey's Tale (Grades 3-6)
     The Lake of Miracles: An Incan Legend (Grades 4-6)

Reluctant Reader Books
     Beyond Cats and Dogs: Athletes and Their Animals (Grade 2-3)
     Star Athletes and Their Pets (Grade 3-4)
     All-Terrain Vehicles (Grade 3-5)
     HI is for Hawaii (Grade 3-5)
     NH is for New Hampshire (Grade 3-5)
     RI is for Rhode Island (Grade 3-6)
     Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 3-6)
     Busting Bad Luck Myths (Grade 4-5)
     Crazy Coasters (Grade 4-5)
     Early Years of a Leader (Grade 4-5)
     AL is for Alabama (Grade 4-6)
     GA is for Georgia (Grade 4-6)
     H Is for Healthy Habits (Grade 4-6)
     History of Country Music (Grade 4-6)
     IA is for Iowa (Grade 4-6)
     IL is for Illinois (Grade 4-6)
     IN is for Indiana (Grade 4-6)
     It's a Chocolate Thing (Grade 4-6)
     More Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 4-6)
     NE is for Nebraska (Grade 4-6)
     NJ is for New Jersey (Grade 4-6)
     OR is for Oregon (Grade 4-6)
     Rocky Mountain National Park Adventure (Grade 4-6)
     SC is for South Carolina (Grade 4-6)
     SD is for South Dakota (Grade 4-6)
     The Magic Shower Stall, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     The Magic Shower Stall, Book Three (Grade 4-6)
     Tropical Rainforests (Grade 4-6)
     TX is for Texas (Grade 4-6)
     Veterinarian (Grade 4-6)
     VT is for Vermont (Grade 4-6)
     WI is for Wisconsin (Grade 4-6)
     WV is for West Virginia (Grade 4-6)
     Fun Facts about America's First President (Grade 5-6)
     Amazing Mazes (Grade 5-8)
     Endangered Animals (Grade 5-8)
     Meet George Washington (Grade 6-7)


More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts

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