Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources

Activities, Worksheets, Printables, and Lesson Plans

Read and Color
            Best Buddies
            Geckos: Good for the Environment

All Kinds of Kids Series
            It's Good to Be Me

Study Habits Bulletin Board Idea
            "Soak Up Good Study Habits" Bulletin Board

Manners Bulletin Board
            "Our Good Manners Teaching Tree" Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Tips and Introduction
            Building Your Best Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board for New School Year
            "You're In For A Whale Of A Good Time" Bulletin Board

Very Quick Readers
     Eating Healthy - Eat Right, Feel Good! (Very Quick Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)
     Being Polite - Do You Have Good Manners? (Very Quick Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)
     The Eve of Good Fortune (Very Quick Reader; Grade 4-5 Readability)
     Good Vibrations (Very Quick Reader; Grade 4-6 Readability)
     Red Equals Good Luck (Very Quick Reader; Grade 4-6 Readability)

Short Readers
     The Best Room (Short Reader; Grade 1-2 Readability)
     Helping - Be a Good Helper (Short Reader; Grade 2-4 Readability)
     Best Friends Come in Assorted Flavors (Short Reader; Grade 2-4 Readability)
     For the Good of the Earth (Short Reader; Grade 5-7 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     A Good Game
     A Truly Good Sport
     Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
     The Best Vegetables in the World (Grades 1-3)
     The Best Thanksgiving Ever (Grades 1-3)
     Tyler's Good Soup (Grades 1-3)
     A Good Gang! (Grades 1-3)
     The Best Salesman in the World (Grades 1-3)
     A Good Day for a Nature Walk (Grades 2-3)
     The Best Pet Ever (Grades 2-3)
     You Like Him Best!, Part 1 (Grades 2-3)
     You Like Him Best!, Part 2 (Grades 2-3)
     You Like Him Best!, Part 3 (Grades 2-3)
     You Like Him Best!, Part 4 (Grades 2-3)
     A Kid's Best Friend (Grades 2-3)
     A Good Idea (Grades 2-3)
     Miss Brenda's Good Table Manners Game (Grades 2-3)
     The Best Sport (Grades 2-4)
     Squish! The Best Free Present (Grades 2-4)
     Be a Good Sport (Grades 2-4)
     A Collection of Best Friends (Grade 3)
     Your Best Shot to Stay Healthy (Grades 3-4)
     Have a Good (Hair) Day (Grades 3-4)
     How to Buy a Good Cookbook (And Use It!) (Grades 3-4)
     The Best Valentine�s Day Ever (Grades 3-4)
     One Very Good Day (Grades 3-4)
     Being a Good Citizen (Grades 3-5)
     The Best Catch (Grades 3-5)
     Put Your Best Foot Forward (Grades 3-5)
     Good Clean Earth (Grades 4-5)
     American Revolution - Who Had the Better Chance of Winning? (Grades 4-5)
     I Don't Have a Best Friend (Grades 4-5)
     Good Ol' Charlie Brown (Grades 4-6)
     "Good Morning Ohio" (Grades 4-6)
     Qualities of a Good Student (Grades 4-6)
     The Best Dog (Grades 4-6)
     Eating Well for Good Health (Grades 4-6)
     Starting the Day on a Good Note (Grades 4-6)
     The Winner of the Best Dressed Award (Grades 4-6)
     Good Grief! � Those Zany Oxymorons (Grades 5-6)
     Best Friends Animal Society (Grades 5-6)
     A Whacky Good Time with Pi�atas (Grades 5-7)
     The Good Word: A Few Important E-mail Rules to Follow (Grades 5-7)
     Good and Bad Ozone (Grades 5-7)
     What Makes You a Good Citizen? (Grades 5-7)
     Outlines for Better Reports (Grades 6-8)
     Building a Better Mousetrap, Part 1 (Grades 7-8)
     Building a Better Mousetrap, Part 2 (Grades 7-8)
     The Best View of Earth? (Grades 9-10)

Reluctant Reader Books
     Annie's Best Day (Grade 1-2)
     My Dog and Best Friend (Grade 1-2)
     Goodies for Good Friends (Grade 2-3)
     Good Luck Symbols from Around the Globe (Grade 3-4)

Finish the Story
     A Better Grandpa (Grade 2-3)
     Better than Video (Grade 2-3)
     Good Luck or Bad? (Grade 3-4)
     Good Newts about Pets (Grade 3-4)
     One Good Turn Deserves Another (Grade 3-5)
     East or West? Which Home is Best? (Grade 3-6)
     Persuasion Is Better Than Force (Grade 3-6)
     Nothing Better'n Pizza! (Grade 6-8)
     The Best Field Trip Ever (Grade 7-9)

What Would You Do?
     Good Touch? Bad Touch? (Grade 3-6)
     Being the Best (Grade 3-6)
     Is this Gift Good Enough? (Grade 4-6)
     What's a Good Neighbor For? (Grade 6-8)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     There's Good Money in the Laundry (Grades 1-2)
     America's Best Explorer (Grades 2-5)
     Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend (Grades 3-4)
     What Subjects Are You Good At? (Grades 3-5)
     The Good Couple and Their Bad Neighbors (Grades 4-5)
     Good Communication (Grades 4-7)
     Making Good Choices (Grades 4-7)

Literature Book Units
     Best Friends (Grades 1-3)
     Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Grades 2-3)
     The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (Grades 2-4)
     Koya DeLaney and the Good Girl Blues (Grades 3-5)
     Justin and the Best Biscuits in the World (Grades 3-6)
     The Good Dog (Grades 3-8)
     The Best Halloween Ever (Grades 4-6)
     The Best School Year Ever (Grades 4-6)
     Three Good Deeds (Grades 4-6)
     Cracker!: Best Dog in Vietnam (Grades 5-8)
     Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Village (Grades 5-12)
     The Good Thief (Grades 7-12)
     A Couple of Boys Have the Best Week Ever (Grades 0-2)
     Best Friends for Frances (Grades 0-2)
     Good Morning Gorillas (Magic Tree House #26) (Grades 2-4)
     A Good Night for Ghosts #42 (Grades 2-5)
     Good Grief Third Grade (Grades 3-5)
     The Good Earth (Grades 7-12)

