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Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Third Grade
Writing Worksheets
Third Grade Reluctant Readers
Reading and Writing Books
Reluctant Readers: Fiction
Attack on the High Seas (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
Oh Man, Stan! (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 4-5)
Porter's Letters to Griffin (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 5)
My Movie Moment (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 5)
Room 127: Jack Jumps (Story #3) (Grades 3-4)
Room 127: Alex's X-Ray Vision (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Room 127: Freddie Can Fly! (Story #2) (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
Letters from Griffin (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
A Shooting Star over the Shoe Store (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Entertains a Pink Blobulus (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Gets Another Pet (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Gets his License (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Goes to a Potluck (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Has Pet Problems (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Has a Garage Sale (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Visits Earth (Grades 3-6)
Marculus Visits Washington, D.C. (Grades 3-6)
Weird Earth Sayings (Grades 3-6)
Where, Oh Where is Monty the Bear? (Grades 3-6)
Reluctant Readers: Nonfiction
Let's Go Digging For Dinosaurs! (Grades 2-3)
Beyond Cats and Dogs: Athletes and Their Animals (Grades 2-3)
The Prairie Dog (Grades 2-3)
Pets to the Rescue (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-4)
Giant Pandas (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Laws (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
Sam's Trip to the Beach (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
Strange But True: Wacky World Records About the Human Body (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
How to Pamper Your Pooch (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Munchable Mysteries: Busting Food Myths (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Ladybugs! (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-6)
Tiffany's Ducklings (Grades 2-4)
Beyond Sit and Stay: Training Tricks for You and Your Dog (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
Weird and Wonderful You! Book #1 (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
The Beginner's Guide to Baseball (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
Spiders (Grades 3-4)
Life on a Tour Bus (Grades 3-4)
Meet Madam C.J. Walker (Grades 3-4)
Meet Miley (Grades 3-4)
The Man Who Followed Favre: Aaron Rodgers (Grades 3-4)
Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Sports (Grades 3-4)
Bug Off! Bizarre Bugs From Around the World (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Extreme Snow (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Mind Your Animal Manners (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Strange but True: Wild and Wacky Stunts (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Your Cat's Baffling Behavior (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Crazy Cars: Wild and Wacky Rides (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
Meet Bigfoot (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
Presidential Pets (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
Strange but True: Crazy Facts about Food (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
Wild and Wacky Athlete Injuries (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
Can You Believe it? Wild and Wacky Truths from Around the World (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Sleep Tight. Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite! (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Weird and Wonderful You! Book #2 (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
In the Pit...With the Crew: A NASCAR Pit Crew (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Meet Miranda Cosgrove (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Oops! More Wild and Wacky Sports Injuries (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Pass it Peyton! Peyton Manning (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Star Athletes and Their Pets (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
The French Quarter's Quarterback: Drew Brees (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Watch Out! It's a Wolfsnail! (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide: Quicksand (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
All in the Family: The Manning Brothers (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-12)
Brave Ruby Bridges (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 6-8)
Beaks (Grades 3-5)
Is It a Raven or a Crow? (Grades 3-5)
Tiffany Visits an Alpaca Farm (Grades 3-5)
Dylan and Cole Sprouse (Grades 3-5)
Desert Habitat (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Ocean Habitat (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
The ABCs of Baroque Music (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
All-Terrain Vehicles (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Auto Racing (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Prairie Habitat (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Temperate Forest Habitat (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Types of Auto Racing (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Smoke Jumpers (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Taylor Swift (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
