
Allosaurus (AL-loh-SORE-uss) was a large dinosaur that lived on Earth 150 million years ago in the late Jurassic period. Its name means "strange lizard." It was forty feet long - as long as a school bus! It was twice as tall as a man. It ate meat, so it was a carnivore. Allosaurus, like most meat-eaters, had knobs and lumps on its skull. What were they for? No one knows. Allosaurus may have been a predator that hunted other dinosaurs. It may have been a scavenger that ate animals that were already dead. It had more than 70 sharp, curved teeth that were four inches long. There were at least seven different kinds of Allosaurus. This dinosaur walked around on two thick legs. Its two front legs or "arms" were short. Dinosaurs that walked or ran on two legs and had short front limbs were called theropods .....

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