Read and Color Books
            Matt's Red, White, and Blue Ribbon
            My Daddy Is a Fireman
            Coming To America
            Solphie Goes to School in America
            The Golden Door: Ellis Island
            What is a Good Citizen?
            One Hundred Days of School
            What is Friendship? (PDF file)
            Julio and Nasim Learn About Friendship (PDF file)
            Snow Day
            Spring on the Jones Farm
            Billy the Bully
            Fedex Frank Makes the Rounds
            Paul Practices Patience
            What are Apples Good For?
            My Own Library Card
            Puppy Wants to Play - Read and Color
            The Book of Pets
            The Terror of Tinkerton
            Buzzy Bee and the Sweet Honey Tree
            The Thrifty Tailor
            It Was Nothing
            Luke's First Ride on the School Bus
            Jack the Javelina
            Looking at Books
            Timmy the Turkey
            Freddy's First Day of School
            Robin and Rodney Red Breast
            Morgan's Best Friend
            A Surprising Playmate (August 7)
            Brittany's Best Friends (June 8)
            A Day in Candyland (June 1)
            A Funny Fever (March 20)
            Up, Up, and Away! (April 12)
            A Little Help for Sam (April 8)
            The Shining Secret
            Scott's Special Day (March 26)
            Sam Takes a Silly Walk (March 7)
            In a Minute, Mom (February 23)
            A Flock Drops By (February 15)
            A Flock Drops By (February 15)
            A Shocking Surprise (January 9)
            A Well-Dressed Guest (January 15)
            Stacy Spreads Smiles (January 22)
            Help for Hannah's Cookies (December 2)
            Our Friends, the Birds (January 5)
            Mr. Smith's Ties
            Butterscotch Pudding in Space (September 19)
            What Kind of Nut Are You? (October 22)
            Jack's Delicious Rocks (November 4)
            A Perfect Pumpkin
            Different Kinds of Smoke
            A Lucky Charm for Brittany (October 13)
            Battle of the Bubbles (October 7)
            Grandma Forgot My Birthday! (November 29)
            Jumping Jackrabbits (PDF file)
            Sam and Susie
            Snowflakes and Wedding Cakes
            How's the Weather Up There?
            Baking is fun!
            Cinco de Mayo Read and Color Book #1
            A Mother Always Loves You - Read and Color
            Make Earth Feel Better (PDF File)
            Easter around the World
            Ma, Mama, Madre, Mom
            Five Giggling Ghosts
            Introduction to January
            Ten Men
            Clyde of the Desert
            Gray Wolf's Guide to the Grasslands
            Harry the Harlequin
            Kelly's Kitchen
            Lee and Lena
            Poppy's Petunias
            Tundra Tales

Reading Comprehension Lesson Ideas
(Grades 3-5)
     Funny Lady
     Wonderful, Delightful, Great, Very Good Author

Daily Themes
(Grades 1-2)
     A Calf for Marti
     Bree's Bubble Trick
     Call Me Dan
     Chocolate People
     Clean Up!
     Gary of the Jungle
     Grandma's Non-birthday Card
     Guys or Gals?
     Hooray for the Underdog
     I Don't Want To Play
     I Think I Want to be a Kite
     I'm a Poet and I Know It
     It's Election Day
     Jell-O Girl
     Katie and Curly
     Lisa's Picnic
     Lucy's Lesson
     Mrs. Nelson's Neighbor
     My Best Friend
     My Best Friend
     Peg's Pencils
     Sal's Salami
     Skates for Stacie
     Susie's Sixth Birthday
     Talking Hands
     The Ants' Picnic
     The Best Dog in the World
     The Best Milkshake
     The Books I Like
     The Great Jelly Bean Hunt
     The Mailman
     The Wooden Egg
(Grades 3-5)
     "The Georgia Peach"
     "Yabba Dabba Doo!"
     Goosebumps Give Goosebumps
     A Blur on the Ice
     A Goofing Off Day
     A Kid's Captain
     A Special Kind of Day
     A Sports Great
     A Talking Horse
     Adrian's Worst Day
     Aim for Fame
     Anne's Voice
     Artistic Math
     At Last, a Corn Dog
     Baby Queen
     Batter Up!
     Being First
     Best Friends
     Camping Trip Cancelled
     Captain Tom Saves the Day
     Chief Scout
     Circles, Squares, and Lines
     Derek�s Quiet Day
     Enthusiasm and Teamwork
     Game Over!
     Gentle Giants
     Girl Power!
     Go Girls!
     Haley's Grouchy Birthday Party
     Happy Bologna Day!
     Helen's Teacher
     Her Special Touch
     History of Honey
     Honest Abe
     Hot! Hot! Hot!
     Instant Energy
     It's Not Easy Being Green
     Jamie Gets a Puppy
     Karen and Marybeth Learn About Manners
     Kenny's Collection
     Magic in the Air
     Marching to Glory
     Mindy�s Surprise Party
     More Nutella, Please!
     Musical Doctor
     My Favorite Teacher
     Naming a Hamster
     New Name Fun
     Only Timmy!
     Out of This World Field Trip
     Pet Rabbits
     Pie Day Sale
     Porric the Penguin
     Read Me
     Screech for a Skink
     So Raven
     Sweet Potato Pie
     The Best Sandwich
     The Challenge
     The Dictionary Mouse
     The Goose Feather Bed
     The Great Clam Chowder Fight
     The Greatest Show
     The Little Red Schoolhouse
     The Memory Box
     The Play-Doh Hospital
     The Rock Collection
     The Simple Safety Pin
     The Wizard's Wizard
     The World's Best Fruit
     What Is Special Education?
     Wild Thing
     Working Together for Children

(Grades 1-2)
     Apples to Eat
     Earth Day Art
     Fawn Finds Fall
     First Day in Second Grade
     Get Some Sleep!
     Lisa the Lizard
     Magic Egg
     My Brother Is in a Wheelchair!
     Pete's Pool Party
     Sad Little Scarecrow
     Safe Crossings
     Seven by Seven with Ladybugs
     Six by Six with Socks
     Snow Cream
     Thank You Berry Much
     Wash Your Hands!
     When I Grow Up
(Grades 3-5)
     A Most Memorable Memorial Day
     A Visit to the Dentist
     Angel of the Battlefield
     Bears in Disguise
     Broad Stripes and Bright Stars � Song for a Flag
     Chocolate Chip Cookie Dreams
     Christmas at the Shelter
     Duckling Summer
     First Day at a New School
     Ginger Village Panic
     I Want to Be a Zoo Worker
     Martina the Praying Mantis
     More Than Up and Down
     Never Again
     One Stitch, Two Stitch, Red, White, and Blue Stitch
     Patty the Pizza Princess
     Percy the Pterosaur's First Flight
     Run, Jump, and Throw
     Taking Care of a Pet
     The Great American Smokeout
     The Sledding Party
     Tulip, the True-Blue Kangaroo
     Use It or Lose It
     Ways to Keep Your Digestive System Working

(Grades 1-2)
     A Dog For Jennie
     Abby and Spot At The Zoo
     Arthur's Dreams
     Hot, Hot Wings
     Mama Hog - The Mother of the Three Little Pigs
     Moose Cottage
     No Fun Tonight
     Pet Day
     Red Face and Long Johns
     Sandbox Adventure
     School Picture Day!
     Scout it Out
     Something Fishy
     The Camping Trip
     The Fishing Trip
     The Missed Party
     The Old Man and the Cat
     The Pet Shop
     The Red String
     The Snow Hill
     The Winter Spring Garden
     Three Kind Mice

(Grades 3-5)

(Grades 3-5)
     "Who's Honking?"
     Andrew Johnson - 17th President
     Helen Keller
     Jordan - Geography
     Kenya - Geography
     Kit Carson
     New Jersey
     Norway - Geography
     Peru - Geography
     Poland - Geography
     The 42nd President - William Jefferson Clinton
     The Columbus Day Weekend Trip
     The Roaring Rapids
     The Space Needle
     The World of Jazz
     Tournament of Roses Parade
     Ukraine - Geography
     Vietnam - Geography