History of Hip Hop (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 6-8)
How Do You Make a Video Game? (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 6-8)
How a Bicycle Works (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 6-8)
Meet Me in Miami: My Trip to Super Bowl XLIV (Grades 3-12; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Fiction Reading Books
A Dollar a Day (Grades 1-2)
Annie's Best Day (Grades 1-2)
Eating Through the Week (Grades 1-2)
My Dog and Best Friend (Grades 1-2)
The 100th Day (Grades 1-2)
Trick of the Clown Witch (Grades 1-2)
Coloring Easter Eggs (Grades 1-2)
Time to Learn (Grades 1-3)
Pine Cones for the Birds (Grades 1-3)
Goodies for Good Friends (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-5)
Lucky Leprechauns (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-5)
The Gingerbread Man (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-5)
Clowning Around (Grades 2-3)
Kyle, the Class Clown (Grades 2-3)
Summer at the Library (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
Summer Break (Grades 2-4)
The Snow Day (Grades 2-4)
Just Right for Dad (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
Emma's Eyes (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Peace with Pizza (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Emma's Valentine's Day Mystery (Grades 3-4)
Percy the Penguin (Grades 3-4)
Comparing Stories: Two Gingerbread Tales (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
Collecting For a Collection (Grades 3-5)
Reaching for the Goal (Grades 3-5)
Joey Roo and Something New (Grades 3-6; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Grammar Zoo Train (Grades 3-6)
The Big Prize (Grades 3-6)
Gooaalllll! (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 2-9)
Soccer History by Mail (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-9)
Nonfiction Reading Books
Magnets! (Grades 1-2)
The Wonder of Winter (Grades 1-2)
Mike Visits a Beach (Grades 1-3)
The Story of an Apple (Grades 1-3)
I Love Winter (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-3)
Splash of Color (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-3)
What Are Clouds? (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-3)
Wild Turkeys (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-3)
Animals that Live on the Farm: Pigs (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-4)
Butterflies at School (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-5)
Guess Which Dinosaur (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-6)
How Apples Grow (Grades 2-3)
Life at the Firehouse (Grades 2-3)
Meet Dr. Seuss (Grades 2-3)
What Makes a Bird a Bird? (Grades 2-3)
Be a Recycling Superhero! (Grades 2-3)
Ground Squirrels (Grades 2-3)
How Does a Pumpkin Grow? (Grades 2-3)
How to Make a Gingerbread House (Grades 2-3)
Meet Dr. Seuss (Grades 2-3)
The Elf Owl (Grades 2-3)
The History of Earth Day (Grades 2-3)
The Story of Milk: From the Farm to You (Grades 2-3)
Animals that Live on the Farm: Ducks (Grades 2-3)
Emperor Penguins (Grades 2-3)
How Spiders Catch Food (Grades 2-3)
Making Pizza (Grades 2-3)
Bats Are Like Birds - Aren't They? (Grades 2-3)
Please, Louise! (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
Arbor Day (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-4)
Who Are Community Helpers? (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-4)
Who Wears That Hat? (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-4)
A Tadpole Tale (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-5)
Butterflies and Moths (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-6)
My Favorite Dinosaurs (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-6)
What Can You See at the Seashore? (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-6)
Let's Meet Harriet Tubman (Grades 2-4)
Animals that Live on the Farm: Horses (Grades 2-4)
Antarctica, Land at the Bottom of the World (Grades 2-4)
Awesome Spiders! (Grades 2-4)
How Do You Know It Is Autumn? (Grades 2-4)
How Valentine's Day Began (Grades 2-4)
Tree Squirrels (Grades 2-4)
Animals that Live on the Farm: Goats (Grades 2-4)
Animals that Live on the Farm: Sheep (Grades 2-4)
Easter Time (Grades 2-4)
Go Fly a Kite! (Grades 2-4)
It's Spring! (Grades 2-4)
The History of Teddy Bears (Grades 2-4)
Animals that Live on the Farm: Turkeys (Grades 2-4)
Animals that Live on the Farm: Chickens (Grades 2-4)
Chipmunks (Grades 2-4)
Columbus Day (Grades 2-4)
Finding the Rainbow (Grades 2-4)
Happy New Year! (Grades 2-4)
National Hispanic Heritage Month (Grades 2-4)
Pumpkin, Pumpkin, We Like Pumpkin! (Grades 2-4)
The American Toad (Grades 2-4)
The Biggest Animal on Earth (Grades 2-4)
The Life of a Spiderling (Grades 2-4)
What Do You Know About Polar Bears? (Grades 2-4)
Doggie Lingo (Grades 2-6)
A "Little" Writer: Louisa May Alcott (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 2)
Braille: Reading With Fingertips (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 2)
Can You Guess This Migrating Animal? (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 2)
How Did Veterans Day Begin? (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 2)
New England's Dark Day - Mystery Solved! (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 2)
The Polar Regions: Cold Deserts (Reading Level 3; Interest Level 2)
A Look at Clouds (Grade 3)
Can You Guess the Mystery Animal? (Grade 3)
Father's Day: A Day for Dads (Grade 3)