Finish the Story
     Lost Dog! (Grade 1-3)
     How Shall I Get There? (Grade 2-3)
     Rainforest Babies (Grade 2-3)
     The Great Pumpkin Caper (Grade 2-3)
     Attic Challenge (Grade 2-3)
     Adventure on the Trail (Grade 2-3)
     Bone Diggers (Grade 2-3)
     Maggie's Museum Mystery (Grade 2-3)
     On Target (Grade 2-3)
     Meddling with Honor (Grade 2-3)
     Cowabunga Divers (Grade 2-3)
     Pine Cone Mystery (Grade 2-3)
     Pine Cone Cabin (Grade 2-3)
     The Prize Box (Grade 2-3)
     Hockey Practice (Grade 2-3)
     It Is Art! (Grade 2-3)
     St. Pat's Parade (Grade 2-3)
     A World without Trees (Grade 2-3)
     The Apple Cart (Grade 2-3)
     A Day at the Fair (Grade 2-3)
     Trouble among Hats (Grade 2-3)
     Heidi's Hygiene (Grade 2-3)
     Sky Bears (Grandpa Story part 2) (Grade 2-3)
     Dippers Full of Stars (Grandpa Story part 1) (Grade 2-3)
     Fall Shots (Grade 2-3)
     The Leaf Pile (Grade 2-3)
     Running Deer Sees a White Man (Grade 2-3)
     Wishing Seeds (Grade 2-3)
     Patty the Pumpkin Discovers Halloween (Grade 2-4)
     The Bird and the Ribbon (Grade 2-4)
     An Unusual Thanksgiving Dinner (Grade 2-4)
     Finding Pete (Grade 2-4)
     A Hat of Many Colors (Grade 2-4)
     Building a Scarepeople (Grade 2-4)
     At the Balloon Rally (Grade 2-4)
     The Big Race (Grade 2-4)
     A Sport Unlike Any Other (Grade 2-4)
     Something New for Dinner (Grade 2-4)
     Advertising Mom (Grade 2-4)
     Nervous About the Notes (Grade 2-4)
     He Who Does a Thing Well Does Not Need to Boast (Grade 2-4)
     Fido Tells His Tale (Grade 2-4)
     Sneaky, Slithering Sam (Grade 2-4)
     Too Hungry to Help? (Grade 2-4)
     The Noise Outside the Tent (Grade 2-4)
     A Belly Full of Butterflies (Grade 2-4)
     The Disappearing Snowball (Grade 2-4)
     The Wrong Ingredient! (Grade 2-4)
     A Froggy Surprise (Grade 2-4)
     The Goose that Laid the Unusual Egg (Grade 2-4)
     What Color Luck Do You Want? (Grade 2-4)
     Trouble in the Lab (Grade 2-4)
     Reading Troubles (Grade 2-5)
     Math Test (Grade 3)
     100 Days and Counting (Grade 3)
     A Special Halloween (Grade 3)
     Autumn Outlooks (Grade 3)
     Disappearing Apples (Grade 3)
     I Live in a Gingerbread House (Grade 3-4)
     A Super Year for Superheroes (Grade 3-4)
     Excuse Me, Mr. Dinosaur (Grade 3-4)
     Can Fire Strike Twice? (Grade 3-4)
     The Parade Float (Grade 3-4)
     Turkey-Lurkey (Grade 3-4)
     The Great Escape (Grade 3-4)
     The Gingerbread King (Grade 3-4)
     A World of Bikes (Grade 3-4)
     A Real New Year (Grade 3-4)
     Counting Penguins (Grade 3-4)
     Healing Hearts (Grade 3-4)
     Save the Music (Grade 3-4)
     President's Day (Grade 3-4)
     Wishful Thinking (Grade 3-4)
     Early Rising Surprise (Grade 3-4)
     Surprising Dad (Grade 3-4)
     Sailing into Danger (Grade 3-4)
     A Whale on the Beach (Grade 3-4)
     Drawn to Olympic Heroes (Grade 3-4)
     Super Grandparents (Grade 3-4)
     We the People (Grade 3-4)
     The Costume Contest (Grade 3-4)
     Great-Grandma Betts (Grade 3-4)
     Gingerbread Cowboys (Grade 3-4)
     Desperate Ride (Grade 3-4)
     Nutcracker to the Rescue (Grade 3-4)
     Cynta of Underhill (Grade 3-4)
     The Bat House Project (Grade 3-4)
     Jordan Joins the Circus (Grade 3-4)
     Minchin and Minuet Go to Mardi Gras (Grade 3-4)
     Minchin's King Cake (Grade 3-4)
     A Letter from the Klondike (Grade 3-4)
     Raiders on Lambay (Grade 3-4)
     Prisca and Jimitty (Grade 3-4)
     Still Friends (Grade 3-4)
     Surviving Summer Camp (Grade 3-5)
     A Dark and Stormy Night (Grade 3-5)
     My Pizza Pie (Grade 3-5)
     The Race to the Other Side (Grade 3-5)
     A Voyage to Remember (Grade 3-5)
     Trouble on Valentine's Day (Grade 3-5)
     Where Shall We Go? (Grade 3-5)
     A Surprise from Your Teacher (Grade 3-5)
     An Unusual Gift (Grade 3-5)
     The Hidden Locket (Grade 3-5)
     Appearances Can Be Deceptive (Grade 3-5)
     A Tale of Two Raindrops (Grade 3-5)
     The Ants' Picnic (Grade 3-5)
     Under the Sea (Grade 3-5)
     Hello from Mike (Grade 3-5)
     Eye See You! (Grade 3-5)
     Teacher for a Day (Grade 3-5)
     A Big Foot (Grade 3-5)
     Flakey Starts to Melt! (Grade 3-5)
     Jacqueline and the Cornstalk (Grade 3-5)
     The Crow and the Fox (Grade 3-5)
     Here, Kitty, Kitty (Grade 3-5)
     The Snake and the Wildcat (Grade 3-5)
     Smoke! (Grade 3-6)
     What Should I Play? (Grade 3-6)
     The Pine Cone Design (Grade 3-6)
     Terence the Turkey Has a Plan (Grade 3-6)
     Sammy the Elf (Grade 3-6)
     Juan the Artist (Grade 3-6)
     The School Bus Safety Poster Contest (Grade 3-6)
     The White Fence (Grade 3-6)
     To Cruise or Not to Cruise (Grade 3-6)
     The Most Fantastic Pizzas! (Grade 3-6)
     Lacey's Recycling Contest (Grade 3-6)
     Robbie's Invention (Grade 3-6)
     The Big Wheel Is in a Wheelchair (Grade 3-6)
     Twelve Different Days of Christmas (Grade 3-6)
     Fourth of July Surprise (Grade 3-6)
     Tongue Twister Day! (Grade 3-6)
     Stella Gets an Odd Makeover (Grade 3-6)
     The Groundhog Who Was Afraid of His Shadow (Grade 3-6)
     Erin Comes to Ellis Island (Grade 3-6)
     The Broken Vase (Grade 3-6)
     Into the Storm! (Grade 3-6)
     The Magic Library Card (Grade 3-6)
     The Great Escape of Harry the Hermit Crab (Grade 3-6)
     The Flying Penguin (Grade 3-6)
     Hannah's History Surprise (Grade 3-6)
     Lost in the Woods (Grade 3-6)
     The Bottle on the Beach (Grade 3-6)
     Win or Lose? (Grade 3-6)
     A Very Special Father's Day (Grade 3-6)
     The Girl Who Loved Candles (Grade 3-6)
     What If The Dinosaurs Came Back? (Grade 3-6)
     The Bus Stop Dilemma (Grade 3-6)
     Felicia's Fantastic Invention (Grade 3-6)
     Don't Sit There! (Grade 3-6)
     To Skate or Not to Skate (Grade 3-6)
     A Lucky Find (Grade 3-6)
     Turkey Surprise (Grade 3-6)
     A Pumpkin's Fate (Grade 3-7)
     Building a Pizza (Grade 4)
     New School (Grade 4)
     Summer's Over (Grade 4)
     First Wedding (Grade 4)
     Breaking the Barrier (Grade 4)
     The Secret of Gingerbread (Grade 4-5)
     Easter Cleaning (Grade 4-5)
     Road Trip (Grade 4-5)
     Computer Friends (Grade 4-5)
     The Mountain Adventure (Grade 4-5)
     Spring Hike (Grade 4-5)
     The Cliffhanger (Grade 4-5)
     Asteroid Drummer (Grade 4-5)
     Fish Round Up (Grade 4-5)
     A Teddy Bear Picnic (Grade 4-5)
     Exploring the Park (Grade 4-5)
     Pajamas for a Dragon (Grade 4-5)
     Captain Leggett's Chest of Gold (Grade 4-5)
     Plans Can Change (Grade 4-6)
     Helping the Animals (Grade 4-6)
     I Am Thankful For... (Grade 4-6)
     Zip and Zing Take a Vacation (Grade 4-6)
     And the Winner Is... (Grade 4-6)
     Mousetrap (Grade 4-6)
     A Birthday Puzzle (Grade 4-6)
     Math Teacher for a Day (Grade 4-6)
     Mom's Choice (Grade 4-6)
     Whodunit? (Grade 4-6)
     A New Holiday to Celebrate (Grade 4-6)
     Martha Manatee Hears a Roar! (Grade 4-6)
     A Place in Women's History (Grade 4-6)
     A New Nation, a New Flag (Grade 4-6)
     Where Are the Fireworks? (Grade 4-6)
     Pop Block (Grade 4-6)
     Are You In? (Grade 4-6)
     The End-of-School Prank (Grade 4-6)
     Groundhog Day? (Grade 4-6)
     Having the Flu and a House Guest during Spring Break (Grade 4-6)
     The Disappearance of Fuzzy Frank (Grade 4-6)
     A Memorable Weekend is Coming (Grade 4-6)
     Dad, There's a Bird in the House! (Grade 4-6)
     The Ugly Scarf (Grade 4-6)
     Help Homelessness (Grade 4-6)
     A New Day, a New Life (Grade 4-6)
     Hygiene and First Impressions (Grade 4-6)
     The Secret Artist (Grade 4-6)
     Thrillsville (Grade 4-6)
     Grouchy Grindall Gives Thanks (Grade 4-6)
     Project New Year (Grade 4-7)
     Helping Others Obtain Freedom (Grade 5)
     A New Thanksgiving (Grade 5-6)
     The Legend (Grade 5-6)
     The Missing Project (Grade 5-6)
     The Kite Competition (Grade 5-6)
     Colonial Times: Violet Considers Freedom (Grade 5-6)
     I Won a Week at Skateboarding Camp! (Grade 5-6)
     Inspector Butterfly (Grade 5-6)
     The Digits of Pi (Grade 5-7)
     Planning a Convention (Grade 5-7)
     A Musical Problem (Grade 5-8)
     Valentine Stress (Grade 6)
     Keep an Eye on That Leprechaun (Grade 6-8)
     The Dump (Grade 6-8)
     Icy Adventure (Grade 6-8)
     The Young Poet (Grade 6-8)
     Flag Day (Grade 6-8)
     The Perfect Summer Job (Grade 6-8)
     Trying Out (Grade 6-8)
     Grandma and Grandpa's Farm (Grade 6-8)
     The Back to School Essay (Grade 6-8)
     Independence Day (Grade 6-8)
     Join Our Crowd (Grade 6-8)
     Mr. Manners (Grade 6-8)
     Virtual Thanksgiving (Grade 6-8)
     Veterans Day (Grade 6-8)
     It's Not My Cigarette! (Grade 6-8)
     Christmas (Grade 6-8)
     Inauguration Day (Grade 6-8)
     Dr. King (Grade 6-8)
     Chinese New Year (Grade 6-8)
     Hats (Grade 6-8)
     Tryouts (Grade 6-8)
     Presidents' Day Who Am I? (Grade 6-8)
     An Athlete's Life (Grade 7-9)

What Would You Do?
     A Bad Day to Strike Out! (Grade 1-3)
     Favorite Friend, Not So Favorite Food (Grade 2-4)
     Press on or Pass? (Grade 2-4)
     Snooping Sister (Grade 3-4)
     Damaged Kite (Grade 3-4)
     Felicity's Feelings Are Hurt (Grade 3-5)
     That's What Friends Are For (Grade 3-5)
     Get Your Own Idea (Grade 3-5)
     Sneak a Peek (Grade 3-5)
     Doggy Duty (Grade 3-5)
     Party Pleaser (Grade 3-5)
     To Tell or Not? (Grade 3-5)
     Spilled Milk (Grade 3-5)
     The Lemonade Stand Dilemma (Grade 3-5)
     Sleepover, But Not a Lot of Sleeping (Grade 3-5)
     It's Not Fair! (Grade 3-6)
     Share and Share Alike (Grade 3-6)
     Lessons or Summer Camp? (Grade 3-6)
     The Birthday Dilemma (Grade 3-6)
     Your Secret Is Safe with Me--Maybe! (Grade 3-6)
     Loyalty vs. Friendship: Do You Have to Choose? (Grade 3-6)
     What's for Dinner? (Grade 3-6)
     Be a Sport! (Grade 3-6)
     The Sleepover (Grade 3-6)
     Help With Homework (Grade 3-6)
     What Happened to Hanna's Hat? (Grade 3-6)
     Jade Has A Dream (Grade 3-6)
     Jonathon Finds Two Feathers (Grade 3-6)
     Musical Chairs (Grade 3-6)
     The Bicycle Rodeo (Grade 3-6)
     What Does the American Flag Mean to You? (Grade 3-6)
     Mind Your Manners (Grade 3-6)
     A Labor Day Dispute (Grade 3-6)
     If You Traveled West in a Prairie Schooner (Grade 3-6)
     Is St. Patrick's Day Lucky For You? (Grade 3-6)
     Martin's Dream (Grade 3-6)
     Sally's Sandcastles (Grade 3-6)
     Up in Smoke! (Grade 3-6)
     Stop that Cell Phone! (Grade 3-6)
     Your Friend's Dad is Really Sick (Grade 3-6)
     Feeling Under the Weather (Grade 3-6)
     Thank You, I Really (Don't) Love It! (Grade 3-6)
     A Tacky Situation (Grade 3-6)
     Where Will Frisky Stay? (Grade 3-6)
     R.S.V.P.? (Grade 3-6)
     An Extra Circus Ticket (Grade 4-5)
     Animal Rescue (Grade 4-5)
     Firecracker (Grade 4-6)
     Dangerous Diet (Grade 4-6)
     A Note-able Change (Grade 4-6)
     An Awkward Ride (Grade 4-6)
     Will You Watch My Puppy? (Grade 4-6)
     The Compliment (Grade 4-6)
     Do I Have to Do a Recital? (Grade 4-6)
     Too Much Shampoo! (Grade 4-6)
     Too Much Change (Grade 4-6)
     To Call or Not to Call (Grade 4-6)
     Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be (Grade 4-6)
     The Poor Sport (Grade 4-6)
     Reaching Out to Jada (Grade 4-6)
     Friends Wanted: Please Apply (Grade 4-8)
     Veteran's Day Respect (Grade 4-8)
     Are You a Man or a Mouse? (Grade 4-8)
     Zoo or No Zoo? (Grade 4-8)
     April Fools (Grade 4-8)
     Homework Horror (Grade 4-8)
     Home Alone (Grade 5-6)
     Father's Day Without Dad (Grade 5-7)
     Skin Deep (Grade 5-7)
     "Hola" or "Bonjour?" (Grade 5-8)
     Have a Puff (Grade 5-8)
     Halloween Dilemma (Grade 5-8)
     Math Problems (Grade 5-8)
     Peppered Fingers (Grade 5-9)
     The Chosen One (Grade 5-9)
     It's Not Safe to Walk Home Alone! (Grade 6-8)
     A Game of Gossip (Grade 6-8)
     A New School (Grade 6-8)
     How Could She? (Grade 6-8)
     My Friend, the Entertainer (Grade 6-8)
     Breaking Up (Grade 6-8)
     Time to Help? (Grade 6-8)
     Quit Band? (Grade 6-8)
     Zap those Zits! (Grade 6-8)
     Time Is Money? A Dog Grooming Dilemma (Grade 6-8)
     Which Job Will You Choose? (Grade 6-8)
     The Loan (Grade 6-8)
     Free Money (Grade 6-8)
     What Do You Say? (Grade 6-8)
     If You Were An Immigrant in 1893 (Grade 6-8)
     No One Does Homework (Grade 6-8)
     How Old Is Your Friend? (Grade 6-8)
     Let Me See That (Grade 6-8)
     Gift Clothes (Grade 6-8)
     Confidential Information (Grade 6-8)
     Friends (Grade 6-8)
     Team Challenge (Grade 6-8)
     The Problem with Sharing (Grade 6-8)
     Money Is Missing (Grade 6-8)
     No Time for Homework (Grade 6-8)
     Everyone Else Has a Computer (Grade 6-8)
     Please Lie for Me! (Grade 6-8)
     Where Can I Buy Some Self-confidence? (Grade 6-9)
     Olympic Dream or Reality (Grade 6-9)
     Going to the Movies (Grade 6-9)
     The Shocking Website (Grade 7-9)
     Runaway Friend (Grade 9-12)
     Keep that SAT Score? (Grade 9-12)
     A Sad, Jobless Dad (Grade 9-12)
     Would You Like a Side Dish of Advanced Placement with That? (Grade 9-12)
     Will You Go to the Prom with Me? (Grade 9-12)
     Would You Take this Promotion? (Grade 9-12)
     3D Movies are a Pain in the Eye (Grade 9-12)
     Trick or Treat Dilemma (Grade 9-12)
     To Exchange or Not to Exchange? (Grade 9-12)
     Should You Take This Deal? (Grade 9-12)
     College Dorm or Stay at Home? (Grade 11-12)