A Festival for Family: Chinese New Year (Grade 3)
George Washington Carver, Black Scientist and Inventor (Grade 3)
How Did April Fools' Day Begin? (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-4)
How to Pick a Pet (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-4)
Touch, One of Our Five Senses (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-4)
What Does a Veterinarian Do? (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-4)
Pop! Pop! Popcorn! (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
Professor Know-It-Owl Explains the Seasons (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
Toothed Whales (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
What's on a Map? (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
A Day to Celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Backyard Birds (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Stormy Weather (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Oil in the Gulf (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 2-9)
A Green Mystery Animal (Grades 3-4)
Breakfast: The Secret to Having a Great School Year (Grades 3-4)
Give the Earth a Hand! (Grades 3-4)
John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed (Grades 3-4)
Music ABCs (Grades 3-4)
The Biggest Bird in the World: The Ostrich (Grades 3-4)
The First Flag Day (Grades 3-4)
The History of Hanukkah (Grades 3-4)
The Magnetic Force (Grades 3-4)
The Northern Cardinal (Grades 3-4)
The Old West of Charles Marion Russell (Grades 3-4)
The Reason for Pearl Harbor Day (Grades 3-4)
The Wild Turkey, a Truly American Bird (Grades 3-4)
What Is Electricity? (Grades 3-4)
A First Look at Energy (Grades 3-4)
Adelie Penguins (Grades 3-4)
Get the Scoop: Insider Secrets About Soil (Grades 3-4)
High-Flying Fun (Grades 3-4)
Hooray for Halloween! (Grades 3-4)
Meet Martin Luther King, Jr. (Grades 3-4)
Queen Bess: Aviator Bessie Coleman (Grades 3-4)
Two Birds of Antarctica (Grades 3-4)
What Are the Northern Lights? (Grades 3-4)
What Does the President Do? (Grades 3-4)
What Lives in the Soil? (Grades 3-4)
Women's Struggle for Equal Rights (Grades 3-4)
How Do You Get From Place to Place? (Grades 3-4)
Pump It Up: All About Your Blood (Grades 3-4)
What Do Animals Do During the Winter? (Grades 3-4)
Working Dogs (Grades 3-4)
P.U. Plants (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Signs of Autumn (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
Spelling Out Good Character (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-5)
Apples, From the Farm to You! (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Baseball Cards (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Celebrating Kwanzaa (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Friendly, Fascinating Dolphins! (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
George Washington Carver: "The Peanut Man" (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Getting Ready for Kwanzaa (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
How We Hear Sounds (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Music From A to Z (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Phases of the Moon (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Prairie Dogs (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Sea Sponges (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Seven Sea Turtles (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Snowflake Secrets (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Spiders Are Superb Spinners! (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
The Amazing Amazon Rainforest (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Unusual Mammals (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
What Causes the Seasons? (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Where Does Our Trash Go? (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Your Teeth (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Amazing Cnidarians (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-7)
I Broke My Arm! (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-8)
Lady Liberty (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-8)
Meet the Orchestra (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-8)
The History of Labor Day (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-8)
Finding a Book in the Library (Grades 3-5)
Sally Ride, First American Woman in Space (Grades 3-5)
Two Forms of Energy (Grades 3-5)
Why We Celebrate Constitution Day (Grades 3-5)
A Mardi Gras Alphabet Book (Grades 3-5)
Amelia Earhart, Celebrated Female Pilot (Grades 3-5)
Christmas in Mexico (Grades 3-5)
Echinodermata (Grades 3-5)
Flag Day - A Birthday Party for Our Flag! (Grades 3-5)
Groundhog Day: The History and the Holiday (Grades 3-5)
Means of Transportation (Grades 3-5)
Mount Rushmore: The Big Four (Grades 3-5)
Smokeout Day (Grades 3-5)
The Iroquois Confederacy (Grades 3-5)
The Unusual Life Cycle of Salmon (Grades 3-5)
There Once Was a Creature That Swallowed Another (Grades 3-5)
From the Ground Up (Grades 3-5)
Alive or Not? (Grades 3-5)
Autumn's Changing Colors (Grades 3-5)
Constitution Day (Grades 3-5)
Helen Keller (Grades 3-5)
Rachel Carson, Environmentalist (Grades 3-5)
Rocks and Minerals (Grades 3-5)
Mapping ABC Style (Grades 3-6)
Early Years of a Leader (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 1-6)
Spiders: Carnivores Without Teeth (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Spider or Insect? (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
The Colorful Leaves of Autumn (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