Reader's Theater Scripts and Plays
     Off to the Pet Shop (Grade 1)
     A Surprise Breakfast (Grades 1-2)
     A Talking Bear Learns about Manners (Grades 1-2)
     All Kinds of Farmers (Grades 1-2)
     All of Me (Grades 1-2)
     All the Colors of the Rainbow (Grades 1-2)
     At the Aquarium (Grades 1-2)
     Can You Guess the Job? (Grades 1-2)
     I Don't Want to Put My Money in the Bank (Grades 1-2)
     I Need to Get Ready, Too! (Grades 1-2)
     I Need to Know the Time! (Grades 1-2)
     Let's Make a Fruit Salad (Grades 1-2)
     Let's Make Dinner (Grades 1-2)
     Let's Play "I Spy" in Our Classroom (Grades 1-2)
     Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the Morning (Grades 1-2)
     Oh, No! It's Saturday? (Grades 1-2)
     Tact at Layton's House (Grades 1-2)
     The Kites Fly High (Grades 1-2)
     The Perfect Place (Grades 1-2)
     Time to Shop! (Grades 1-2)
     We're Picking Up Gramma (Grades 1-2)
     What's a Family Tree? (Grades 1-2)
     What's for Lunch? (Grades 1-2)
     A Trip to the Farm (Grades 1-3)
     A Typical Day (Grades 1-3)
     A Veteran's Day Celebration (Grades 1-3)
     An Instrumental Wish (Grades 1-3)
     Apples for Everyone! (Grades 1-3)
     Birds of a Feather (Grades 1-3)
     Buying Fruits at the Farmers' Market (Grades 1-3)
     Cleaning the Utility Room (Grades 1-3)
     Dinosaur Survival School (Grades 1-3)
     Feet and Hooves and Wheels and Wings (Grades 1-3)
     Getting More Exercise (Grades 1-3)
     Giving a Speech (Emotions) (Grades 1-3)
     Grandpa Learns a New Game (Grades 1-3)
     Is It Spring Yet? (Grades 1-3)
     Let's Go Shopping! (Grades 1-3)
     Netiquette Nelly Saves the Day (Grades 1-3)
     Nutty Ned (Grades 1-3)
     Packing for the Skiing Trip (Grades 1-3)
     Packing for Vacation (Grades 1-3)
     Painting the House (Grades 1-3)
     Shopping at the Supermarket (Grades 1-3)
     Sneaky Smoke (Grades 1-3)
     The Perfect Pumpkin (Grades 1-3)
     The Pine Tree Problem (Grades 1-3)
     Was the West Wild? (Grades 1-3)
     What Not To Do (Grades 1-3)
     Yippee! School's Out! (Grades 1-3)
     Chinese Zodiac or Chinese Zoo? (Grades 1-4)
     An Apple a Day - A Readers' Theater (Grade 2)
     Checking in at the Airport (Grade 2)
     Home Work (Grade 2)
     I Want To Be a Real Boy! (Grade 2)
     Making Music (Grade 2)
     Playing Outside (Grade 2)
     To Grandma's House We Go (Grade 2)
     What Will We Be for Halloween? (Grade 2)
     Won't You Like Us? (Grade 2)
     All About Calendars (Grades 2-3)
     Chalkboard and Paintbrush (Grades 2-3)
     Clean Up! (Grades 2-3)
     Cleaning Out a Closet (Grades 2-3)
     Clothes Shopping! (Grades 2-3)
     Colorful People (Grades 2-3)
     Don't Forget Your Vitamins and Minerals! (Grades 2-3)
     Four Seasons Potluck (Grades 2-3)
     Grandparents Are Great! (Grades 2-3)
     Half-Chick: A Tale from Spain (Grades 2-3)
     How Rocks Were Born: A Story of the Far North (Grades 2-3)
     I Want to Be a Jack-O-Lantern (Grades 2-3)
     I'm Bored with School! (Grades 2-3)
     Jake Opens a Bank Account (Grades 2-3)
     Job Challenges (Grades 2-3)
     Mr. Bear and His Grapes: An African-American Tale (Grades 2-3)
     Out to Dinner (Grades 2-3)
     Pretty Inside (Grades 2-3)
     Puppies for Adoptions (Grades 2-3)
     Shape Up! (Grades 2-3)
     Silliness (Grades 2-3)
     Some Like it Cold (Grades 2-3)
     Spanish Greetings (Grades 2-3)
     The Big, Wide-Mouthed Toad-Frog (Grades 2-3)
     The Four Dragons (Grades 2-3)
     The Ram and the Pig (Grades 2-3)
     The Ungrateful Wolf: A Tale from the Pacific Northwest (Grades 2-3)
     The Wonderful World of Whales (Grades 2-3)
     The Yellow Dragon: Why Some Animals Look the Way They Do (Grades 2-3)
     Trouble on the Farm -- A Readers' Theater (Grades 2-3)
     Which Sport for Me? (Grades 2-3)
     Why Tortoise's Shell Is Not Smooth (Grades 2-3)
     A New House (Grades 2-4)
     Amare and the Game Board: An Ethiopian Tale (Grades 2-4)
     Antarctica: Life in a Frozen Land (Grades 2-4)
     At the Post Office (Grades 2-4)
     Big Turtle: A Native American Story (Grades 2-4)
     Breaking the Bank (Grades 2-4)
     Busy Bees: Life in a Honeybee Hive (Grades 2-4)
     Buying Vegetables at the Farmers' Market (Grades 2-4)
     Cleaning the Bathroom (Grades 2-4)
     Company for Breakfast (Grades 2-4)
     Company for Breakfast (Grades 2-4)
     Handling the Phone (Grades 2-4)
     How Bear Lost His Tail: An Iroquois Legend (Grades 2-4)
     How Mr. Snail Lost His Eyes (Grades 2-4)
     How Raven Got the Sun: A Native American Legend (Grades 2-4)
     How the Brave Pot-Maker Helped the Rajah: A Tale from India (Grades 2-4)
     How the Kangaroo Got Her Pouch: An Australian Aboriginal Legend (Grades 2-4)
     Hunting for Treasure in the Rain Forest (Grades 2-4)
     Imagine Hispanic Heritage! (Grades 2-4)
     Leo the Lion and Tiny Mouse (Grades 2-4)
     Making Potato Salad (Grades 2-4)
     Manners Matter (Grades 2-4)
     Mr. Sparrow and His Big Mouth (Grades 2-4)
     Reading the Sports Page (Grades 2-4)
     Running Errands (Grades 2-4)
     Sour Grapes - A Monologue (Grades 2-4)
     T.J. Tortoise and Howie Hare (Grades 2-4)
     The Doctor's Appointment (Grades 2-4)
     The Mouse Deer: A Tale From Indonesia (Grades 2-4)
     The Pear Tree (Grades 2-4)
     The Traffic Accident (Grades 2-4)
     Turtle Goes on the Warpath: An Iroquois Tale (Grades 2-4)
     Two Guys and a Really Big Bear (Grades 2-4)
     Raven and the Very Foolish Man (Grades 2-5)
     A New Home for Sloth (Grade 3)
     At the Post Office (Grade 3)
     At the Restaurant (Grade 3)
     Cooking Together (Grade 3)
     Here's Your Sign (Grade 3)
     How About Hat? (Grade 3)
     Ocean Animals (Grade 3)
     Party Preparation (Grade 3)
     Planning Our Days (Grade 3)
     Seafood Lunch (Grade 3)
     Stirring the Pot (Grade 3)
     Time for the Show... (Grade 3)
     We're Going Back to School (Grade 3)
     Wedding Days (Grade 3)
     Beginning of the New... (Grades 3-4)
     Calendar Conversation (Grades 3-4)
     Cheng and Jian: The Story of Two Chinese Brothers (Grades 3-4)
     Community Helpers (Grades 3-4)
     Constitutional Cathy Pays a Visit (Grades 3-4)
     Friends and Feelings (Grades 3-4)
     Frog and Turtle Conversation (Grades 3-4)
     How the Dog Came to Live With Man (Grades 3-4)
     Living in the Sahara Desert (Grades 3-4)
     Maui Tames the Sun: A Hawaiian Legend (Grades 3-4)
     Please Forgive Me (Grades 3-4)
     Preparing for a Party (Grades 3-4)
     Round Magic: A Japanese Tale (Grades 3-4)
     Stylin' (Grades 3-4)
     The Badger and the Rattlesnake (Grades 3-4)
     The Frog Who Went to the Sky: A Tale from Angola (Grades 3-4)
     The Gecko and the Gray Wolf (Grades 3-4)
     The Hedgehog's Race: A Story from Scotland (Grades 3-4)
     The Kite and the Cloud (Grades 3-4)
     The Magic Bowl (Grades 3-4)
     The Story of the Stone Lion (Grades 3-4)
     The Tale of Tafari: How Spiders Learned to Weave (Grades 3-4)
     Thumbling: The Tale of a Tiny Boy (Grades 3-4)
     Tug of War: Which Animal is the Strongest? (Grades 3-4)
     Two Kinds of Manners (Grades 3-4)
     We Are Circus Performers (Grades 3-4)
     We'll Keep You Safe (Grades 3-4)
     Wedding Style (Grades 3-4)
     Why Bats Fly at Night: A Story from Laos (Grades 3-4)
     Why the Carabao Moves So Slowly: A Filipino Tale (Grades 3-4)
     Ant and Chrysalis (Grades 3-5)
     Building a New Park (Grades 3-5)
     David and the Wolf (Grades 3-5)
     First-Time Flyer (Grades 3-5)
     Going to the Family Reunion (Grades 3-5)
     Life in the Amazing and Unique Everglades (Grades 3-5)
     Spilled Milk (Grades 3-5)
     Spring and Summer Holidays (Grades 3-5)
     Tactful Tori (Grades 3-5)
     The Class Project (Grades 3-5)
     The Importance of Being Responsible (Grades 3-5)
     The King With Dirty Feet (Grades 3-5)
     The Miser's Gold (Grades 3-5)
     The Naughty Dog (Grades 3-5)
     The North Wind and the Sun Compete (Grades 3-5)
     The Old Woman and Her Bear (Grades 3-5)
     The Origin of Disease and Medicine: A Cherokee Myth (Grades 3-5)
     The School Concert (Grades 3-5)
     The Talking Salmon (Grades 3-5)
     Todd and the Apple Tree (Grades 3-5)
     K.C.'s Dream (Grades 3-6)
     The Donkey's Tale (Grades 3-6)
     The Hearty Animals of the Polar Region (Grades 3-6)
     The Man Who Became a Caribou (Grades 3-8)
     A More Perfect Union (Grade 4)
     Family Reunion (Grade 4)
     He Sailed the Ocean Blue (Grade 4)
     Learning in Class (Grade 4)
     Race of Emotions (Grade 4)
     Showing Off Our Clothes! (Grade 4)
     Sibling Cleaning Team (Grade 4)
     What Is a Hero? (Grade 4)
     Camels Can't Dance (Grades 4-5)
     Gold for the Clever Man: A Tale from India (Grades 4-5)
     I Don't Understand Them! (Grades 4-5)
     King Sejong and His Alphabet: A Korean Tale (Grades 4-5)
     Manners Mayhem at the Movie Theater (Grades 4-5)
     Not Just about Us (Grades 4-5)
     The Poor Man and the Snake (Grades 4-5)
     Autumn Holidays (Grades 4-6)
     Fine Feathers (Grades 4-6)
     Game Manners (Grades 4-6)
     Grady Grasshopper and Archie Ant (Grades 4-6)
     Meet My Teachers (Grades 4-6)
     Reginald Flips His Wig (Grades 4-6)
     The Blue Rose (Grades 4-6)
     The Eagle, the Snake, and the Hiker (Grades 4-6)
     The Gift of Gold (Grades 4-6)
     The Lake of Miracles: An Incan Legend (Grades 4-6)
     How to Handle a Theft (Grades 4-7)
     Rising to a Challenge (Grades 4-7)
     Setting and Achieving Goals (Grades 4-7)
     Study Skills (Grades 4-7)
     How to Handle a Bully (Grades 4-8)
     Picking on the New Kid (Grades 4-12)
     Counting Change (Grade 5)
     Cleaning Another Bathroom (Grades 5-6)
     The Volcanoes - A Play About Forgiveness (Grades 5-7)
     Accepting Responsibility (Grades 6-7)
     Organization (Grades 6-7)
     Punctuality (Grades 6-7)
     Kids in a Cabin - a Lesson in Responsibility (Grades 6-8)
     Forgiveness Rapped Up (Grades 7-8)
     Brother to Brother [Gangs Theme] (Grades 9-12)
     Sister to Sister [Gangs Theme] (Grades 9-12)