What Does MyPlate Want You to Put on
Plate? (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
Could be an Olympic Athlete! (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
Ten Fascinating Facts About Bats (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
The Greatest Spectacle in Racing (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 1-8)
Christmas Traditions in the United States (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
Explorers of North America (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
The Inside Story of Your Teeth (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
True Butterflies (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
It's a Chocolate Thing (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-7)
George Washington, First President of the United States (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
How Sound Travels (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Ocean Life in the Intertidal Zone (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Sally Ride, First American Woman in Space (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Thank a Farmer! (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Your Skeleton (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
The ABCs of Geometry (Grades 4-7; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
The Legend Behind the Poem (Grades 4-7; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
What Causes the Seasons? (Reading Level 5; Interest Level 3)
Amelia Earhart, Aviator (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
Easter Customs (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
Prairie Dogs: Home on the Range (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
A Look Into Space (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Animals That Use Mimicry (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Bo Obama, the First Dog (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Classifying Invertebrate Animals (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Rainbows (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
See the Light (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Sinkholes: Erosion Under the Ground (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Static Electricity (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
What Time Is It? (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Your Amazing Brain! (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Your Eyes (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
The Attack on Pearl Harbor (Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-10)
The Story of USS
(Grades 5-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-10)
More Books
It's Father's Day! (Grades 1-3)
Spring Has Sprung (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-3)
Summertime Is Beach Time! (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-4)
The Sun Stands Still (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-4)
Magnificent Mackinac (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 1-6)
Dear Diary, What a Year! (Grades 2-3)
Shh! It's a Secret! (Grades 2-3)
This One is Just Right (Grades 2-3)
A Spring Garden (Grades 2-3)
The Not-So-Scary Surgery (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-4)
Earth Hour Sleepover (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
If I Lived at the White House... (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
The Beyonc� Contest (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-6)
A Message from Rover (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
A Message from Fluffy (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Summer Postcards from Blake and Bill (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 4-6)
Make Me a Mummy (Grades 2-3; Interest Level: Grades 4-8)
Philly's Dream Come True (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 1-5)
Grandparents Day (Grades 2-4)
The Message of Red Ribbon Week (Grades 2-4)
Stu and Sally Stingray (Grades 2-4; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
Meet Match the Fire Dog (Grades 3-4)
Chang's Chinese New Year (Grades 3-4)
Move it, Mister! (Grades 3-4)
Not Just Another Bus Ride (Grades 3-4)
Oh My! It's a Monk Seal! (Grades 3-4)
Texting to Save the Gulf (Grades 3-4)
The Smoke Detector Saved Me! (Grades 3-4)
A Day to Remember (Grades 3-4)
Are You Ready to Run? (Grades 3-4)
John's Gross-out Mealtime Manners (Grades 3-4)
The Tale of my New Tail (Grades 3-4)
The Trip in Time (Grades 3-4)
A Weekend in the Smokies (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Dream a Little Dream...What Does it Mean? (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
Good Luck Symbols from Around the Globe (Grades 3-4; Interest Level: Grades 5-8)
The Hummingbird That Lost Its Hum (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 1-5)
Have A Frightfully Fun Halloween! (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 2-6)
Leap Year (Grades 3-5)
Ogres (Grades 3-5; Interest Level: Grades 5-7)
Sandcastles on the Beach (Grades 4-5; Interest Level: Grades 3-5)
The Olympics Are Coming! (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-8)
Rocky Mountain National Park Adventure (Grades 4-6; Interest Level: Grades 3-9)
A to Z Books
HI is for Hawaii (Grades 3-5)
NH is for New Hampshire (Grades 3-5)
S Is For St. Patrick (Grades 3-5)
H Is for Halloween (Grades 3-6)
ME is for Maine (Grades 3-6)
RI is for Rhode Island (Grades 3-6)
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