Reluctant Reader Books
     The Story of an Apple (Grade 1-3)
     A Message from Fluffy (Grade 2-3)
     A Message from Rover (Grade 2-3)
     Attack on the High Seas (Grade 2-3)
     Clowning Around (Grade 2-3)
     Dear Diary, What a Year! (Grade 2-3)
     Earth Hour Sleepover (Grade 2-3)
     How to Pamper Your Pooch (Grade 2-3)
     I Love Winter (Grade 2-3)
     If I Lived at the White House... (Grade 2-3)
     Let's Go Digging For Dinosaurs! (Grade 2-3)
     Munchable Mysteries: Busting Food Myths (Grade 2-3)
     Oh Man, Stan! (Grade 2-3)
     Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Laws (Grade 2-3)
     The Beyonc� Contest (Grade 2-3)
     The Sun Stands Still (Grade 2-3)
     Stu and Sally Stingray (Grade 2-4)
     Weird and Wonderful You! Book #1 (Grade 2-4)
     Doggie Lingo (Grade 2-6)
     Porter's Letters to Griffin (Grade 3)
     A Weekend in the Smokies (Grade 3-4)
     All in the Family: The Manning Brothers (Grade 3-4)
     Brave Ruby Bridges (Grade 3-4)
     Bug Off! Bizarre Bugs From Around the World (Grade 3-4)
     Chang's Chinese New Year (Grade 3-4)
     Dream a Little Dream...What Does it Mean? (Grade 3-4)
     Emma's Eyes (Grade 3-4)
     Extreme Snow (Grade 3-4)
     Hooray for Halloween! (Grade 3-4)
     In the Pit...With the Crew: A NASCAR Pit Crew (Grade 3-4)
     John's Gross-out Mealtime Manners (Grade 3-4)
     Just Right for Dad (Grade 3-4)
     Letters from Griffin (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Madam C.J. Walker (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Martin Luther King, Jr. (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Match the Fire Dog (Grade 3-4)
     Meet Miley (Grade 3-4)
     Mind Your Animal Manners (Grade 3-4)
     Oil in the Gulf (Grade 3-4)
     Oops! More Wild and Wacky Sports Injuries (Grade 3-4)
     P.U. Plants (Grade 3-4)
     Pass it Peyton! Peyton Manning (Grade 3-4)
     Peace with Pizza (Grade 3-4)
     Percy the Penguin (Grade 3-4)
     Room 127: Alex's X-Ray Vision (Grade 3-4)
     Room 127: Jack Jumps (Story #3) (Grade 3-4)
     Sleep Tight. Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite! (Grade 3-4)
     Spiders (Grade 3-4)
     Stormy Weather (Grade 3-4)
     The French Quarter's Quarterback: Drew Brees (Grade 3-4)
     The Man Who Followed Favre: Aaron Rodgers (Grade 3-4)
     Weird and Wonderful You! Book #2 (Grade 3-4)
     Wild and Wacky Athlete Injuries (Grade 3-4)
     All-Terrain Vehicles (Grade 3-5)
     Auto Racing (Grade 3-5)
     Groundhog Day: The History and the Holiday (Grade 3-5)
     HI is for Hawaii (Grade 3-5)
     History of Hip Hop (Grade 3-5)
     How a Bicycle Works (Grade 3-5)
     How Do You Make a Video Game? (Grade 3-5)
     NH is for New Hampshire (Grade 3-5)
     Prairie Habitat (Grade 3-5)
     Reaching for the Goal (Grade 3-5)
     Taylor Swift (Grade 3-5)
     The Hummingbird That Lost Its Hum (Grade 3-5)
     A Shooting Star over the Shoe Store (Grade 3-6)
     H Is for Halloween (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Entertains a Pink Blobulus (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Gets Another Pet (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Gets his License (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Goes to a Potluck (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Has a Garage Sale (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Has Pet Problems (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Visits Earth (Grade 3-6)
     Marculus Visits Washington, D.C. (Grade 3-6)
     RI is for Rhode Island (Grade 3-6)
     The Big Prize (Grade 3-6)
     Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 3-6)
     Meet Me in Miami: My Trip to Super Bowl XLIV (Grade 3-12)
     Punk'd at the Prom (Grade 4)
     The Ghost at Cave-in-Rock (Grade 4)
     A Trip to the International Space Station (Grade 4-5)
     Ants (Grade 4-5)
     Back to School All Around the World (Grade 4-5)
     Bethany Hamilton: Shark Attack Survivor (Grade 4-5)
     Bright Lights in the Deep, Dark Sea (Grade 4-5)
     Busting Bad Luck Myths (Grade 4-5)
     Cycling's Superstar: Lance Armstrong (Grade 4-5)
     Eww! Being Stinky to Stay Safe (Grade 4-5)
     Extreme Floods (Grade 4-5)
     Getting to Know the Jonas Brothers (Grade 4-5)
     It's All in the Numbers: Wild and Wacky Number Truths (Grade 4-5)
     Kelly Pickler: From Small Town Girl to Big Time Star (Grade 4-5)
     Meat Munching Plants (Grade 4-5)
     Meet Dave the Bug Eater (Grade 4-5)
     Meet President Obama (Grade 4-5)
     Play Hard, Stay Safe (Grade 4-5)
     Sandcastles on the Beach (Grade 4-5)
     Shaquille O'Neal (Grade 4-5)
     Shaun White: Action Sport Superstar (Grade 4-5)
     Showtime for Punxsutawney Phil (Grade 4-5)
     Snakes (Grade 4-5)
     Soccer's Superstar: David Beckham (Grade 4-5)
     Special Forces: Pararescue Jumpers (Grade 4-5)
     Ten Fascinating Facts About Bats (Grade 4-5)
     The Titanic: The "Unsinkable Ship" that Sank (Grade 4-5)
     The Crazy Crashes of NASCAR (Grade 4-5)
     The Magic in Room 127: Isabella's Story (Grade 4-5)
     The Making of a Mummy (Grade 4-5)
     The Myth of the Man-eating Monster (Grade 4-5)
     Unlikely Animal Friends (Grade 4-5)
     Want to be an Astronaut? (Grade 4-5)
     Weird and Wild Sports from Around the World (Grade 4-5)
     Welcome to Army Ranger School (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Bear Attack (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Lost at Sea (Grade 4-5)
     Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Shark Attack (Grade 4-5)
     You and Your Favorite Color (Grade 4-5)
     Your Dog's Baffling Behavior (Grade 4-5)
     A New Game Show on Planet Pearth! (Grade 4-6)
     AL is for Alabama (Grade 4-6)
     Animal Outlaws (Grade 4-6)
     AZ is for Arizona (Grade 4-6)
     C Is For Christmas (Grade 4-6)
     CA is for California (Grade 4-6)
     CO is for Colorado (Grade 4-6)
     Dog Mushing (Grade 4-6)
     E Is for Easter (Grade 4-6)
     Electricians (Grade 4-6)
     Escape from the Vampire (Grade 4-6)
     FL is for Florida (Grade 4-6)
     Gooaalllll! (Grade 4-6)
     H Is for Healthy Habits (Grade 4-6)
     History of Country Music (Grade 4-6)
     How About a Corn Snake for a Pet? (Grade 4-6)
     How to Lose Friends and Annoy People (Grade 4-6)
     How We Play Recorded Music (Grade 4-6)
     ID is for Idaho (Grade 4-6)
     IN is for Indiana (Grade 4-6)
     It's a Chocolate Thing (Grade 4-6)
     KS is for Kansas (Grade 4-6)
     KY is for Kentucky (Grade 4-6)
     L is for Landforms (Grade 4-6)
     Landmarks of the United States (Grade 4-6)
     Let's Go Fly a Kite! (Grade 4-6)
     Machu Picchu: The City in the Clouds (Grade 4-6)
     Marculus Gets a Job (Grade 4-6)
     Marculus Goes to Summer Camp (Grade 4-6)
     Marculus Visits a Carnival (Grade 4-6)
     MD is for Maryland (Grade 4-6)
     MN is for Minnesota (Grade 4-6)
     Monster Trucks (Grade 4-6)
     More Weird Earth Sayings (Grade 4-6)
     Motorcycles (Grade 4-6)
     Oh, the Stories He Wrote! The Life of Dr. Seuss (Grade 4-6)
     OR is for Oregon (Grade 4-6)
     Origami (Grade 4-6)
     PA is for Pennsylvania (Grade 4-6)
     Rent-a-Genie, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     Rent-a-Genie, Book Two (Grade 4-6)
     Rex's Delectable Food Phrases (Grade 4-6)
     Roller Coasters (Grade 4-6)
     Scarlet Tiara Loves Red (Grade 4-6)
     So You Want to be a Superhero (Grade 4-6)
     So You Want to Find Your Hidden Talent (Grade 4-6)
     Soccer History by Mail (Grade 4-6)
     Storm Chasers: Into the Storm (Grade 4-6)
     T Is for Thanksgiving (Grade 4-6)
     The Greatest Spectacle in Racing (Grade 4-6)
     The Magic Shower Stall, Book One (Grade 4-6)
     TN is for Tennessee (Grade 4-6)
     TX is for Texas (Grade 4-6)
     Types of Video Games (Grade 4-6)
     Underwater Adventure, Book Two (Grade 4-6)
     VA is for Virginia (Grade 4-6)
     Veterinarian (Grade 4-6)
     WV is for West Virginia (Grade 4-6)
     The ABCs of Geometry (Grade 4-7)
     A Mythic Order Adventure (Grade 5)
     Making Money: a Rewarding Experience (Grade 5)
     Amazing Spiders (Grade 5-6)
     B Is for Baseball (Grade 5-6)
     Derek Jeter (Grade 5-6)
     Excuse Me! Wacky and Wild Cultural Differences (Grade 5-6)
     Fun Facts about America's First President (Grade 5-6)
     Jennifer Hudson (Grade 5-6)
     Muskoxen (Grade 5-6)
     My, Oh, My! Mummy Tales From Around the World (Grade 5-6)
     President Barack Obama (Grade 5-6)
     So You Want to Be a Fashion Designer? (Grade 5-6)
     So You Want to Be a Fashion Model? (Grade 5-6)
     Thank You, Dr. Martin Luther King! (Grade 5-6)
     The Life of a Fashion Makeup Artist and Hairstylist (Grade 5-6)
     Who "Dat?" That's Drew Brees! (Grade 5-6)
     Wild and Wacky Dinosaur Facts (Grade 5-6)
     Wow! The New Seven Wonders of the World! (Grade 5-6)
     Extreme Sports: Going to Extremes (Grade 5-7)
     Level Up: The Making of a Video Game (Grade 5-7)
     Madam C.J. Walker (Grade 5-7)
     Snowmobiles (Grade 5-7)
     The History of Computers (Grade 5-7)
     The National Baseball Hall of Famers: The First Ten (Grade 5-7)
     What's Behind the Mask? (Grade 5-7)
     El Camino de la Muerte: The Road of Death (Grade 5-8)
     Alcatraz: The Rock (Grade 5-8)
     Animals on the Arctic Tundra (Grade 5-8)
     Bringing in the New Year (Grade 5-8)
     Gypsies (Grade 5-8)
     Let's Eat: Unusual Foods! (Grade 5-8)
     Let's Go Riding: Snowmobile Fun! (Grade 5-8)
     Pirates: Fact or Fiction? (Grade 5-8)
     Plants on the Arctic Tundra (Grade 5-8)
     The Northern Lights (Grade 5-8)
     The Tower of London (Grade 5-8)
     The World of Skateboarding (Grade 5-8)
     Haiti Then and Now (Grade 6-7)
     Meet George Washington (Grade 6-7)
     The Life of a Fashion Photographer (Grade 6-7)
     Famous Cemeteries in the U.S. (Grade 6-8)
     Glaciers in Alaska (Grade 6-8)
     The Bermuda Triangle (Grade 6-8)

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

Reading Comprehension
Reading Skills
English Language Arts

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